5/8 male champions are Eastern European with Slavic girls dominating as well
Why are Eastern European niggers of niggers?
croatians are discount italians. you are not slav
Do "niggers" mean something different in Croatia?
Yes stipe and croats look really Italian
We are probably ten times blonder than them and we are literally the biggest humans on earth while Italians are the shortest Europeans we have nothing to do with them
Also the Slavic parts of Croatia are richer than historically Italian (even with the most beautiful coast in the world) because Italians are subhumans that breed quickly
Niggers means BBCs i.e. TEST humans
Idk, Zig Forums told me i look arabic.
stipe does not look like an average croatian.
goddamn they got mogged at a grand scale
I remember. People had quite retarded opinions.
First world creates weak men
Higher IE ancestry, meaning higher ANE ancestry
I'm just saying on fucking average croats are about 10 times blonder than italians
Not to mention our swarthiest people (the supposed Italians i.e. dalmatians) are our tallest people and with Hercegovians the tallest people in the world so obviously they have nothing to do with any semblance of Italian gene
Stipe unironically is the most stereotypical looking, sounding, named,... Croatian I ever saw
Tall would point to Dynarid or some other old local population heritage.
true, slavs like yugoslavians would be african tier without the constant support of western europe
South slavs have alongside Scandis the least Indo-European ancestry which is why they're the tallest
He is American
Keep your dirty serb in denial hands off him
slavs are like cavemen, mixed with towelheads they are super cavemen
What are you talking about kek
Without Europeans Balkaniggers would rule the world
Three greatest warmonger spheres focused on the Balkans (Germans and Austrians, russians, ottomans) and Balkaniggers still managed to preserve their identities
Also Italians but who cares they would be Africa without height and bbcs without western support
Picture is shopped and theyre sardinians
quite a few of you adopted muhammadism
You would not rule shit, you are a third world shithole like all slav cunts. You know this, hence why you make these whiny threads
Not a single Croat is Muslim so you're probably talking about Balkans as a whole
Even then it's Albos (who aren't slavs) and bosnians and even then most of them are not muslim
The best part is that it is not shopped
Croats are literally a head taller than italians we know because we have a lot of them as tourists (our coast is about 15 times more attractive)
It is, it's been posted on reddit by your (probably also you since you are obsessed) croats since forever
Average croat woman in Spain, Italy, Germany, Britain, France
You mean the opposite? Why would Croat women sell themselves to anyone than to big Balkan cocks
Croatia is also a famous sex tourism cunt for German Italian and British girls
We have no Spanish and French ones though but we BALKAN them in public pic rel
Most E. European populations are still fucked due to epigenetic results of malnutrition. Scandis won't stay taller for long IMO.
Iberians have way less IE ancestry. Don't just look at haplogroups.
As I remember ANEs had huge body mass, dwarfing any modern population and they retained it fairly late into prehistory, so it stands to reason that inheriting any of their adaptations towards that effect will boost hypertrophy, robustness of the frame, bone density etc.
Lmao every country in Europe has your women for sale.
You unironically look like my 2nd cousin so you could pass as a Finn. Not arabic looking at all imho.
I don't know, the Balts are really tall. There are some absolutely huge Lithuanians in the NBA.
Everyone who doesn't have platinum blonde hair is a nigger rapebaby t. armchair race realist Zig Forumstard
And you think Baltics are what exactly?
Slav women will do anything to fuck anyone non slav