Is it true that Scandinavians don't do small talk?

Is it true that Scandinavians don't do small talk?

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Social distance

yes, but finns are worse.

What is wrong with them? Is it assburgers?

No, why would I talk to strangers?

One time I did "small talk" with a hobo for 30 minutes at a plaza, guy told me the story of his life and at the end I gave him 20 pesos, which is one dollar.

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maybe you don't. every swede I approached in Stockholm was a bro.

Nobody does that anywhere in the world except for the anglo countries

I hate small talk, whenever some boomer I've never met before tries to chit chat and act like we're friends I just ignore the fucker.

This. In normal countries, you talk to people if you are in social gatherings or if you have a really good reason to talk to someone.

Don't believe this

Fuck everyone with that "I don't speak to strangers bullshit", that's dumb as fuck. Why would you like to act like a douche? I'm not saying that I love when a boomer comes out of nowhere starts talking with me, but it makes it much easier to find friends and to interact with other people.

Yes. In Sweden you only make new friends through job or education or hobby. You basically need to be in situations where people are forced to talk to one another.

When I was in Sweden on vacation, the first day I went sight seeing with a giant backpack because after that, i planned to camp out.
So many people had a smile on their face and approached me - I was almost shocked.
A few days later I went around the same town without the backpack and it immediately stopped, because I did not look like a tourist anymore.

I saw many young, healthy and adjusted looking swedish couples with children however, that was a nice surprise. In my region sadly, young couples are almost always asocials.

seriously why the fuck would you have small talk with actual strangers on the streets or malls or public transport
i mean what the FUCK unironically

>I was almost shocked.
same lol. Swedes are way more social than I thought.

But my implicit point was, that you may have looked like a tourist even without a giant backpack.
Beeing social and interested towards tourists and their stories is different than being social and outgoing amongst yourselves.

honestly I hate small talk but this level of autism is too far

true. I did carry my backpack but I went to Stockholm, in a rural town I would have probably been approached. I just asked for directions and chatted with bartenders and the hotel lobby receptionist since he was around my age.

Also, though not scandinavian.

While I was in Finnland, i had all my preconceptions and hopes about the finnic people fullfilled.
They were very reserved in daylight and I felt quite at home. Then comes the evening and the flow of alcohol and they open up (a bit).
Had a blast with a group of metalheads in some dark corner of the city - although the most interesting one of them was so plastered he couldnt hold a straight conversation anymore.
Then I took the bus back to my room and there was not a single pair of non crossed eyes. Some, to my eyes, shady looking guy approached a young woman in the front I was getting myself ready to tell him off - beeing accustomed to german low lifes. They proceeded to have a nice little chat.
Everyone was drunk as hell, but they were still civil.

>Is it true that Scandinavians don't do small talk?
I don't do small talk but I don't mind if a tourist comes and starts a conversation with me. I live in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere so I haven't seen many foreigners. I have met an old German couple from Saxony, some Swedes and Russians. I met the German couple during a fair at the village market square. They were nice and kind and we drank coffee and talked about everything under the sun.

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>whenever some boomer I've never met before tries to engage with me and be nice, trying to strengthen the community fiber I just ignore the person because deep down I am not worth talking to much less being nice to
Fixed that for you, you self obsessed fuck.

Fuck small talk

I love how you guys talk about mhu community but at the same time you send your kids into a tuition fee hell and have no basic medical health care

Small talk is to be avoided.

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>college is a choice where so long as you get a real degree you can make good money with it
>why don't tax payers pay to let me go for free while i reap the rewards?!?!?!?!
>also, even though in this scenario I am a college student evidently i make over the medicare cut off of 16k a year because evidently my entitled ass is also pulling in bank while at college
Both of those are a choice. Being nice and courteous to each other and enforcing a community that cares about each other enough to inject some kindness is what a civilized and good society does. You want to make great money and not pay tuition? Trade schools offer PAID apprenticeships and you'll make great money once you complete your training, and you'll be in demand.

Yes, is true

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what part of Finland

Australian living here in Denmark.
You generally don’t end up chatting to someone in-line at the supermarket or waiting for the bus like you might at home. Not saying it’s super common in Australia but there’s fuck all chance here. I was home at Christmas and renewed my drivers license. Bloke next to me just started talking to me out of nowhere and it honestly took me a second to remember I was back in Australia and that this is normal. Also saying “how ya goin?” is confusing as fuck for people here haha.
Once Danes have a beer, like most people, they will talk with strangers no problem. Good folk.

i dont talk to people because i have aspergers and people often get angry at me when i speak to them

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>Once Danes have a beer, like most people, they will talk with strangers no problem
It's universal lubricant for social interactions.

not in bongland

Why? What do you tell them that makes them angry?

probably nothing, he just can't pick up non verbal communication

Full autism here, same for me.
Last time I talked to someone it almost resulted in a fist fight.
This is why I only go out when it's dark usually.

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