
wanna play a game

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why are you being mean about a girls appearance

fuck off

dusty yute

she looks like she was carved out of wood by a 1600's italian carpenter

IS it really that unfair when a person chose that appearance? Well I suppose it's still rude.

cats are such characters


While you merrily post away your time on BRIT


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why is she so cute bros

Going to get a dog when I move out next year lads
Only 5 more months to go on this shit fucking lease

Ah yes I will click on BBC news thats why I go on /brit/

she did it to herself so fair game in my opinion

saving £200 p/m to put towards a hair 'splant lads, want it done well

alri c o p e y

der Zig Forums poster.....

Mum wants to get me one of these but i keep telling her to give me the fucking money cause Im not a vain sack of shit that would spend a house deposit on aesthetic considerations

how much does a decent one cost anyway?


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>guy i knew from secondary school who was notorious for being a creep and trying to grope the girls has just become a monk in southern Italy at the age of 22

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extremely fit bird on tipping point

Ctholics be like gimme da pucci

The bigger the sinner the more intense the response when they face their sins.


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taking a 24h tolerance break but shall be getting stoned again tomorrow

is shit? yeah we know

i do like dark skinned nime arses but hate them in 3d

you like horse poo?

Blood pressure was 109 over 57. Is that good or bad? Usually never this low.

Phwor, who the lovely lad

Autistic foreigners are attracted to /brit/ like flies to shit, cursed by speaking English

not sure, maybe ask someone else

Good lad.

favourite national park?

I'll have had a five day tolerance break as of Friday
Problem is a week probably isn't enough, I reckon my tolerance is hardwired now, as if the sands of time alone are not enough to erode my body and brain's physiological familiarity with thc

He'll be in his element then, girls and boys

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lol slavery

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>have most active general
>Why do people post here???

South downs because at least it doesn't pretend to be natural, NEED the big moor national parks rewilded NOW NOW NOW



She looks hot, would let her fuck me

A good bit. A lot of people seem get them done in turkey and save a lot of money

day 25 of no fap. have been looking at porn the last few days but not wanking