hmph.. yes...
big boi
Good to have a fucking beer boys isn’t it
yeah and you probably went there with the expectation of seeing a load of non whites
oh god
You're from Sainsbury's aren't you?
Let's have a Tim thread
drunkenness is yet another cope
Remember this time last year when people were going out and doing fun things? Now people can go out and do some fun things, but nobody really does anymore. Will we bounce back socially from half a year of stress and boredom?
Is tinder really a waste of effort, never tried online dating and I don't have high standards and have had a few gf's before but nothing online
I am
good face
full beard
big willy
Would I at least get a few matches or a homely gf
grim plastic bitch
Mikey was fucking blitzed last night lads
It was very funny hearing him slabber over vocaroo, I’d say he was blackout
reading about the Spanish Republicans who fought with the French in WW2
Joan Rivers looking motherfucker
You have to be a 6'2 chad to get with a 6/10 woman on tinder.
Ah yes, how informative.
They won't extinguish our spirit.
fall back into plaaaaccceee
what about a 5/10
Imagine scamming the government, lying about your race and cashing on in those trump niggerbux.
that ur gf?
yeah worth a shot
just don’t put that as your bio
Get yer tits out for the lads waheeeeeyy
i have no faith in your cause mate
Want to build a reliable but enjoyable touring car, quit my job, ship the car and myself to europe, and spend a summer traveling by car and picking up tradie side jobs when I could use some quick cash.
Think it's an early night for me lids, quite tired tbqh. Gonna finish off me VK then hit the sack.
>a beer
feet smell lads need to buy no show socks
Good girl
inabit helperlod
Soon they’ll all be be old and tired
Those fun nights will just be a bitter, sad memory
thinking of led strips for my room
based or vf?
here we are then..
I'm a 6'4 Chad and I still get very few matches
nah bf
you'll use them once and never again
Nice when they're tucked away like that, not so nice when you inevitable tack too short of a $30 kit you got on amazon to the ceiling
there goes tim waheeeey
There's an app called Happn and the women on there are actually looking for dates, give it a go.
Depends entirely on how good looking you are exactly and what sort of pics you have
If you've had multiple people ask you if you model and your pics are good then you can get a few dates and maybe a gf from there
I've totally given up on tinder. I'm only in contact with one (Czech) girl who I met on there. Too much effort for me and the whole thing feels like a soul-sucking rat race even if you're Chad.
obnoxious braindead narcissist
On the beers. Started a bit late but got fuck all else to do tomorrow.
I'm def not model looking, but I've been asked out by girls
I literally just want a 5/10 gf since I can't meet anyone irl
How come?
that's what they say about every tinder alternative and they're all the same. half of the women are bots and the rest are boring and won't respond after the first message.
hangovers on sunday can be nice desu
Cos most girls on Tinder in my area use it to get IG and SC followers
Turns out I'm not suicidal, I'm just way more extroverted than I thought I was
How the fuck do I get a gf during lockdown then
Baffling post
Happn seems different, had more dates from it than Tinder and I've only used it a few times.
Got those glow in the dark stars and planets things stuck to the ceiling in my bathroom. Also got a night light that projects the earth on one of the walls. Taking a piss at night feels like going to outer space. Fuckin love it lads, you'd love to see it
why is retard wrestling so popular here
While hanging around in the paddock campsite at a trackday weekend at Summit Point Motorsports Park in West Virginia, I was approached by an old man who told me about his long career of roadracing the Nissan S-chassis. While discussing transmission tunnel clearance issues for future modifications to my s13, he advised me to "Cut and weld it, son. Hammers are for niggers."
Nice enough guy other than that, did throw me off a bit though.
had an autistic mate who had those in his room when he was 10
Eating beef jerky. Fucking reeks
Dunno, I've got a gf so I haven't been in your position.
>not biltong
For the longest time I'd see a limo and assumed britney spears was in it. Really wanted to hangout with her when I was 7
fucking love the stuff
>no show socks
extremely bent
What will Deanoestates be like in 50 years time while the green belt of Britain slowly erodes and becomes nothing but a memory as more and more of them are popping up all over the place. What will Deano, Danny, and Smythers weekend banter be about on the latest Playstation and FIFA or Call of Duty as they plan one of their stag does to Eastern Europe. What will become of Deano's missus as she becomes a husk of her former self fading away to nothing while watching the latest production of Love Island as she realizes people where only paying attention to her for her looks as people start paying more attention to a younger Barbie doll version of her who is an an acquaintance in their son or daughter's social circle. What will Deano Jr aspire to become, who's parents had him out of wedlock? What types of people will live in these houses, what will they do for jobs, where will they go on holidays, who will they vote for? The future is bleak; the future is on finance.
if you want matches pay the jew his gold
if you want meetups set it to less than 1 mile and ask to meet to fuck pretty much immediately
if you want a gf go download hinge
if you want a mummyfu go download bumble and say you have a masters
Ah it is biltong. I don't know what the difference is
don't you think it's weird how no one really likes tesco and yet it exists
all the other supermarkets have something going for them but not tesco
reckon they only get business because they are the closest supermarket for lots of people
take it easy. Just have a good bio, a set of pictures taken with a good camera, and then just passively farm matches by swiping right on everyone and doing that every day for a couple months. You'll get something.
those chairs are such pieces of shit
does it matter if my only camera is an iphone 5s
Tesco and Sainsburys are the exact same in my head
state of women
>What will Deanoestates be like in 50 years time
Dunno but Barratt will still be there building more
I get this general is about british culture but why is there always that one poster obsessing over the social phenotype deano and writing fan fiction about his social life
£3 meal deal though
Duran Duran are such a based band
Ah yes
The fine
British life matters representatives
think deano's missus will pick up on her fading good looks sooner than 50 years
in 50 years she'll be like 70-80
Honestly, think we should have avoided shutdowns. We were really only hurting ourselves to benefit the Boomers (again) and honestly if they all died off overnight the younger generations might be able to afford the nice things the Boomers had at our age. A generation of hoarders for the most part.
>Sir Maejor Page
Borderline hat
sainsbury produce is more expensive and higher quality. sainsbury is also the only UK supermarket that doesn't use any artificial sweetners or food colourings in their own brand produce.
it' more like a more affordable M&S or Waitrose than it is Tesco
My tesco express stocks more than my sainsburys local
Love ASDA, hate Tessco
Simple as.
they come with a standard shed?
find this hilarious for some reason
>rightwing publication reports things to make leftwing movement seem worse than it is
That’s a full on fedora mate
>bro I know I’m on Zig Forums at nearly 1am on a Sunday but lemme quickly tell you how to l pick up chicks mmmkayyy
have a kg of biltong here
left wing movements do a pretty good job of that themselves
but their sandwiches and pasta pots are shite
some of the others are still £3 no?
>could be one decent sized family house
>instead it's three shit houses
ah yes.
Stop deflecting you slimy leftypol trash
>it's fedora to like 80s pop music
Fuck off
Mate go out and approach girls. I'm reaching the end of my tether with this dating app bullshit. So much effort and heartache to shag maybe 2 or 3 cute girls a year, and I'm a chadlite. It's not good enough.
how come brits don't seem to have regional supermarkets
we have regional chains here
don't think there's anything nationwide except memes like trader joes in trendy areas
day 21 of liquid diet doing a read
didnt even clock that wtf?
those "posh dog" sausages and "best ever hamburgers" from marks and spencer are the fucking shit
Mental the way the houses from the 1920s were bigger and more well built than what we're building now.
Precisely, I Don my hat to you good sir
approach them where, it's literally illegal to mix households here at the moment
is there anything this daft bint won't do for attention
If you don't have someone else to take the photo you're screwed. With a phone camera you ought to get the photo taken from a distance but close enough that when you crop just yourself it won't lose quality. Cause phone cameras are so small they'll heavily distort any subjects up close. you can have a couple photos like that all contrived and whatnot but can then mix in whatever photos of you out with the lads or whatever.
Barrats still making £100,000+ on each one x
United States is about 40 times bigger than United Kingdom. United Kingdom is approximately 243,610 sq km, while United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km. Meanwhile, the population of United Kingdom is ~64.4 million people (262.2 million more people live in United States).
still can't get over seeing Alex Jones' tits lads
why do brits build their houses to be shaped like the buildings in monopoly
is this on purpose
A deano doesn't care about the shed like his dad would. At the most that shed is used to store old equipment for 5-a-side football.
>how come brits don't seem to have regional supermarkets
because the country is quite small, dense, and well connected
that said, there is "Booths" which is a bit northern
too small of a country innit, we're like the size of new jersey mate