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International #1316
How is your country preparing for the global depression we're about to face?
You wake up in Southern Europe
I don't see the point in bullying non white people...
Discussion thread about France
Racists are losers
Hope this becomes the official USA flag
Sverigetråden - Gigantiska Upplagan
How come blacks let Latinos say the N word
Why are men more pleased by sex than women are?
What did he mean by this?
What is the biggest mistake of your life?
Is Christian Bale Med or Nord?
Is this really the most handsome man in China?
What is happening politically in your country this week?
Is it true german women like chicanos and mexicans now?
Russians I need you to do my maths assignments
Coworkers talking about american politics and upcoming elections
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
The last good president was Kennedy
The variety of phenotypes around the world is truly fascinating
American food
Do they really?
España: Tío
/fr/ - le francofil
Are there many women in your country that are built for the british broadcasting corporation?
Isn't it amazing that the most recognizable anthems are USA, RUSSIA, FRANCE & UK ones ?
You will become old very soon. The days will fly by like like seconds and soon you will be counting years like days...
What do you think about mandatory military service? I think my country should have them. South Korea, Finland...
Do american girls really call their sexual partners "daddy"? Why would they do that?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Is it realistic to move to New Zealand?
If it's not fag shit they're spamming incel threads. Why does this flag consistently produce the worst posters...
Rolling coal
Does your country have natural benises?
I miss Japan so god damn much. Lived there for 2 years. 6 months doing a semester abraod and 1.5 years internship...
What was the nicest thing a girl ever said to you?
There are people that post on Zig Forums that genuinely hate their countries
International loners
To all non-americans
American replying to a brit flag and calling him "dad"
What are children tv shows like in your country
People work 35 hours a week for this
I fixed brazil
Why are you always angry to everything ?
Why are they like this?
Sixty thousand years
Come to Zig Forums to learn about different cultures
My name is Adam Wu and I'm from Toronto
Name 5 reasons brazil isnt western
I hate reddit, a son of a bitch makes a half-ass joke...
Sverigetråden - Hopplösa Upplagan
What do Arabs think about Bedouins?
Would you rather live here or in a historic European city where you can walk/bike around?
Marry a US women in prison to get American citzenship
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2426
Which European country has the easyest girls to pick up?
A question for the non-English speakers here: When you think do you think in English or your native language?
How do I get a mexican gf?
Why is Europe so small?
What happens here?
Why do autists on here point out our large Hispanic population in an effort to insult us?
Am I the only African poster here?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Yeah im a black man you have a problem with that in your country?
Poland..home..(actually it's my flat, post yours)
/brit/ - /British Broadcasting Corporation/
What's it like being a female in ur cunt?
How prepared was your country for corona?
Do you want to find love in Europe?
For me it's the BTR
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/ita/ - il filo
They are 1st world already
Another day as a conscriptcuck without getting paid
Reddit country
Do people in your country celebrate halloween?
I'm collecting all the Zig Forums twinks, please post them to expand my collection
During the 30 Years War, Sweden destroyed 1 in 3 German towns, and killed 1 in 4 Germans
Thoughts on this?
Why are latinx seem to be so much into communism?
Opinion on the person that single handedly ruined this part of Europe forever?
Calls west "great satan" "kaffir" "enemies of islam"
Armenian genocide?
How did ancient humans figure out that if you grind up wheat, add water, yeast, and sugar, then bake it...
Sverigetråden - Kaosknegarupplagan
I am a girl
/lat/ - hilo latino
What happens in Norway?
We will never see an Iberian Union
I don't have friends.Is this common in your cunts?
How will humanity react to the eventual interaction with extraterrestrial beings?
There are cute russian guy that are posting on Zig Forums right now
International aesthetics
The female reply rate to male senders
The United States
What the heck is going on in Slough, UK?
I have never done any drugs
True architecture reflects the character of its designers. The architecture of Quebec city has a simple greatness
Eeeeeeeeeeh?? Look who finally decided to come out of his room!
