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International #1317
Do latin americans ever bully chileanos for having an anglo flag?
Why can't first world women cook?
How bad is the tranny epidemic in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
5/10 in the Ukraine
Why do Turkey thinks they are the defender of Islam...
This is the average italian girl
We are officially the western version of Brazil and can factually be classified as brown...
Your cunt
I suffer in scandinavia
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
Fuck is this
/loli/ auch /deutsch/
Okay I'm watching jojo Stardust for the first and
Why do soyjack loves Palestine so much?
Who is the rightful heir to all this?
North iberia (specially north-west iberia) is the only european region of this whole peninsulae
How common are "exotic" relationships in your country? Pic related is getting more and more common in Western countries
Americans be like
You wake up in Romania
/ita/ - il filo
Russia great?
Vocaroo thread
You are a big guy
I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
Kurva anyátok
"In the name of God, the most Gracious, the most Merciful"
Wtf, is this really normal in the EU?
Lol scandinavia drinks a lot of coffee even more than us
What would turkey look like today if they forced everyone to speak a native language in the 1920s like Zaza instead of...
Was Lenin a hero?
Native tricks for French?
Why are they so extroverted/outgoing?
If youre cunt doesnt have a Sabaton song about them than they are irrelevant
How big should Germany be?
American pizza
Do you think normie girls in your country know what BLACKED is?
So this is the power of (tr)anime... does this happen in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Thomas Seltzer aka Happy Tom from Turbonegro has made a documentary about the decline of the US since he moved from...
Why are Indians such nerds?
Are women of this body type common in your country?
Could could north African and Syrian refugees pass as a native of Al españa and Al Portugal?
Sverigetråden - Negerslaktarupplagan
Sverigetråden - Fisbjörnsupplagan
Croatians are the only posters I've ever seen that go out of their way to tell you how swarthy and brown and Med they...
36ºC since 8 in the morning
What happens if you mix an Indian with an Arab?
/deutsch/ am Abend
I just heard about this Erasmus thing in Europe where students can move to different countries
Only green countries are latin america
Why are russians so fearless?
Are you a Ouiaboo or a Kaiserboo?
/ita/ - il filo
How do we stop the rise of anti-Chinese sentiment in the world?
What do they think of each other? They're just a short trip across the sea from one another
They should become tourist destination by promoting themselves as cradle of Aryan civilization. Just kidding...
Why do they Balkan people so much?
Do incels in your country have an unreasonable hatred towards gays?
I just LOVE winter it's so frickin COMFY and WHOLESOME
Italy, hate China more
Your cunt
Your cunt
Were the stars in the right place in the sky when you were born?
Are Reptiles native in your country?
Name 5 European films off the top of your head
Do based men in your country like anime girls?
Question for MENAs
Wake up
Your cunt?
That self hating mexican schizo that calls you leftypol
This is what I imagine med girls to look like
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Sverigetråden Hitlerupplagan
Why are we not accepted as a Scandinavian country?
Dark mode on apps/OS/websites
Tajik girls look like this
Choose your fighter
European or American gf?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2427
Just had gay sex
/flag/ + /extraflags/
You will always be alone
Do 13 year olds post pics like this in your country?
Are men willing to date and marry only fans girls in your country?
One Reason China and USA will never fight war
Is this shaping up to be the Scandinavian 9/11?
I’m not joking, I really mean it; I really can’t believe there are religious people in this day and age...
Fucking liberal sjw leftists destroying my plan of establishing my ethnostate
Name 5 reasons brazil isnt western
Did America defeat drugs
Sverigetråden Ida's upplaga
Austro-Hungarian empire
Is keto popular in your country?
She can't name 10 finnish people
Chad's of Zig Forums present yourselves
How did they expect anybody to sympathize with them when the face of their movement looks like this?
/ita/ il filo
She cant name 5 Japanese cities
Does your country respect women?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Commieblocks in china look so cool and based. why can't america be the same? wtf?
First worlders be like
What is your opinion about your native general thread?
Country for this feel?
/fr/ le francofil
Why don't nordic countries produce porn?!
Sverigetråden - Arpiupplagan
Why are N*rdics so obsessed with this semi-arid desert climate when theirs are objectively better?
Why are Indians so horny?
I suffer as a Jew
Why are anglos such genocidal maniacs? Is it something deep in their genes?
/ita/ - il filo
Why is Russia so shit at taking care of the environment?
Why are Germans bullied up to this day but Japanese still pretend Unit 731 never happened...
1. Your country
Why do Germans keep following order without questioning them?
Feet of Zig Forums, post them
Moscow vs Saint-Petersburg
The nordic capital
Sverigetråden - Simpupplagan
Do you strive for getting yourself a tradwife?
Your thoughts on saudi arabia?
Kinda wild
Europoors jerk off a dildo while driving
Indonesia thread
You will never herd reindeer in taiga with your qt Khanty gf
How do I approach Japanese WOMEN, not girls?
Have you met a French girl ? Wht was she like ?
If your country breaks down into civil war, which factions fight and where do you stand?
Do Japanese people hate us?
Have you taken the Asian pill?
What's your job user?
Have you ever eaten a more disgusting looking egg in your country
/v4/ + friends
Do you like sluts?
Why is Eastern Europe already ahead of South Europe?
Tfw you will never be a Chinese diaspora with identity crisis...
International kitties
Does your country have lots of weeaboo girls?
Kurva anyátok
What causes this phenomenon
Tell me about your asian gf
Do you trust the police in your country?
Do Japanese people really post here? I feel like it's all English teachers LARPing
/イスラ/- /ישר/- /እስራ/- /isr/ - מהדורת /ישר/ על הבוקר
Faces of Zig Forums
/lat/ hilo latANO
Learn Chechen
This country is ruining the Americas
How is it possible to be this irrelevant?
Would you wife a non-practicing muslima?
Happy German-American Day bros
/mex/ + gran colombia
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
List of fake "third world countries:"
Safest country in south america is the whitest one
The most educated countries in the world:
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/desi/ - cute kot edition
Why do white men in relationships with Asian women have such a hardcore hatred for Asian/half Asian men when their sons...
The mutt king ia dying
/lat/ hilo latino
Post something (int related) and I'll say is it based or cringe. Yous guaranteed
International awkward situations
Which Spanish-speaking country has the best accent and why is it Spain?
Tfw no inuit gf
Do people in your country possess SVPERIOR taste in anime waifus?
Brazilians be like:
Is he white?
The two faces of Brazil
United States of America is the only country on earth that actually dropped a nuclear bomb on another country
Do enbies exist in your country?
The United States of America
Is he white?
What are the most popular pizza toppings in your little country?
How did Chile become such a success story compared to its shithole sudaca neighbours?
Would this guy pass as white in Latin America?
Ok seriously, 100% unironically, no memes or joking around
Do americans really
What do you think about China? or What is the opinion on China in your country?
Why would indians want to rape this
This is my DNA. When I trace my family back for generations...
Whoa, the chinese now openly mock the US
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
When was the last time you humiliated yourself in front of a female and what did you do?
So when I started talking, they’d be like “Oh my god, you’re British...
/lang/ - Learning Language General
Thoughts on Brazil?
Why so many of them here these days?
You! Yes, you, count to 500 in French
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What will happen to Egypt when Ethiopians dam the Nile?
Italians are brown
What languages do you know?
Do japanese people believe they're ugly? if so, are they correct?
I am feeling so lonely
Look up job title in Europe (for example, Germany)
Mexicans dont want to come to canada because it's too cold
Were we too cocky, fellow eurobros?
Has any meme in the history of Zig Forums caused this much seething?
Why is their language so full of English loanwords? Disgusting
/fpt/ French Practice Thread
I have this ground beef for dinner, what should I make?
