My nickname is white death
My nickname is white death
>tiny wrists
>smooth hairless skin
are you a grill
lmao cute wrist post legs please.
*fucks your hand*
awooga wooga
you ever realize how young everyone here is and get crazy depressed?
No because I'm a man and know how to use my age to my advantage.
belaya smert ?
Should rename you to ”Pale Pocket Pussy”
post your smooth bubble butt
Imagine just snapping that sad-looking malnourished twig in half while the tranny shrieks in pain and horror.
what could you possibly be gaining with that advantage.
His hand looks like he is 14...
how is that possible that I think I already know who's hand is this?
Hrs quite obviously on hormones, not even Russia produces such freaks naturally.
You've seen it before
I'm 20
That's the average Russian Zig Forums poster
then I was right
I hate trannies why would I become one?
I've seen your grotesque body and all I can say is that you either have some disorder or you're on hormones.
No I have a normal male body
Normal for a teenager
Stop acting duller than you really are, it's neither cute nor necessary.
Fucking trannoids lol, it's so hilarious when they try to pull of le redpilled right-wing tranny gimmick.
40% soon, good night.
probably just underage
he has a normal hand though thin-wise (mine is about as thin)
what's more interesting it's the fat on it which makes it look like a girl's
No, you haven't seen his body. Even teens are more developed than that. If he's not a tranny that dude definitely has some disorder, that's a fucking prepubescent body. Literally not even a hint of muscle, it's fucking bizarre.
Alright, I'm gone for real now, gn everyone except for trannies and freaks of nature.
Seek help schizophrenic
I am half Armenian (wish I was full Armenian).
Weren't you 19? was your bday recently user?
If you reported them to FSB, would they be put on mandatory TRT?
here's mine
yeah my place is a mess lol
No it's in January
>I'm 20
KC tier. You must be a Muscovite.
Built for dirty old man