Why do soytalians hate American 'za so much?
Why do soytalians hate American 'za so much?
Based from my local pizzeria
Because Italian pizzas don't have pinapples?
Here is one I got yesterday, think they undercooked because it was super doughy and a lot greasier than the last one I got
Would smash that while watching the hockey with the boys while drinking some molson dry.
Believe It or not Hawaiian pizza is actually a Canadian invention
que desastre ese pizza
I know a pizza from pizza pizza when I see one
Clearly you don't. Pizza pizza is cardboard thin and little grease. This pizza was heavy to pick up
Pizza Hut FTW!
liking excessive amounts of cheese is a sign of low intelligence and immaturity
americans have a good taste
>pizza pizza is cardboard thin
the poos and chinks that work at all my local pizza pizzas would like to have a word with you
also they are very greasy when taken right out of the oven for whatever reason
Don't know every pizza I've got from pizza pizza is skinny it's why it has the sterotype of " cardboard pizza"
Forgot pic
I sorta see where you are coming from, here the crust is so obnoxiously thick compared to the middle that all the grease accumulates in the middle when it's finished and it's sometimes even dripping with it if you eat it right out of the oven
either way, pizza hut is my go-to if I am not going to my local family owned place
American pizza actually usually is not great. The only places where it’s consistently really good are in the Tri-State New York area and Chicago. Maybe Mass and Connecticut. Other than that, there’s nothing great about it besides being cheap and easy.
Really? I dot get fast food pizza that much. But my options are pizza pizza, pizza hut and dominos and I always pick pizza pizza
Dominos makes the worst pizzas out of the three and I have no clue where the fuck pizza hut comes up with their prices. A panzerotti from pizza hut is $9 meanwhile I can get one twice the size from pizza pizza for $6.50
You seem to care way more than us.
If an italian is offended about pizza, it's usually just a joke.
We have ours, why would we care about what you do with yours?
Just don't come to Italy and pretend to eat your way i guess
>nooooooooo pizza needs to be cooked on a stone oven and be burnt and covered in leaves picked by mountain nuns and cheese must be from a special sheep only found in small part of Italy or it doesn't taste correct!!!
>Scandinavian talking about food
opinion discarded
They're idiots. Italia food is the best in the world.
italians getting offended about pizza is kind of a meme, but italians really do get offended about american pepperoni.
>mutt education
Because it doesn't make any sense! Why do you call "saleme" salami but when you put it on a pizza it becomes pepperoni (which sounds like peperone, a sweet pepper)??
No. Pepperoni is a type of salami. They’re prepared differently and taste different.
blame the sicilians that moved here.
Is it spicy? That would make more sense
maybe for white people it's spicy.
Are you not "white"?
Why are they like this?
no, I'm american
Yes, it's basically salami made with some chili paste or something, which is why it's colored red.
Pepperoni is some salami derived sausage with some paprika and chilli pepper, the colour is from the curing method.
But i'm like this
post tummy
i only get pizza pizza when i want to be a slob and eat a shit ton of creamy garlic or the texas bbq sauce with my pizza
even muttoids have better food than you faglords