Why do soytalians hate American 'za so much?

Why do soytalians hate American 'za so much?

Attached: the-feast-gordon-ramsay-pizza.jpg (450x300, 49.6K)

Based from my local pizzeria

Attached: IMG_20200906_164116116.jpg (3120x4160, 3.55M)

Because Italian pizzas don't have pinapples?

Here is one I got yesterday, think they undercooked because it was super doughy and a lot greasier than the last one I got

Attached: IMG_20201002_145226694_HDR.jpg (3120x4160, 3.71M)

Would smash that while watching the hockey with the boys while drinking some molson dry.

Believe It or not Hawaiian pizza is actually a Canadian invention

que desastre ese pizza

I know a pizza from pizza pizza when I see one

Clearly you don't. Pizza pizza is cardboard thin and little grease. This pizza was heavy to pick up

Pizza Hut FTW!