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International #1312
Kurva anyátok
Spic thread
Is your country a full democracy?
What will white boys do once the BBC conquers asian countries like it did white ones?
This is the worst board on this site, by far
How is it like to go to the beach in muslim countries...
Post local delicacies in your cunt
Why don’t we see Chilean athletes at the Olympics?
Does your country produce girls who are built for bbc? if so, post examples
Why do Americans eat this raw?
Any other non whites love white people?
What do you really think of Weimerica?
I hate obesity so fucking much
Would you fuck the BLACK QVEEN on the left Zig Forums?
This is a 6/10 in America
Does your country commit war crimes????
You wake up in Norilsk, Russia
And you laughed at Indians
Do you agree with your country on the best anime of the decade?
Itt say something positive about Armenia
They Won
Be black
Tfw no one to rescue me from latin america
White women? Yuck!
International love
Before I came to Zig Forums I was a well adjusted heterosexual male
Why are Japanese people like this?
Do you believe in Central America? If so, where does it start and end?
Do you have an entire region of the world with an absolutely MASSIVE inferiority complex toward you?
How paranoid are cops in your country?
What happens here?
Why do white guys pretend to be incels?
Petition to divide Mexico in two
/lat/ - hilo latino
Why do comfort women statues in other countries make Japan seethe so hard..?
The chance of there being a war in the next 10-20 years is astronomically high. I'm scared bros
Do you party in your country?
Do africans browse Zig Forums?
Armenia is finally over
Why did god invent balding?
Say his name
I feel, world want rising sun again
Why are South Americans obsessed with this shit?
What the fuck is wrong with european christians?
I'm tired of this. I'm tired of living in a country run by mafiosos...
Euros would rather this happen than they be perceived as even slightly racist
You're in the middle of siberia and dasha pours you a hot beverage
Armenian Samson Option
Why are Koreans so good at making phones?
You wake up in a northern portuguese village
Poles are our only best friends
I'm Portuguese
Americans living in cities like Phoenix could literally die without AC
Last time i visited my sister (4 months ago) i gave her a back massage while she was only wearing a bath towel...
Who do the Japanese hate the most?
What do you think about based kaczynski?
Big sis is getting pounded by a narco in the next room
What are far-right girls like in ur cunt
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Does this happen in your cunt? This is literally the only length of pants that young women wear here
Hey, gringos
VGH, the white kids of Argentina
Why don't we get to have beautiful mountain scenery?
1. Your country
Burgerbros, what's your states fetish? Are you proud of it?
You wake up in a norther polish village in the region of Warmia
Who is America's REAL best friend? I vote Japan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド Anonymous
Do you believe you'll ever find real love, Zig Forums?
Make a SOVL map of your country. I''ll start, Green= 10 most SOVLFUL states Red= 10 least SOVLFUL states
I saw a squirrel today
So are they on their way to superpower status, perhaps ottoman empire 2.0? they are raping the eu...
Is YOUR country friendly to the LGBT?
Why can dutchies only afford half of a house?
Pick your fighter Zig Forums
/ita/ il filo
The Soviet Union should have reformed their economy and stuck around
Does your country have gay rights?
I want a Norwegian girlfriend very badly! Be min kjæreste! Does anyone else on Zig Forums relate?
/lang/ - language learning general
Today is Mexico's 199th birthday
Opinions on the belgian empire (5th-9th century AD)?
Would you date a girl who is of mixed race?
Would you rather be European or American?
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
What do people in your country think about redheads? here they are made fun of
I am a chad, i support azerbaijan against arm*nia, what about you?
Sorry but if your country doesnt have its own original language, you are not white
Which one is german and which one is spanish?
Cousin sits on my lap while I'm shitposting on my pc
Honestly, I don't see them as latinos. They are a whole different thing. Culturally, and even the accent...
Sverigetråden - Kommunistupplagan
What's up with the Spain is white poster?
Why are Japanese people so good at making video games?
If you had to choose to live in one of these two countries, where would you rather live?