/fr/ - le fil froncé
1)your cunt
Average price for a 1kg loaf of bread in the world's most expensive cities
Kurva anyátok
1. Your country
The best President in Latin American history was an Arab
The patrician choice
You wake up in England
What going on in China?
/ita/ il filo
Schoko bananen
Does your country use tilt or slide windows?
Say something nice about Brazilian food
/desi/-UP niggas edition
I don't get it
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
I find Indian women to be extremely sexually stimulating
Ah yes, the finnish """civil war"""
I notice something
Votre pays
Alright faglords
Please dont hate finland because of one spamming tranny
A lot of people call the French arrogant
Sverigetråden - Sosseupplagan
I am a failure
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Why do Europeans think it's strange that we put butter and syrup on pancakes?
This is my personal axis of cringe
Does this happen in your country?
Polish university :)
I am not gay! All I want is to dress up like a girl...
What is definitively the best country in Europe?
Post your favored Japanese girls
Do incels in your country think smoking is cool?
Which are you?
Rate my gf
Does this really happen in russia?
Post picrelated
Zig Forums BTFO
What happens here?
Why do Americans use the word "baby" for their romantic partners? It's super weird and gross
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Americans have gangs in high school
Is this why you guys are filled with incel freaks?
Polish people, explain the reason for this right fucking NOW
Why are we so vilified on this board?
/fr/ - Le francofil de la fausse pandémie de #Covid-19
Buy our cars
Wilhelm II. ehemals /deutsch/
Balkans are the least racist Europeans
How common is cuteposting in your country?
Rat edition
1987 Referendum: 1.7% support independence
What are your thoughts on Orania a community in South Africa which is 100% white Afrikaner?
You're a big guy
Is the uk the worst amongst the developed countries? EPISODE 2
Chicago Deep Dish Pizza is the best Pizza
1. You're country
How do we stop him?
When the anglo says "how are you?"
How many girls have ever had a crush on you?
/ita/ - il filo
Will you buy the PS5?
Please don't hate Finland
United Kingdom of Greater India
Jews are to blame Im a virgin
Post pic from your window
Do I look like a local in your country?
Rangeban Finland
I don't get it
/fr/ - Le francofil des frankop1s
If you can't set up a tent in a wild area in your cunt, you are seriously cucked
Although white girls may be pretty, they are boring. I'd rather have something just as pretty but Zig Forumsernational
Do people in your country prefer dogs or cats?
I hate Chinks, Terrorists, Niggers and Spics!
Is your country white?
Post your cozy autumn dens
Is it possible to have strong, masculine sons with Asian women...
/ita/ il filo
Brown people bad
Your days are numbered
Why Japanese is such beautiful people compere other Asian? I think most beautiful Asian without plastic is japanese
Wtf, he looks like he's dying
Why are Asians attracted to this type of cringe behavior?
Sverigetråden - Upplyftande upplaga
I need to be turned into a girl and fucked like one as well by a real masculine MAN!
Your result
Do Turks that are near Greece speak with a slight Greek accent?
If pol.seethe = 1
/ISR/ - /ישר/
Why is this country so poor?
What is the best city in Russia?
Phenotwinks of Zig Forums
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: pics showing international diversity
Why do Americans eat worse food than third world countries?
I don't get Brits
Why are eastern european cities so much comfier than western european?
What do you think about the redditman?
/東亞/ - /EAG/ - East Asia General
Hey sweden, bullshits aside, is this even remotely true?
/fr/ - le francofil
Are natives of your cunt genetically diverse?
Sverigetråden - Starka upplagan
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
FREE WEST PAPUA!! The INDONESIANS are doing the GENOCIDERINO!! They are occupying THE PAPUA!!! Um...
Does your life have meaning?
/brit/ clog
Animu ehemals /deutsch/
An arab stole my phone here 594 days ago. I will never forgive those people
In China and in South East Asia, if you manufacture or import drugs into the country...
