Why there is no French folklore...

Why there is no French folklore? How come that every internationally recognised "European" folklore is just Celto-Germanic? Halloween, Octoberfest, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Orcs, trolls, elves and Easter. These are all Germanic traditions. How come the French couldn't influence Europe?

>Inb4 Easter is Christian
I mean the rabbit and the eggs

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Eastern Euroshits are very dumb.

Name one folklore thing that comes from French.

When folklore first became an object for study (in the late 18th century), French influence had dominated European literature since the time of Lewis XIV: its establishment was partly an attempt to escape French influence (in Germany) or to escape the Frenchified English taste (in Great Britain)


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We dont need one we have Christ

not Germanic at all
was a purely regional (Munich) thing and only since the 19th century, so not a "tradition"
English invention of one writer of the 20th century

Geez, you really don't know anything, do you?

Everyday year I see people telling people they love eachother on February 14th, and get angry at the fact that this commercialized consoomer holiday has replaced glorious Tpифoн Зapeзaн

I fucking hate how much influence we've taken from western pigs

I assume every culture had singers. What would make French singers unique? Also it lacks the fantasy elements.