A lot of people call the French arrogant

A lot of people call the French arrogant.

And I agree, they really are. But they deserve to be! Have you ever been to France? Have you seen how impressive the architecture, how nice the towns, how cozy the villages are? Have you seen how incredibly beautiful the countryside is? Have you ever tasted the food, the intricate dishes that prove that France managed to turn cooking into an art form, a feat no other nation accomplished? Have you ever heard the beauty of the French language? Have you studied their impressive history, their military accomplishments that almost rival those of Britain? If the French are arrogant, they have every right to be and I bow to them.

Attached: french flag.jpg (800x400, 25.51K)

t.Frenchman in Germany

I'm Bavaryan and I will make you bow to them too.

Good to know then.

Concession accepted.

This is how you can tell Germany is truly fucked. After thousands of years of fighting against it, they've finally been frogg'd

hello faggot my old friend
i've come to torment you again

>they've finally been frogg'd


The fullness of your solitude is endearing to me. I want to save you.

>their military accomplishments that almost rival those of Britain?
The British only have a Navy and have lead all their land wars by proxy... How can they even be compared to the french?
For the rest, I agree.
When x finds y arrogant, it's because x's arrogance is hurt.