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International #1313
I admire Norway. Seriously I feel like this country does everything right
Why do christians larp that Jesus was a Roman...
Guess the country thread
Why they are so obsessed with us?
I love america :)
If you hate France, I hate you
How come countries with next to no Jews like Poland and Serbia are so antisemetic? It makes no sense
Okay, so there will be a small portion of burqa-women in Sweden. But I think they should accept more revealing clothing...
I pretend to be hugging a girl every night so I can fall asleep. Whats a pathetic thing you do in your country?
L suffer in Thpain
Would you learn hebrew?
Why don't you have gf yet lol?
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Norska upplagan
Our real closest allies. Change my mind
this scares and confuses the weakling euro fags and seppos
/ita/ - il filo
Schools in movies from Europe and the US have musical instruments, laboratories and places to play sports...
I don't feel proud of being Mexican, feels bad man
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do they speak american english or british english?
Eat well every day
I hate to admit it, but he's right
Why do they talk like Americans?
/lat/ hilo latino
Be american mutt
Faces of Zig Forums
Do girls in your country crave bbc?
Can they understand each other like Slavs and Romans can?
/fr/ - Le francofil des frankop1s
/frosch/ - ehemals /deutsch/
How do I stop being so fucking shy with girls?
Europe makes good chocolate. What’s your favorite chocolate from Europe. I like Dutch personally
Sverigetråden - Axelupplagan
Name 5 mexicans you admire
Eastern europeans are beeautiful people. Western europeans looks like orcs
Name your top 5 countries
Well, Zig Forums?
/v4/+/future v4 citizens/
Irish "men"
1-in-5 Peruvians are Chinese or partially Chinese
How do you feel when a foreigner tries to learn your language?
Latinas are built for
Views of USA By country
/brit/ /brot/ /birt/
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
How do we save it? Should I just leave if I'm not blood made French?
/ro/: firul nostru
Sweden, at this point, is a lost cause. they are like TOTALLY cucked, you guys...
What happens if Joe Biden wins?
Your country
ITT: stupid hobbies you have
What were school lunches like in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
Kiedy stoję, patrzę w okno, krótka chwila
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
This is an average woman in germany, let that sink in
Do you lust for brown girls?
Sverigetråden - Sissyupplagan
He doesnt live in Spain
This enrages the carnist
Lol it's true
British government pays £200,000 per year for the cornish "language"
1. Is hunting common in your country?
What is the power dynamic in Europe like right now?
What do they think of each other?
Are muslims discriminated in your country?
Do girls like this exist in your country?
Why do Spaniards and portuguese look so much like north africans and arabs, do they share family?
What types of people subscribe to this fucking media?
If you are a monolingual, you should be banned from Zig Forums
Best country for mulattos?
Is that...... a takoyaki? Oh my gaaahhh it's so oishiiii
Why are 3rd worldies so defensive about their country...
America is NOT full, I repeat, America is NOT full
The center of the world
If you are an ACTUAL european or american and look decent you will swim in pussy in brazil
Sverigetråden - Basshunters upplaga
Why westerners hate buckwheat?
Kurva anyátok
Do you think EU will have several capitals now ?
Corsica should belong to Italy
Is Christianity in your country dying or evolving?
You literally and unironically CAN NOT suffer in Spain
What do communists in your country look like?
Why are French posters dumber than other white posters?
Why are Pakistanis so obsessed with Turkey?
Is this really necessary?
/lat/ hilo latino
Americans microwave pizza
Is bullying an epidemic in your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
This is a 4/10 in Germany
So I purchased Tinder+ last week and this is what I got...
/fr/ - Le francofil du temps perdu
Elsass ist deutsch!
British culture is centred around pajeets...
Dutch niggas
/ita/ il filo
Post traditional food from your country
Are your countrymen great at math?
Are they the worst Muslims in MENA ?
Do Romanians look different from the surrounding peoples since they are descendants of Romans?
What do you about this country?
Racists baffled by fair-skinned Turk
Post the wikipedia collage image of your city/town/village
Does your country have a meme warfare division?
Why do american parents voluntarily kick their kids out at 18?
