The more I learn about indonesia the more I hate them. Fucking genociders with impunity

The more I learn about indonesia the more I hate them. Fucking genociders with impunity

Attached: 800px-Indonesia_provinces_blank_map.svg.png (800x375, 96.16K)

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We are the only based genocidaire.
>Actually wiped out commies completely and ensuring no one can become commies at least openly

>causes a powerful Earthquake that genocided Ac*h Islamist insurgents
pretty based desu

Im not talking about commies but about East Timor and West Papua

Whye we kill west papua? They are wonderful. And 200.000 figures are literal lies, that's almost 20% of the population back then

What happens there?


children are gross

>upside down indonesia hating on upside down poland

I dont why but you did it.
Btw wiping out commies was actually based af

Is it because we arrest this idiot.

based Poland.

>no own history
>no good food
>women are worst
>low educated
>no contribute to the world
I don't care even if Indonesia will be disappear tomorrow.

ngl It's the first time I hear about this guy

can japan conquer indonesia?

lol obsessed faggot you follow us into another thread

Indonesia would be incredibly based if they weren't muslim

Funny you didn't mention Aceh when we actually did the same thing for them
Must be muh my christian brethen
I'm tired of you westoid

children are sexy

they're lukewarm muslims if you're into the Indosphere thing
Malaysia is the Pakistan of SEA

Nobody can improve that shithole

so every country shouldn't.

add those
>Chinks puppet state
>betrayal Agreements

I doubt it, Malaysia is actually second world tier. Also nuke Aceh.

Yes China is the future
You can do nothing jap

Never been to aceh it seems. The sharia law is regencies basis.


>Jap unaware that they were the reason why Indonesia even existed in the first place
Indonesia does a balancing act between Secular and Sharia law
Malaysia enshrined it in their constitution

malaysia employ sharia policy similar to aceh you fool

Faggots why are you so obsessed?

Are Indonesians this dark?
No wonder they can spot the Chinese in their "Communist" genocide

Attached: depositphotos_194668544-stock-photo-group-of-indonesian-kids.jpg (1600x1167, 277.68K)

not BLACK enough

you just need to search for who is not monkee

I actually like Indonesia more than most of SEA countries, they have well maintained and clean neighborhoods as compared to the Philippines for instance.


Jap really want to potray themselves as our saviour

>clean neighborhoods as compared to the Philippines
ive been in philippines for 3 months, its literally the same

my google street view experience says something different

The Japanese had no reason to write themselves as the demons of WW2 in Indonesia when they truly believed that they were trying to protect SEA from the West, even at the cost of infringing the independence of nations like Thailand or the Philippines during those times

Who fucking cares mate, You are the one who seethe at the thought that we might choose china

Attached: onan-hiroshi-atau-lelaki-dari-selatan-berusia-30_20180226_072537.jpg (700x393, 89.28K)

cherrypicked, i cant feel any difference between jakarta and manila, except manila unironically has slightly less scum wandering around.

Indonesia/GDP per capita
3,893.60 USD (2018)
Minimum Wages in Indonesia is expected to reach 4.00 IDR Million/Month by the end of 2020,
4,000,000 Indonesian Rupiah equals
269.28 United States Dollar

In 2019, the national minimum wage in Japan remained fixed at 1,213.1 € per month, that is 14,557 euros per year

>my google street view experience says something different
Visit a poor slum in Jakarta and you'll realize that it's no different from Tondo
You probable just stayed in the high end areas in street view

Why you so mad we give you more projects

did they force you to wear your flag upside down or something?

Attached: 1595223104019.jpg (845x812, 87.23K)

the fuck japan have to do with indo and philippines you mongrel abomination, fuck off

>Who fucking cares mate
not your statement, you got your reputation fucked by yourself

But those two statement are true though.

>newly-developed nation with increasing wages
God imagine my shock

What reputation? By the japanese? You're the one who seethe fag

the so called moderate muslims, and strayans are supporting them

>you mongrel abomination
t. abo negrito monkee