When the anglo says "how are you?"

>when the anglo says "how are you?"

Attached: 1573353815086.jpg (1920x1080, 67.65K)

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>Germans are incapable of polite small talk
No wonder you chimp out and start wars so often.

>Amerilard say how are you
>doesnt wait for reply and walk away
fuck off you fat retard

You are supposed to say 'yea ok' and say 'you' to what they will reply with some variation of good or ok. It's a courtesy, not an actual talking point.

Just mumble something like "good" or "fine" and continue about your business. I'm not sure why it's upsetting to be greeted like this.

Anglos start the most wars

All in self-defence, just like the Romans did.

>Ask a European how their day was
>They go on to tell me every single thing that has happened to them from the second they woke up to the second we met
Why are they like this?

>why are Europeans forthright and genuine