Post the most British image you have
Mfw there are racist people in the world
Even indians hate themselves lel
Sverigetråden - Bebiupplagan
Nagorno-Karabakh General /NKG/
Is it true that Argentinians are the smuggest and snobbiest South Americans by a long shot?
What will happen tonight?
Is it really true that all Japanese women are pedophiles?
Black user here
Are most people miserable in ur cunt?
Russia is EVROPEAN
American tv show
Post the most american webm. that you got
Are tattoos popular in your country?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Who supplies Armenia? Iran?
I hate the term Latinx so much...
I don't follow international news so this guy is getting thrown out today or what?
/desi/-Benny Lava edition
Map thread
Sum up your cunt in 3 words
Should've studied STEM u poorfag
Europe is a land, and whoever live on it are called Europeans
Stop it
Be a boy
The ASIAN male is the epitome of female sensuality and femininity
The Queen is furious after Royal Household staff revolted against a plan for them to stay in a coronavirus bubble at...
Coffee has taken over Europa....I kneel
1. country
The main character of the world
Since I got on this board I started to feel urges to breed with middle eastern cuties with my bbc. How can I get one?
/deutsch/ - fotzen faden
Why are indians so based?
Who gave you shit genetics? Mom or dad?
Being apologetic to white nationalist babbies on an anonymous forum
Do people in your cunt tip?
/ita/ - il filo
Hows /gf2020/ going Zig Forums? this was your year
Wh*te """"man"""" in 2020
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
Sverigetråden - Snapphaneupplagan
Should we all get naked and go back to the forest?
A mutt speaks the truth on the japanese redditor meltdown thread
Alligator Meat
Your exact location
Why do spaniards hate us we just want to be friends
The wrong side won the cold war
The greatest poet in the history of the human race is Scottish
Which European cunt has the cutest tummies?
Do you have regional sodas in your cunt?
Are we the most hated race?
Why are foreigners fleeing from Russia?
Why are japs and weeaboos like this?
Do muslimahs really?
Whitest Europeans
How are 'interesting girls' from your cunt?
Frenemy thread
Any chads here?
I'm proud to be Russian
I have 119 iq :)
I just want to create a better world mate. Only White folks should be able to breathe. We could do it gently...
I support white genocide
/fr/ - le fil français
Why is this country so technologically inferior?
How was your nation invented?
Pc gaming
He doesn't speak at least 3 languages
Why do they get bullied so much?
Why yuropeans defend obsolete technology so fiercely?
How much would this meal cost in your country?
Could i pass as a local in ur cunt
I hate small talks
/mena/ + /armenia/
/ita/ il filo
The Sami people, the native inhabits of Norway, face daily racial discrimination by Norwegians...
/lat/ hilo latino
Sverigetråden - Yurtupplagan
Here’s your state mandated selection of Finnish gfs bro
Animals native to your country
China purposefully OVERPLAYED the dangers of of the virus in order to get the west to destroy their economies through...
God i wish we had such a fast food culture like amerimutts
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2421.2
I would love to ask non-asian ppl on /int
This is a wagie thread
We've pretty much reached the technological innovation limit
Is Doraemon famous in your country?
Here's your lunch eat well kiddo
Show your face
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Ever noticed how lefties, agnostics, hippies and even atheists accept all kinds of "spirituality" BUT christianity?
Kurva anyátok
Western cartoons
Korea outstrips japan in 2019 per capita GDP
What is this phenotype?
Do they really?
Do Europeans learn about the Bronze Age at all?
Always rates high in quality of life indexes
1. Your cunt
/lang/ - language learning general
The US's screwed if we don't elect him
Please do not talk about white club
My Country is done for
Tfw harf Mexican harf Japanese
I am a literal mutt (white father, black mother) and am more attractive than 99% of this board...
I use though at the end of my sentences
I hate my stats
Why yes, I am Finnish. How could you tell?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Fuck Italy
If Slavs are so masculine
Which country has the hairiest women (female)?
How do they do it?
Please learn Brazilian portuguese, it's such a beautiful language, you will love it
We're not sorry
Mom wont include me in her testament as an inheritor of an equal part of the family propierties unless i marry an...
DuoLingo thread
Do we really do that?
I'll never be happy because I didn't have teenage love
Why is Japan so safe?
After carefully studying each of your cunt's history, economy, languages, geography...
Is texas really dumb?
This is a 9/10 in Norway
How can so many Brazilians post here? I don’t dislike them, i’m just curious
This is a 10/10 in Mexico
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Pls help
Would you marry a Persian qt like Charls Carroll?
Why do Dutch people have this bunny look?
I'm a brown poorfag mestizo
Do religious white people adopt black children in your cunt???
Can you tell me a bedtime story?
/lat/ hilo latino
Be honest, why should I care if animals like this get extinct?
Im tranny from vietnam <3
/fr/ - El francohilo
"Yeah bro, 'I'm Brazilian kkkkkkkkkk. Here bro, try some Brazilian food"
Wow, are Brit guys really like that?
Hello Zig Forumsernational men. What are your thoughts on Brazilians? If you're not from Brazil...
Is there anything worse than looking indian/paki...
So... Is this type of phenotype attractive in your cunt?
1. Your country
I feel like Tim Hortons would be very popular if they opened in Finland
Imagine unironically being right-wing
Is it really that bad though?
Go to Wikipedia
Why are they so hostile online but irl even more sensitive and soyish than the Swedes?
Do you watch films that isn't in your language? If so, what films? English language does not count
Swedes from Norrköping, explain this picture
Post the most american image you have
Does anyone need a fren?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Traveling in Europe
This is considered a chad in China
Did Greeks really?
Yes my queen, I will smash the face of the next panchito I meet
When will they pay reparations for countles raids on the meditarrenan enslaving thousands of europeans?
Anyone else legit glad armenia is getting canceled? i hate those rats so much lol
When was the last time you kissed a girl?
Would you be considered poor by US standards?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Guess the country thread
Imagine the world with ONE BILLION AMERICANS
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Thoughts on Mexican women?
/ita/ - il filo
Name a famous person of the country above you :)
Does your cunt have it's own language or just a colonial hand-me-down?
I deliver pizzas what do you work as Zig Forums?
Why the fuck are Ukrainians so into nazi occultism?
Why do ppl still believe in the jewy-masonic biased anti christian view that the middle ages were an ''age of darkness''
Fuck the US to try to destroy Huawei, my phone. I hope China will win, VIVE HUAWEI 华为万岁
Caucuses General
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Do you want to find love in Europe?
*dabs on your cunt*
This is the new face of America (and it’s beautiful)
I don't get why Homosexuality is associated with France
Is this a normal physique in your country?
Whose side are you on?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
This accurate?
Faces of Zig Forums, i'll start
Would you like to be a family man Zig Forums?
What's your height and weight int? I'm 5'10 270 pounds
Their referendum is coming. Will they become independent or remain apart of France?
Is Tiktok popular in your country?
Sverigetråden - Skogsupplagan
Has Traditionalism essentially become the new "not like the other girls" trend?
What do they think about each other?
There are probably Armenian and Azerbaijani soldiers browsing Zig Forums right now...
How do the Italians make such beautiful architecture?
Why are americans like this?
/lat/ hilo anime
Why is Portugal not a region of Spain? Their languages are literally the same
Jos sulla on ollut montama miessuhteita olet gay
/fr/ - Le Francofil
There are people on Zig Forums who have never seen a beach in their life
/ita/ - il filo
/desi/-Windranger arcana edition
How comes Americans love Europe and Europeans hate America?
/brot/ /brit/ /brüt/
Do you know where you ancestry is from, Zig Forums? I only know of one side of my family
What is the worst that happened at your vidya session?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2421
The Monkey's Paw will let you delete one country
We NEED to engineer a twitter argument against these two. Any ideas?
Sverigetråden - Knegupplagan
Why do many North Africans look Asiatic? Pic related is a Moroccan girl. Are they Turkish rapebabies?
1. your cunt
Realistically how would Russia break apart if it collapsed?
Are people from this country considered White in your country?
Do you suffer because of your race?
What would you do if she was your gf?
Europe's Hypocrisy
/ita/ il filo
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Christianity is the best thing to ever happen with europe (and the world)
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Why are Americans like this? Do they just have a lower standard when it comes to cars or what?
What are communists like in your country?
Why are they so racist?
What happened here ?
