
Attached: Space-Pirate-Captain-Harlock-1978-Szene-4.jpg (1100x835, 117.16K)

I wanna fuck Harlock bros...

not sure what yonks means but how did you do it help me out i cant figure out anything about my 4th greatgrandad

it looms

it means FYY (fuck you yank)

making a little money on paper today lads. Wish it would moon.

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thats a shame. get on ancestry.com (first month free) and research your paternal line. just start with your dad and figure out who his dad was repeat

had to sell all ym stocks and crypto to get on the housing market (still had to borrow a couple grand from my mum for the deposit)
cant wait to reinvest once finance is sorted

Been thinking of trying out hinge.

got called a goof in Greggs

what are you going to put it in?

Based grandad

you go to /smg/? what are you holding?

you're lucky to have someone who thought of doing that in your paternal line

Not getting into it but have a paternal line from ulster that is easily traceable

Don't know what /smg/ is lad, sorry. Just a couple of penny stocks that may or may not be something some day. One is a mine in Greenland, the other is a pharmaceutical cannabis company.

What's your bio gonna say?

goes back to Scotland does it? oh deary me

im descended from hitler lads just so you know

Hope not lol

northern ireland

are you intentionally being a thick twat?

Corona free, some stds.


name your 3rd great grandfather. cant, can you?

Yea he's a good lad
Not oo surprisingly, but maybe ironically, he's done far far better off than all of them

might clean my room and stop sitting around on Zig Forums and youtube all day and start working towards amounting to something in life

can name several of my 3rd great grandfathers
won't though doxxable info


me mum is descended from the second duke of cornwall

how many sets of parents did you have la

used to play furcadia when I was a little kid
could barely read and sure as fuck didn't know what a furry was
had fun genuinely good "dream" builder

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think you're confused on the whole process
ever seen a family tree?

i used to play a druid on wow and i'm not a furry

if i stay up too late i start to get hungry

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only played for a couple of hours in WoW on my friend's account in like 2005 as an undead
same with SWG
don't have strong opinions on them. played Guild Wars as I didn't have the type of parents who'd be willing to pay a subscription

got called a racist in japanese greggs

oi oi

anyone else here exclusively do their poos at toil?
even if i'm at home and i'm absolutely turtling i'll still hold it in because i refuse to shit for free