Damn, someone needs to stop the evil Chinese
How does UK cope with their existance?
Sverigetråden - Tjudiska upplagan
How does Japan represent your country in anime?
/ita/ il filo
Why is China so powerful?
Why is the US so afraid of others surpassing them?
American staticians gain hundreds of thousand each year to create models that predict reality
Colombia is the best country in Latin America
Predict this map post-corona
What is your favorite movie?
Brazil is getting rid of credit cards
The first impression of every student both national and international is “Oh! Where are we? Is this Sweden...
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
Why they always look unhappy
Is being a leech and a crushing disappointment to your parents common in your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - Le Francofil
My nickname is white death
Vocaroo thread!
Why do they hate each other when they are so similar?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I want to leave this fucking country. Turkey has no hope of improving and things are most certainly going to get worse
What kind of armor did female warriors use back in the Medieval Age?
Sverigetråden - Snacksupplagan
Germans wanted to shoah this
Do people in your country get really lonely? I do here
Visit spain
What's the oldest text in your language you can understand?
This is the average american girl in 2020
Yeah that seems about right
Should Europeans give back stolen historical artifacts despite them being much safer in Europe (ignore WW2 incident)?
I want to leave this fucking country...
By far the best part of the US, only fags and söyboys disagree
When did Christianity and Judaism get this belief in being "different religions" how would someone define a "religion"...
Your country
Sverigetråden - Knegupplagan
What is your
Where my New Vegas bros at?
Why does Northern Ireland prefer Great Britain to Ireland?
When I see things from germany I feel like in my homeland...
If the out of africa theory is true, then europeans and middle eastern people are the laziest people around
/ita/ - il filo
Is Christian Bale Med or Nord?
Paler than whites
What did he mean by this?
1. Cunt
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
Did you know that mexicans ruins avocados by mixing them with tomatoes and chili?
I suffer in America
Language mmes
Occasional reminder that Zig Forums is a Macron board
What's it like living in a babby difficulty tier country?
I have a very small penis
Do you have a good relationship with your mother?
I hate mutt politics
/cum/ - Stinky
Today is republic day in Portugal
It is impossible to suffer in Europe
Is getting fit a waste of time in your cunt tree?
Sverigetråden - Åkessons upplaga
The frenchie in The Boys. Played by an Israelian who has nothing to with France. Fuck America
/leaf/ - Canada general
Why did central asian turkics look down on turks so much...
What are some popular books from your country?
Uhh did you just challenge the worldview i built on message board infographics?
Popularity of anime internationally
In which part of Spain can i find boys with this look?
What's this called in your cunt?
Did you know BVLLgaria could have been this big??
Miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
Wtf is this true?
Is weed popular in your country or are you a punkass bitch?
Why did Mexicans and northern Central Americans manage to stay pure but South America didn't?
World couldn't exist without russian torrents
I've been reading the quran on and off for some time now and I've also been talking to some people and idk man
Do you have BLACK QVEENS in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
Meeting foreign people
One drop of my cum can obliterate millenia old Nordic blood lines—I have scandinavia in the palm of my hand
/brit/ - English Fecal Water Edition
Sverigetråden - PewDiePie upplagan
Has anyone in your family survived a genocide whether the Holocaust (under Nazis or collaborators like Ustase...
MENAs are Med
Which one would win?
Former Soviet Republic anons, did any of your relatives fight with the USSR during the second world war...
Why are women so desperate to try to prove that they don't deserve equal rights?
Does your country believe northern Europeans have a right to exist?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Tommorow, 6am : "Good morning, Police Department"
Do ameripoos really?
Whats the most Russian pic/webm you ever seen?
1. Your cuntree
Us gays are not animalistic degenerates who would fuck another man's ass regardless of his consent if given a chance...
I thought this was purely an Zig Forums meme, do americans yell built for bbc in the real world at random women?
/fr/ - eul fil gros
Tfw no gf to cuddle with
Aussies pay $85 for a 100Mbps connection. So overpriced. Here it's $18 for 200Mbps. How much do u pay for your internet?
Fascinating country
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Post voice
There are more italians in brazil than here
The most German pics
F-france, a-are you okay?
/ita/ - il filo
ITT: we post the most american pic/webm in our Zig Forums folder
That Swede with the cute voice
4 minutes left untill i have to work for 10 hours
Why do western nations alienate and isolate migrant children then complain about 'aberrant' behaviour?
How slutty are italian girls?
Does your country have sluts?
Post national teams
How are unis in your country?
/desi/ - babichod edition
I love all American and European people
/brit/ scottish languages 1400
54% of chess world champions are Jewish
WTF I thought K-Pop was supposed to improve the image of Asian men in the west
I wish i was her
ITT: shocking facts about your country
Good afternood france! How is your country doing? What is the current state of your country?
/ita/ il filo
When you see how much taxs you need to pay
Sverigetråden - sluta med jävla tiktok
I am european
Sverigetråden - Dykupplagan
Canadians look like THIS?
YOU, yeah, you, the cute pale SCANDINAVIAN blonde...
/fr/ - Le Francofil de fer
I've never seen snow irl. Not once
I wish I lived in california during the 1960's. A qt gf with flowers in her hair. Music all around about peace and love...
Do you play as your cunt in strategy games? Which ones?
/DiXiE/ - Friends of US & Southern
You have 20 seconds to name 5 European countries
I ONLY eat rare steak like a REAL man!
Why do white men on here simp after white onlyfans roasite liberal femoids whom have
Can someone explain to me why Indians are such horny fuckers? Where does it stem from?
Men & Women /MW/
/イスラ/- /ישר/- /እስራ/- /isr/
Chinese economy is going to collapse
Italians vs businesses
Why didnt society let them have SEX SEX SEX in your country?
My flat in Moscow costs 8 million rubles. this is $102 000. in 2013 8 million rubles were $242 000...
*Record scratch*
Wakey wakey wagie
Your cunt
Brazil gaming
Are Gypsies like this in your country?
Got this cool hat from France
Why are europeans such chads compared to americans?
Why is this allowed?
Wake up
Zoomers don't know how to pirate
Literally brothers from a different mother
If i were to visit SK or Japan, how easy would it be for me to get a gf?
I haven't eaten any processed food in 7 months and all my mental health/fatigue issues went away...
Kurva anyátok
How are you fighting white supremacy Zig Forums?
What happened?
Post average houses in your cunt
Why is he trying so hard?
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
There's no meal better than a good cut of steak
How do you deal with crippling loneliness in your country, Zig Forums?
Living in Germany means constant suffer
Does this happen in you're cunt?
Zig Forums need to be nicer
Your cunt
Mfw someone mentions me in a thread im not in
Something about this looks like such a nightmare. I’m really starting to hate this country on a deep level
Mfw a mexican or latin american flag gives me a (You)
Reminder that there are 8 Caucasoid races
Why don't you marry and have kids, Zig Forums?
What's the most incel country?
What is the biggest regret in your life?
Remember, if you see the Zig Forumsface meme simply ignore it. Feeding them (you)s is doing the trannies a favor
Why have a problem with homosexuality?
Why do Americans make fun of British teeth?
/ex-yu/ mrzim studente edicija
Horrible subs is gone
Mena girls mog the shit out of most women
What's it like to be a scenerylet?
/lat/ hilo latino
Posters you always recognize
Can Europeans and other cunts with "free" healthcare please explain why your people like it?
/ita/ - il filo
I am latinix
I suffer in the third world where our boomers are dying off en masse
Half Syrian half black NBA star Jamal Murray
Turning 20 in an hour
What color of underwear are you wearing right now in your country?
1 year after graduation and 4 people from my class die wtf does this happen in your cunt?
What do these two countries think of each other?
Considering how fucked and divided America is, I think it's over ameribros...
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine