Considering how fucked and divided America is, I think it's over ameribros. Election results or 2024 will be when everything finally snaps. So, I've come to you, Zig Forums I wanna know which country you think will be "#1" after the storm settles. Obvious answer is China but that probably wouldn't last long for many reasons.
Considering how fucked and divided America is, I think it's over ameribros...
Lincoln Williams
Christopher Green
The obvious answer is America you chink bastard stop trying to bring us real Americans down
Bentley Morgan
Just a question, user. You done much traveling inside or outside of the US?
Camden Phillips
seethe cletus this time we're seceding from you
Aaron Howard
China always wins
Joshua Nelson
I no longer wish to cope, friend. I am just looking at reality
Brayden Foster
What are the chances trumpists would start rioting if donald loses? I'm certain if he wins, there would be huge riots, what about the opposite?
Cooper Baker
>seethe cletus this time we're seceding from you
Bentley Rodriguez
Please, Chicano. That would be great. Thanks.
Liam Taylor
It’s low if you ask me.