This is one of the most popular artist on e621 and he is Finnish. Can you see a pattern here?
Ethnomathematics vs Western Mathematics
Israel is declining, becoming more religious...
Am I racist if I think white people look sort of evil/intimidating? It's something about their eyes...
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Why there is no French folklore...
Would you marry a girl that has been fucked by another man before?
Is the uk the worst amongst the developed countries?
White children be like
Post a picture that represents your home city
Is this true?
Is there a country with more soul than Russia?
Mexican sailors breeding white French women
Turkey will be closer to Europe than the UK in a few weeks. How does your country feel about Turkey?
Why are oghuz turkic people so greedy for land in a psychopathic type of way?
Political compass test
Latin america
What do you eat for breakfast in your country?
Kurva anyátok
Why don't white men move to Japan?
Wtf is wrong with other races, anyone care to explain?
An entire people wiped out of existence
Anons I know I'll be banned for this but I took a hullucigenetic drug called acid in America and I'm freaking the efuck...
Do you want to visit Japan? Where?
This board supports blm
/lat/ - Hilo latino
Ask an Australian anything
The Zig Forumsjack made them seethe so hard they're writing entire essays of cope
/ita/ - il filo
Why did Brits give this up again?
Americans ruin everything
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
True architecture reflects the character of its designers. The architecture of Quebec city has a simple greatness
A Frenchcel or baguettecel or un francel (or une francelle in the case of a femcel) is a French-speaking incel...
Asians consider this man to be good looking
Guess the country
Your cunt
I am an ugly white dude but i think the jbw theory might actually be real
Beyond parody
Learn Armenian
International art thread?
Drunk /desi bvll reporting in, Sir
/東亞/ - /EAG/ - East Asia Gener
Are you a sex haver or a non sex haver
What is wrong with French “people”?
Koreans is the USA of Asia
How the fuck do you tell them apart? I mixed two of my Asian coworkers up and they made fun of me
Born in aristocratic family but with stripped of all his wealth during the cultural revolution
Post typical female fashion from ur flag
I’ll admit it, I find twinkjaks to be very hot. Does this make me gay?
People of the world ask me anything ??
Do grown men in your country like little anime girls?
Why do they shill their women here?
Why are Europeans like this?
What do Indians and gypsies think of each other?
Your cunt
Does your country discriminate masculine gays?
You have to admit an argument between these four would be legendary
Hairstyles of Zig Forums
/fr/ francofil Québecois francophone
Why don't mexican girls have big bundas like brazilians and colombians?
Your cunt
Your welcome italy :)
Draw your country by memory
How many friends do you have in real life?
Did your country support the right side in cold war?
Cute, tall, virgin, European male replies to your thread
/flag/ + /extraflags/
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Is your country a PS5 country or an Xbox country?
Study Portuguese
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Why do koreans do this? They looked so better before surgery
Sverigetråden - Skogshusupplagan
Turks are 60% galatian who were Celtic and therefore white
Watch out world, here comes the Big Three
Canada population is now 38 million
What are race relations within the penitentiary system like in your country?
China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move the world
Why don't white men move to Japan?
I really don't understand Spanish American logic:
Who is expected to take over when he dies?
What could have been
Where do I go to get a brown gf (male) like pic related?
I wish Amerifats strike Turkey and then France finishes the job and takes the glory
The semiconductor market is the one high tech market the Chinese has no market penetration in
Food question to North Americans
Discount japan
Guess the country
Why do these retards talk about Civil War all day all of sudden?
Wtf Egypt is greener than Spain
Are there any Armenians or Azerbaijanis here?
Do Greeks really look like this?
/nachtschicht/ früher /deutsch/
/fr/ - le francofil du samedi soir
Never experienced teenage love
ITT: We pray for Argentina
Why do girls look cute when men arent
Sverigetråden - Fogelupplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
One of his past times is watching football
/v4/ + friends
Did the Portugueses just copied our Anthem?
It's no coincidence that beer drinking countries are the best in Europe
Why yes I get spammed as a wojak by leftists, how could you tell?
Guess the map
Post traditional architecture from your country
/ita/ - il filo
What happens here?
This board is pure shit, lazy wojak spam and coomers
/fr/ - le fil
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
How fucked is your country?
Reminder that these so called "countries" are rightful mesoptamian clay that saddam tried to get back...
What percentage of this board do you reckon you could kill?
Among Us 6pm
Why do you hate us? I'll try to change your mind!
Korean culture is stealing Japanese culture and relabeling it as Korean
/brit/ & /BUILT/
I'm 30 and never trimmed my pubes - does this happen in your country?
/ex-yu/ - Sl*venia
Does this happen in your cunt?
Canada brings in women and families only
/lat/ - hilo latano
Sverigetråden - Läderlappens upplaga
Is Germany the USA of Europe?
Has anyone on this board ACTUALLY visited finland apart from finns?
What does int drive
The joos are funding a brainwashing campaign on Zig Forums to trick gullible young men into being crossdressing faggots
I wish i was nordic
Is it weird to be particularly attracted to Asian girls?
What kind of men do the women in your country prefer?
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
Whats his ethnicity? Ive heard that he is a tajik living in russia
How is the metal scene in your country...
/fr/ - le fil francophone
I want to help people with my life. How can I best do this?
You are a country
/deutsch/ Spätschicht
Germany is dying and thats a good thing
Are you really torrenting games?
Sverigetråden - Isildurs upplaga
Ugly language
Kurva anyátok
1 country
Does this happen in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
Why is Christian culture so boring and nihilistic as well as depressing?
Post an animal that embodies your country
Do adult men in your country like little anime girls?
French people are whi--
Tfw missed high school years without ever finding true love
Reminder that these two so called countries are actually rightful Iranian provinces that were taken from us by...
If you join a group of foreign people and ask where they're from...
How are fags treated in your country?
Are these countries known in your cunt?
Why can't /p*l/ handle the bantz
/fr/ francofil
Canadian accents
Is drinking considered normal in your country? If so, how much is too much?
Mexicans/latinos view of south asians
Is your country white?
What is your country's national drink?
1. Cunt
What do people here do for fun?
Is it true tha muhammad killed many ppl and married a 9 year old girl?
ITT be as German as possible
/deutsch/ erneuter faden auch
Zig Forums drawing thread
African countries
Does your country have literature?
>Brown eyes Bad
Ls she white?
What countries do you play in GSG's?
Can you redpill me about Norwegian and Finnish women?
Post the dog breeds of your country
Do they really think they're germanics?
Have you ever had a crush on a muslima? if so, tell us about it
Reunification when
What do you call this type of girls in your country ?
Do latin americans get along with each other?
No Fun Allowed: The Religions
Living the dream boys?
/fr/ - francofil francophone
What's wrong with modern millennial men? Why do we fund thots like this?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Is Zig Forums just Zig Forums but less shit?
Thank you for coming to Brazil!
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Which is the best drug and why is it mdma
Dude, Islam is so based and redpilled for hating gays, women and degeneracy. I'd convert if bacon wasn't haram
/prit/ + /brit/
Is this kind of thinking encouraged in your country? If so, why?
Be a azerbajanian schoolgirl
Do you like this man? If no, why not?
His mother is older than his father
/ita/ - Il filo
Why does Germany have a nazi problem?
Sverigetråden - Arvsfondupplagan
More than 600 people ignore lost child in UK TV experiment
International monogamy
/lat/ hilo latino
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Use of the word subhuman per 10,000 posts on Zig Forums
Mfw I outlive yet another US president
Is it cold where you live now?
What's your opinion about the next president of the US. Joe 'Mr. President' Biden?
Occupies your country... And your cock
Anybody else feel like this Corona pandemic feels a bit hoaxy?
Why do soytalians hate American 'za so much?
Official Rangeban Finland petition thread
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine