
vroom vroom edition

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بغيت نحوي

صباح الخير

I get Honda Xblade ads on phone
here they favor Yamaha

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how did he always get away with it

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does it mean something?

تاع إبراهيموفيتش مليح شوية
resembles the ones Latinos in the US do

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It's Italian for "come on!" I guess.
لكن نوع الرسم ذلك أراه جيد

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Whats your favorite/dream vroom vroom(s) mena?
Pic related its one of my many dream vrooms, 1978 pontiac trans am

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>In an interview with Argentinian magazine, he said that it is the most important tattoo for him as it is his mother’s name, Alice, inked in the Arabic language.
Arabic script gone wrong.

السلام عليكم اخواني الكرام
بدي اتناك مع واحد قضيبه عظيم ولونه بني

>Whats your favorite/dream vroom vroom(s) mena?
Public transport.
هيك فقط المتخلفين المصريين بحكوها

sorry we're white/BLACK here, no inbetween.


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>اتناك مع

Watch your step lest you move on death
It lay there coiled hidden underneath your last breath
Hold your tongues til I've gone
The beast that follows is close but will move on
Snake eyes always on my tail
Snake eyes always up ahead
Snake eyes hidden in the dark
Snake eyes better catch a spark

انا بتعلم اللغة
ايش الطريقة الصحيحة؟
لو بدي اقول
I want to fuck with someone

بدي انتاك من

>خلص اكلت زبي بعيونك يا شاذ، عشو بتطلع يا حيوان؟
What do?

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شكراً جزيلاً


with? as in mess around in a non-SEX way? if you mean SEXSEXSEX then its "اريد انيك".

t. Retard
He means to get fucked by and not fuck.

sorry I shouldve assumed hes a fag by his flag.

You can't say this. Not on my fucking watch.

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Someone should draw a watch with the word "fag" written on it. le epic meme.

I'm not a fag I'm a female.