Post picrelated

>post picrelated
>get a response "lol you're just gay in denial"

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Don't worry tomboy haters are the faggots in denial if anything

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Based tomboy appreciators.


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Tom boy is patrician
don't let those cock loving faggot tricked you

Tomboys are the ultimate straight man's choice

You're not alone bro.

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because they are gay and want you to be aswell, simple as

>waaaaaaa want tomboy
>waaaaaaa want muscular girl
>waaaaaaa want this extremely "exotic" girl from nowhere with these specific quirks
when did you realize that this was mostly cope of weak men who come um with these new trends they start liking coincidentally all at the same time because it gives them a little hope that they might have a chance, unlike aiming for a normal attractive girl with standard feminine features and beauty that would prove fruitless if they ever tried

I mean look at this website as of lately. This was barely a thing and now all incels spout it almost automatically