What do you think about mandatory military service? I think my country should have them. South Korea, Finland, etc all have mandatory military services. I think 1 year should be good. Train men to be strong and independent.
What do you think?
What do you think about mandatory military service? I think my country should have them. South Korea, Finland, etc all have mandatory military services. I think 1 year should be good. Train men to be strong and independent.
What do you think?
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Well they better not end up becoming a bunch of crybabies.
I think it would help integrate other ethnicities as well like it does in Singapore
Cucked. As long as women don't have obligations it's cucked as fuck.
I'm not saying they would have to do military service, men can also choose a civilian service
>not wanting fit females that can take care of themselves at the most basic level
Sending the zoomers into the arctic for a year to maintain our sovereignty would actually be a remarkable experience and do them a lot of good.
Literally the only reason it should be for. Not only racial but also social class.
Imo it should also work like in Denmark when you can choose to participate or not. Mandatory is cringe but thats just because im lib i suppose
Waste of money & resources to conscript. Those who wish to join military can easily do so. They're always lookinh for poor fuckers to get torn to shreds.
Conscription is like a measure of a country's success. In a good country people would have no problem serving it.
Plus there's literally no downside to it, any more than there's downsides to providing healthcare or primary education. If people are not ready to defend their country that means there's something wrong with the country or the people.
Women should do it too. "Equality" and what not. Separate the men and the women, though. Because when you have them together, the men's regiment gets its requirements lowered.
So why don't women have to serve if that's so great?
are there any movement to abolish conscription in finland?
>What do you think about mandatory military service?
We should re-establish them, so the enemy can kill our doctors/engineers without calling it a war crime.
No. And not the feminists even don't want to touch it because it just shows how hyppocrites they are
Why the fuck would the army make you strong and independent the entire process is about making you dependant and doing exactly what you're told
Obviously they should. Again, no real reason not to, except some 19th-century ideas about proper gender roles and such.
I think it should be voluntary, last at least a couple years, and only people who served can vote and hold public office
Conscription is dumb, I think you're doing a disservice to the army if you allow conscription because it also brings a lot of unmotivated people who don't want to be there or don't want to serve rather.
I think exemptions should be made if you actually have health problems or you're disabled in some way.
Compared to the losers that sign up because they have no other options?
Pretty based.
There is zero reason we shouldn't do this. Make them chop firewood and learn a trade for a year or two, then boot them into the world with a sense of community, some useful technical skills, and 10 or 20k savings. Way better than the alternatives we have now. Plus it would solve the rural drug problems somewhat by taking people out of those situations.
>military service
It makes you fit better into society, which in turn makes you stronger and more independent
Because being dependent on someone who isn't your parents and learning to do exactly what you're told are ironically the first baby steps towards being strong and independent.
It is a necessary measure to fight the soyboi epidemic.
Men need suffering to grow up.
If there's suffering involved in military training then you're doing it wrong.
They make the choice to be there so yes. Kek you could have always just not signed up.
We don't have the budget for mandatory service, komrade. Many of my friends turned to the military out of highschool, and found by their mid 20's that the money just wasn't in it. Several turned to law enforcement and private security, to find that - like just about every other industry and sector in this country - the only way up is across.
I approve, I'm of the belief that currently prior military or civil service should be required for presidential candidates.
Yet we have the budget to give everyone 4k a month to stay home and not work?
Our government is a corrupt circus of petty despots. The military could pay for itself with the right management, but Parliament starves society to pay for welfare and stuff their pockets.
>military could pay for itself
That's not how it works user