What kind of armor did female warriors use back in the Medieval Age?

What kind of armor did female warriors use back in the Medieval Age?

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Females didn't fought. They should not be soldiers or cops in the present day either.

an apron

the same as everyone else. molding the tits is pointless you'd just strap them down as tight as you can with fabric and wear what men did. was rare but not unheard of and probably happened more than we think.

Ornamental armor

Morphing cybernetic skinsuit.

Attached: red_wolf_titty_suit.webm (1280x790, 625.33K)

It really didn't because women are extremely weak compared to average men.

>On the day of the speech, the Queen left her bodyguard before Tilbury Fort and went among her subjects with an escort of six men. Lord Ormonde walked ahead with the Sword of State; he was followed by a page leading the Queen's charger and another bearing her silver helmet on a cushion; then came the Queen herself, in white with a silver cuirass and mounted on a grey gelding.

oh ok.

what game are you playing op?