
Her Madge donating the Crown Estate to the fine gentleman of Rotherham Edition

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Singles and she drops dead like a fly

Fuck circumcision
I’m going to kill myself soon
My penis is horribly mutilated and it is painful to get an erection, yet my head is extremely desensitized
I wear this thing called a Manhood which acts as fake foreskin but it will never be the same
I feel awful and depressed every single day and am constantly reminded I was mutilated by Jews

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oh get over it you virgin freak

first (and only) gf can't make me cum from oral, handies, or sex. what are the chances I'm subconsciously a faggot? or is it equally possible she just sucks at sex? or is it just all the porn and jacking off?

adam and eve mate simple as

yeah that's normal for coomers
you just have to give it time and you'll get back into the swing of things

my priest reckons God made aids to punish the gays

i'm gonna do a wee
i'm gonna do a wee
i'm gonna do a wee
farting out my bum

You’re 100% a faggot.
Stop posting.

your nobs got a hole in it and they stick it were shit comes from how could that not cause disease

i'm a long-term coomer and every time my penis enters a vagina i spaff immediately

how do i stop wanking
this girl is dying to choke on my willy but i always feel like wanking is better

not sure what this has to do with British culture

we invented religion

just get this feeling that no one really "gets" me, you know what i mean?

Why'd the only white guy in Rotherham get 9 years in prison for relatively little, while the ringleaders were given gobbies by the bobbies and child protection services?

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you know why

Grow up.

I don't want to get coronavirus to be honest

because all of our politicians and judges are nonces and satanists and benders

Qataris own more London commercial real estate than anyone else. Just remember: going to toil is directly contributing to the destruction of Western civilisation

We really do live in a society.

shut the fuck off
shut the fuck out

also ive heard women are really terrible with hygiene around the ass
see woman who didnt know man was fucking her from behind and she didnt even know her asshole was showing
well, you gotta be a woman

my god are they stupid
generally, not specifically

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Coomer or not you’re a faggot if you don’t like getting a blowie from a proper filthy slut.

honestly a bit NUTTY that a fag thinks we care about what he has to say about women

your virginity is painfully obvious

you cant be hygienic when you are putting your nob were shit comes from its not possible you are getting human shit inside your nob

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maybe it's just that she doesn't arouse me sexually. she is overweight but despite that she manages to have no chebs at all. literal A cups

>Coomer or not you’re a faggot if you don’t like getting a blowie from a proper filthy slut.

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you spend an awful lot of time thinking about willies in men's arses

I’m not a virgin.
I wouldn’t talk about it if i’ve never had my dick sucked before.

i dont
whats next

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the 0.004 seconds it took me to come to that conclusion was long enough