Why does Switzerland lack air conditioning?
Why do american military trainers believe that screaming at their recruits to the point of basically telling fresh...
Tfw no Daria gf
In europe, cashiers sit down while working
Mfw when i travel to a non white cunt
Can Kadyrov pass as Russian?
Imagine how many walmarts we could build here if we just got rid of some fucking trees
Well Zig Forums, do you prefer England or Scotland, and why?
Does this happen in your country
Does your country have a "problem" region?
Post beautiful places from this country. I dream of having a French Basque Argie mutt gf
WMAF belong to IBERIA
1.your cunt
/lat/ hilo latANO
Do you have a snake problem in you country/area?
A question to Brazilian anons
Post inventions of your people
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How do you unthirdify Brazil? Post ideas
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
/fr/ - Le francofil
/v4/ + friends
Let's be serious for a moment: is there a valid and acceptable explanation for the unusual quantity of beautiful girls...
Imagine not being in a green country
His country didnt have to fight for their independence
When did you realize that the United States was actually a pretty shitty country?
What's your favorite (female) Slavic name?
Is obesity common in your country?
Which country has the tallest women????
Spacetoon music
/ro/ Firul nostru
Why are american shitlibs obssessed with russia?
Global perceptions on pornography
What is it about the colors red and white that makes countries so incredibly evil?
Why do brits eat this? Would people in your country eat this?
Zig Forums drawing thread
Anyone else feel like Asians are the superior race?
Gulf Arabs look like this?!
Oh no no no
Anyone else hate how popular tattoos have become...
Why do they cause so much seething?
Sverigetråden - Visbyupplagan
Sverigetråden matgeekupplagan
This is happened in your cunt ? ( only for thirdie )
Why are Latin Americans like this?
Do they have women with red hair in balkshit countries?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
How are homeless trash treated in your cuntree? gonna be homeless if no one hires me by november 1st
/ita/ - il filo
Why do more civilised countries have lower birth rates. is there a correlation?
Please start speaking French
Can Dutch, Flemish and Afrikaans people understand each other?
What happened?
Why is Germany so superior to the rest of Europe?
18.2% of Luxembourg is Portuguese
Vietnamese are genetically close to east asians race such as korean, japanese, and chinese. But they are poor. Why?
Although suicide has not been confirmed in Ms Takeuchi's case...
/fr/ - francofil
How do Americans cope with this
Why are muslims so radicalized?
The mighty swedish military, don't mess with us!
/rus/ + /bel/ + /ukr/
Europeans be like "Freedom! Equality! Prosperity! Also go kill people and die for us or we put you in prison for 20...
My home country will be rich and nice one day....right?
Kurva anyátok
His "country" doesn't have it's own alphabet
America was a mistake
/lat/ hilo latino
What do people in your country think of him?
Sverigetråden - >dkn ingen fv
Why are they so fat, brown, short and ugly?
My dad beat me up 2 times and will kick me out of the house because i said fuck allah and that islam is for pigs what...
These guys must get all the bobs and vagene
The Netherlands is UTOPIA
What goes on in this country?
Protecting them in 1914 was a mistake on our part
/ita/ - il filo
Why are Basques so successful ?
Is this a black country?
Why did the french revolution try to remove all titles and remove the titles instead of just making all the current...
Are Americans larping as Irish, German, Italian, etc just pretending? Or are they actually like that?
The amount of highways in China is impressive
Why do Nordcucks call Finns mongols if they are mongols themselves?
Kurva anyátok
There's a shit ton of 2nd/rd generation "italians" in my country
How come Afro-Americans end up being complete criminal scums with no education in America while WE Native-Africans that...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2420
We've just ordered Indian food to our door from a restaurant we've never tried. I'll keep you posted
I don't get it
Do all german women really look like this? Can germans present here confirm?
Do they see themselves as more middle eastern or balkan/european?
How would you rate the continents of the world in terms of food?
/fr/ - le francofil
Is anime banned in your country? in my country yes, someone get Jailed for 2 years just because anime poster
We Poles are 50% iranian (sarmatian), 50% jewish
If you were given the chance and supposing you have a stable job secured, would you move to the Netherlands?
Why do Nordoids pay €300,000 to live in gas station sex motels?
Do girls in your country dress like this?
Black people thread
Why don't Spaniards respect Valley of the Fallen like Japan respects Yasukuni Shrine?
Why you can satisfied only one Alphabet?
Not all Asians look the sa-
Why did Koreans decide to play such sick joke on everyone?
Sverigetråden - Mejmejupplagan
I'm a med student and I hate it here, considering moving to Australia...
Why are they so arrogant?
You become dictator of your country
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/ita/ - il filo
How common is this phenotype in your country?
Maketh you think
What's wrong with finland
Italians have no bestie hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Mfw watching america get worse with each passing year
Japanese Artists Reimagine Countries And Their Flags As Anime Characters For Tokyo Olympics
White people thread
Americans be like
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Did Barcelona do high density housing best?
You're country
What should I know about these lil niggas
European feudal nobility
This is considered handsome man in China
/desi/-Main gareeb hu edition
Why jew girls are so beautiful?
Imagine living with a face like that, seeing it everyday in the looking glass. I'm so glad I'm not brown or black...
How are you getting ready for the next Azerbaijan-Armenian conflict?
/v4/ + friends
Post interesting lesser known facts about countries
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
Europe has finally been fixed. I did the impossible and created peace on the continent for 1000 years
Azerbaijan just bombed Armenia. Who's side are we on?
May the beauty of the eternal Armenian never fade from this earth
Why are they so ugly? ugliest europeans... I travel poland and everyone is like the hills have eyes
/danmarktråden/ + /skandi/
Which will balkanize first
My brother is acting like a total retard because I don't want to vote in the local elections...
Kurva anyátok
Would you sacrifice your life to defend the core values of your cunt? Y/N
Good Luck Europe:
How zoomer is Zig Forums?
Imagine being born south of this line
List of celebs killed themselves in Korea and Japan
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Why aren't you morally opposed to brain draining?
What Pedestrian signs look like in Europe
The Australian government sent me a birthday card, does your government send you a birthday card?
What's our least favourite American subculture?
Say something nice about the most underrated European country: The Czech Republic
What are the predominant philosophies in your country?
I can't believe America treats the people who built their country so poorly
Can I swim it?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
What is this guy called? Chud? Inceljak! Something else?
North brazil is a shitho... what the FUCK
Is it wrong to want to date women of other races?
Your Country
What do people do for fun here?
How do you go from this
/ita/ - il filo
Why do western people let their women go loose and let other men ogle freely at her body? This is absolute cuckery
How many people looking like this do you see in your country?
whitey, it's time for you country to pay reparations
Do you consider yourself a unique individual in your Cunt?
Mexican TV
/fr/ le francofil
Who is she?
Any of you burgers gonna vote for jo?
I unironically want all white males living in America to get out of there and come live in Latin America or Asia...
Is Montreal as /comfy/ as I think it is? I'm down to learn French bros
Browsing this board made me racially insecure and self-aware about living in a third world country
Have you ever used Viagra?
I am attracted to high school girls
Sverigetråden - Rismjölkupplagan
Why does Canada have so many hapas?
Do you support your country's brave troops who are stationed in foreign lands?
Europe explain
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Are the women who do the weather physically attractive in your country?
Is it true Americans are abnormal in that they kick out their kids by 18, and generally have weak family bonds?
Heinkein sucks ass buy something better you fucks
Dolar is more expensive than ever in argentina
/fr/ - le francofil
Wow... Chicanos look like THIS?
This actress died at the age of 40 years old
Why is Russia mostly considered as a european country, but Turkey isn't. Most of Russia is also in Asia
Blocks you're path in paris
How does your country feel about feet?
Name these two countries
I don't think Brazil really belongs in Latin America
African American Vernacular English should be legally recognized as its own language
Should I leave the United States?
Zig Forums - International - Catalog - Zig Forums
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Last week I converted to Catholicism rate my home altar
I'm jealous Euros don't have to experience peak Mexico Schizoposting hours
What happens in those regions?
Hilo latino /lat/
/lat/ - Hilo latino
GOO GOO GAA GAA *braaaaap*
Why do many North Africans look Asian?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Deer in walmart
Be American
/balk/ aкa /bawk/
Europeans larping as latinos: the country
His country doesn't have a national postal service
1 your cunt
I don't get it
Why is Zig Forums so aggressively autistic?
Why is this country so pathetic?
Why do they have no personality?
/fr/ - le francofile
Are there a lot of girls like polina in you're country?
Turkey should have the non-anatolian lands that the Hittites owned. Which include Cyprus...
Is domestic abuse common in you're country?
Entire Europe be like
Spain is the worst country in this continent
Do you love Japan?
Wtf Sweden?
/nachtschicht/ - ehemals - /deutsch/
Anyone else wish they were on of the Guanches?
Where can i find a man like this in mexico?
Whats the ethnic background of Turks?
Is it a third world country larping as a first world country?
Could German...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I knew it
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Have you ever kissed a girl?
Parents only want me marrying another Libyan. Not even other Nafri's only Libyans. Does this happen in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
Why do Brazilians love kuruminhas even though there's barely any in their country?
Are eurangutans still acting smug about destroying their economies over a flu?
Wait, what? Spanish boys look like THIS????
I wish I were a fucking firstoid
How are black people treated in your country. Would it be okay for a black person to visit there?
I lost my fucking home in a war
Sverigetråden - svho-upplagan
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
What did Japan mean by this?
How do you pronounce VGH?
/lat/ hilo latino
Post quality Apus
Faces of Zig Forums
Kurva anyátok
Here’s your state mandated Finnish gf bro you can pick one
Name one moral lesson you got from watching Naruto
User posts pic of some auschwitzmode femboy
Is there a difference?
In this thread we laugh at poland
What is the perfect response if someone replies to you with a soyjak?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What's thing about your country you're proud of the most?
/fr/ - le francofil
Which country has the tallest women. I need tall gf please
Why does South America, despite being much, much poorer and more crime-ridden than North America...
Do Norwegian men really?
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
/ita/ - il filo
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
I don't enjoy life
Ask a russian girls everything
Sverigetråden - Rom och cola-upplagan
Zig Forums drawing thread
If Americans cut 50% of their military budget and increased taxes on billionaires...
This is our royal family
Do you like spicy latinas?
I wish I was east asian, this isn't fair
Can pajeets explain this webm to me?
Post interracial couples from your cunt
Do this kind of shit happen in your cunt?
I cannot deal with the fact that we are brown moors
Whoa.. Spain looks like Eastern Europe
Does this really happen?
/fr/ - le fil français
America's "White Nationalist" candidate just said that and decided to give out 500 billion dollars to the black...
Ugly language
What would you do if you found out your gf had a black exbf?
Is it true that Swedes very often clean and cook instead of their wives? Are you really that cuckold?
Sverigetråden - Lördagskvällsfebern
Which part is the best?
Why are 18-19 year olds considered adults? Half of them still look like kids and most of them act like they’re kids
The more I learn about indonesia the more I hate them. Fucking genociders with impunity
What do you think about Ukraine?
LOL the fuck they use western alphabet today. What would their ancestors think?
Have you ever had lewd experiences with a sister/cousin? seen them naked/nip slip, etc
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Stop obsessing over us so much
What is wrong with Japan?
How can they be so grotesquely swarthy, dusky, tawny?
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - bajsupplagan
/ita/ - il filo
How come Americans never face any consequences?
Are you a racist?
Would you let a female family member of yours travel to Japan alone?
Ideal borders of France
Give me one reason why American economy or government should be changed more resembling other countries if we are...
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Do men in your country like wide hips and thicc thighs?
I realized
Post UGH... WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN... of your country
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine