Racists baffled by fair-skinned Turk

Burcu Esmersoy is currently co-hosting the TV show 'Survivor.' Hürriyet photo

Users of a racist online forum were trying to figure out how a Turkish person could have blue eyes and blonde hair after seeing a picture of a renowned Turkish TV hostess.

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>this is actually a news article in turkey


Het mother is Russian or Ukrainian?

>Turkish journalism

built for BBC (Big Burundi Cocks)

There is a simple explanation. She's only a cultural Turk and not an ethnic Turk. Her family are descendants of slaves from the Caucasus.

Americans really think like this

Erdogan rural voters don't understand this word.

>born 2 October 1976
>Esmersoy was born in Istanbul to parents of Circassian descent whose parents were from Egypt.[6][7][8] In an interview in 2020, Esmersoy revealed that she had been physically abused and beaten by her father in her childhood, who would hit her with a hose.

When she was born, Turkey wasn't filled with Russian whores yet.

>Circassian descent

is Turkey the Argentina of Middle East?

Yes. I really do. Sorry. Spaniards and Italians unironically have fairer phenotypes than your average Turk. Yes the people you see in your soap operas and on Instagram are not your average Turk. Seethe.

He was right

We are mixed people. It's not that strange

Turkey will become white anyway.

Attached: Russian women create the new generation of Turks.jpg (2000x2000, 2.38M)

>Yes the people you see in your soap operas and on Instagram are not your average Turk
Yes they are

>t. American who knows more about my country

More like Brazil, Anatolia's the crossroad of many peoples. There was a really pale blonde blue-eyed Turkish girl in one of my uni classes. We ended up temping together for the same company after school.

Fine. I'm not going to argue with someone who thinks your average Turk is model-tier.

i'm not saying every single Turk looks like a model (although on average we are better looking than most countrys) but i'm saying most of the ones on TV are accurate of a large percentage of the population

>Turkish person
0% turkic blood, thus 0% turk

Turkey is the point where East and West mix. That's going to produce some white-looking stuff.


Attached: 220px-Afro-Abkhazians.jpg (220x185, 10.55K)

Lol dumbfucks

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Yes I'm sure this has nothing to do with the presence of blondes in modern Turkey

Wait, is this the same one some Turk was posting here a couple of months ago? I recall looking her up and seeing mother being Ukrainian if I recall correctly.

Yeah it mainly has to do with hair dying lol

>turks are so obsessed about being white their news covers random Zig Forums threads

dyed hair photoshop bitch


Attached: oldiebutgoodie.jpg (485x769, 74.73K)

Yes. Circassians are Russian cossacks r*pebabiz

>her surname is ESMERsoy

>we are whiiiiite pls accept us pls pls pls we'll suck your cock
god t*rks are pathetic