/desi/ Incellah returns edition
*makes gooks cry on sight*
We are krauts. Union with Germany when?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Do you play video games that take places in america in english or your native language?
I don't care if you country broadcasts nothing but propaganda, nothing is worse than American tv...
Imagine being a cuck to Brussels
You Ok LatAm?
How are Russians treated in your country?
Latina girls
I am mixed and I am proud of both sides of my heritage. Anyone else like this on Zig Forums?
USA is going to shit
What is your excuse, user?
Sverigetråden - Höstupplagan
Today I ate rice with chopsticks
W-what did he see? ;_;
Why are Zig Forums mexicans retarded?
German men look like this? Damn
Does anyone else here self-harm?
Is it really that bad in America?
This is fucking disgusting
Why do Asians hate their features?
These two countries (plus Germany for 5 years) held back Norway's progress for many 100s of years...
Why do every other American state has the same soulless copy-paste rows of cardboard houses while New England has...
Italians are smaller than northern european/british men in every way imaginable. Height, genitalia, hand size...
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Why do North Europeans split houses in half? If they don't like privacy, why don't they just live in apartments condos?
His language has different dialects
You can only post ITT if your country is a modern great power
Are you a dog or a cat person?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Japanese Artists Reimagine Countries And Their Flags As Anime Characters For 2020 Tokyo Olympics (30 Pics)
How's that quarantine going?
What percentage of people in your country can actually speak English fluently? Statistics say 5%...
Post the worst criminal of your country
Why, of all people groups, are Gulf Arabs in particular so racist against black people?
I'm a poorfag wageslave and pay more taxes than Trump. Wtf bros?
Poc unity, and japan is delivering it
Amerikkkan police is using robot dogs to chase and kill innocent black people
Muslim bros how much of this is true and how much is alt-right incel propaganda?
Yugoslavia should've been the richest country in Eastern Europe and at least on par with France
Do brown men steal women from your country?
You are a 7 feet tall german barbarian who just traveled forward in time and you come across pic related
/ita/ il filo
Sverigetråden - Knasiga skolupplagan
Why aren't med men taller than japanese men?
Why are latinx and slavs so effeminate?
Why Eurowhites can't coexist with blacka as Russians can?!
You conscriptionlets can't even imagine how lucky you are
Imagine being american
Do you believe your country to be "free"?
Your country
Who is Zig Forums supporting?
A girl comes up to you and tells you she has a secret crush on you
Will read out anything given as long as it's in a Latin alphabet yes I am copying that one Croatia user
We were the best in the entire East. We lived better than East Germans
/ישר/ - /isr/
The foremost European intellectual
/dixie/ — The SOVTH & Friends
The more I read from this news site Tokyo Reporter the more I see the dark fucked up side of Japan. The needless deaths...
What's your skin type?
Mr Tanaka, who is retiring tomorrow, is invincible
Do you prefer acid or shrooms, and why?
I just solved the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict
/fr/ - le Francofil
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Jättestarka upplagan
This becomes youre new prime minister. How do you react?
Do you love 中華民国 Republic of China (Taiwan)?
Do you feel sorry for Americans?
Lads my office manager (45 year old lady) wants to take me out on a date. What the fuck do I do...
Does your country have culture?
Americans hunt elk
My city is currently undergoing riots right now, ask me anything
Why is Egypt learning Chinese?
What is this city called in your language?
How do you call this in your country?
I don't get it
One of our members(Illhan Omar...
Does eastern europe still look like this?
Holy shit it all makes sense now
What are your thoughts on a*glos???
How many of you have browsed the darkweb? What did you come across?
Canadians will defend this
When's the last time you cried, and why?
French men
Are they friends?
Would you date an Indian girl?
What's your favorite bird?
Reynhard Tambos Maruli Tua Sinaga (born 19 February 1983) is an Indonesian serial rapist who was convicted of 159 sex...
France and former french colonies have 2-hour lunch breaks
* Ahem * "See that toilet over there? That is my dream home...
/v4/ + friends
Rate my tits Zig Forums
What do you call this in ur cunt?
Would Varg Vikernes hate your appearance?
What is this city called in your language?
Twitter looks down on Facebook
Faces of Zig Forums, i'll start
It's over for me
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine