how do we stop him?
How do we stop him?
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Whats his plan?
so this puppet finally revealed his true plan?
There's a reason why Zig Forums love him
Ok I looked it up appearently he wants to restrict homeschooling
>He said the country would end a system allowing Imams to train overseas and would take control of religious funding.
>"The goal of training and promoting in France a generation of Imams and intellectuals who defend an Islam fully compatible with the values of the Republic is a necessity," Macron told an audience in Les Mureaux, a city located in Paris' suburbs.
>Macron added that the certifying of Imams in the country will change with the French Council of the Muslim Religion formalising their training.
Sounds like common sense to me. They should do that for every religion here as well
Crushing Islam. With no survivors.
Is separation of church and state not common in Europe?
just ignore him
Nobody likes Macron, nobody respects Macron. All he wants is to be treated as a leader that he isnt.
Seethe shitskins.
Mind your own business
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Based secularist, we need more of forced secularism around the world
Uhm sorry sweetie but racism is incompatible with modern western culture
It's especially important in France
The Church here has actually a lot of influence on our politics, especially in some areas
Based secularist
>it also forbids government involvement in religious affairs, and especially prohibits government influence in the determination of religion
Doesn't this go against what Macron is suggesting?
Shut up turk
No. Macron seeks to create french islam. This will recquire govt to meddle at first by implementation of arabic studies for muslims in schools, but it counters international Islamist from influencing french muslims. Once it is established it would be its own church like entity.
I don't think he actually wants to change Islam as a religion, mostly to check what Imams are preaching in France. But a French user could probably better explain the law
This is a really foreign idea to me. Here freedom of religion would prevent the state from establishing a church or being involved in creation of a church's doctrine in any way.
Vive l'empereur! Vive JVPITER!
Well you seem to have religion increasingly encroaching on governmental matters
I will fight with JVPITER to destroy the muzdog menace
Yeah, we have our own issues with government and religion. It's just surprising to me how differently we approach the issue compared to most of you across the pond.
aren’t French Muslims the least religious Muslims in the world? Doing this will cause religion to be an issue in French politics again.
>Algerians in Algeria are very secular and irreligious and don't care about religion at all
>go to France and start larping as uber-religious and wearing religious clothing just to rub it in their face and trigger ex-colonial oppressors
How are they so based, bros?
Ah yes all those atheists bombing paris every five minutes
China already solved the muslim question.
ok that's based
He is making rightwingers be apeased long enough for white people to become the minority
Based, based, BASED
Emperor, I kneel
Do they? They're really dumb as fuck
to rule the islam world with an iron but fair fist
Integrate muslims through the usage if fertile white wombs