Why do soytalians hate American 'za so much?
Why do soytalians hate American 'za so much?
Alexander Johnson
Cameron Sanchez
Based from my local pizzeria
Jayden White
Because Italian pizzas don't have pinapples?
Ethan Ross
Here is one I got yesterday, think they undercooked because it was super doughy and a lot greasier than the last one I got
Owen Thomas
Would smash that while watching the hockey with the boys while drinking some molson dry.
Jason Russell
Believe It or not Hawaiian pizza is actually a Canadian invention
Jeremiah Davis
que desastre ese pizza
Elijah Lopez
I know a pizza from pizza pizza when I see one
Sebastian Gray
Clearly you don't. Pizza pizza is cardboard thin and little grease. This pizza was heavy to pick up
Bentley Reed
Pizza Hut FTW!