Hope this becomes the official USA flag

Much better looking than the original. Like the burger Reichsflagge.

Attached: 20201005_081023.jpg (859x485, 97.14K)

Blue ribbon of sorrow?

Attached: 1561267119560.jpg (720x960, 77.55K)

What do you think of this one?

Attached: 71oGS3aZ0LL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (1500x872, 92.07K)

Red ribbon of self-destruction?

replace all the white bands with red

It's okay. For me blue is more aesthetic with black and white.

We should change Russia's flag to this.

Attached: flag.png (2700x1718, 272.05K)

This is also a good one and I like what it represents.

>On top you have the law abiding portion of a community + a thin blue line + and all others who would intend chaos and destruction.

Very personal to me because we have republicans/communists trying to overthrow the monarchists/royalists and bring chaos to the Kingdom but law and order stand in their way.

Attached: Blue.jpg (1103x650, 85.23K)