Considering how fucked and divided America is, I think it's over ameribros...

Considering how fucked and divided America is, I think it's over ameribros. Election results or 2024 will be when everything finally snaps. So, I've come to you, Zig Forums I wanna know which country you think will be "#1" after the storm settles. Obvious answer is China but that probably wouldn't last long for many reasons.

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The obvious answer is America you chink bastard stop trying to bring us real Americans down

Just a question, user. You done much traveling inside or outside of the US?

seethe cletus this time we're seceding from you

China always wins

Attached: California liberation.jpg (640x744, 71.87K)

I no longer wish to cope, friend. I am just looking at reality

What are the chances trumpists would start rioting if donald loses? I'm certain if he wins, there would be huge riots, what about the opposite?

>seethe cletus this time we're seceding from you

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Please, Chicano. That would be great. Thanks.

It’s low if you ask me.