
/ita/ edizione

Attached: are rosie 48.jpg (1600x1200, 393.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

dchft.nhs.uk/patients/patient-information-leaflets/Documents/GUM, Ketamine bladder syndrome 0716.pdf

first for america

Attached: hmm.jpg (600x600, 43.85K)

What the fuck is this aberration against god?

based rosie
queen of /brit/

does she have a dick?

feel great

This is /ita/, go away

>put on 7empest
>go for a shit, shower, have a smoke
>song is still fucking going

Attached: Maynard.jpg (309x363, 12.54K)

wheres my italian fratelli at

Attached: 590C7724-5AA7-488B-9B0A-FF819259E006.png (1400x1630, 162.99K)

>left home yesterday
>parents jump at opportunity to go in room

What did she get done that her face looks so bad now

doing an Irish

>muh kidneys
>muh bladder
Oh shut the fuck up with that old wives tale



*irish seethetoil looms*

>20 years old
fuck off literal child

>I do drugs
Good man we all do now grow the fuck up and get a personality you little gimp

ruth, 29 from middlesbrough on the chase is so fucking fit

what's stopping you from achieving all your life goals?

me in the middle

Attached: 1584922855006.png (754x1219, 1.16M)

Attached: Lovely Cnut.jpg (374x471, 24.78K)

not having any

/brit/ posting

would you rather be
>ugly socially awkward vf but with a slight chance of change through exercise, clothing, upward social mobility
>bint with self image issues who ruined herself with plastic surgery and became vile as vile

Wagies taking out their repressed anger on me for being a young and free spirit

you do you mate
enjoy your ket and zoots

I got kidney stones and two girls I knew needed bladder surgery.

dchft.nhs.uk/patients/patient-information-leaflets/Documents/GUM, Ketamine bladder syndrome 0716.pdf

Enjoy agonising urination for the rest of your days

>that smile

Attached: really.jpg (800x600, 128.52K)

Not a looker in the bunch

Attached: chrome_xeLV7C9oqU.png (639x487, 386.18K)

either as long as I'm not french.

Raised by autistic parents
Low conscientiousness

i miss mummy so much

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State your age

what the fuck happened to rosie’s face?

>Ketamine Bladder Syndrome

love traditional british grub

Attached: Frog Friccassee.jpg (717x895, 123.78K)

i live a happy life in france

i don't answer hypothetical scenarios

Autist memes are just dreadful

Attached: EgR1EV0XoAI2B2q.jpg (540x960, 66.31K)
