Turning 20 in an hour

>turning 20 in an hour
>wasted all of my teenage years on this site
Does this happen in your country, too?

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see you in 10 years, seetie.

yea I turned 20 about 10 years ago. it was shit. glad I grew out of it.

not on this site but I've been a shut in since 2nd grade.

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I've been here since I was 14
t. 26 years old

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What are teenage years even good for
Stop watching american high school films and just take it easy
You can freak out when you become a lvl99 wizard

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I'm turning 30 next year. I wasted nearly all my youth in this site.

um im 29 and ive been here for 12 years

I am 33, I wasted some time on this site

doing stupid shit. As an adult those things should be beneath me.