>I suffer in the third world where our boomers are dying off en masse
No you don't.
I suffer in the third world where our boomers are dying off en masse
>I suffer in the third world where I can rape and kill people and get away with it by bribing local police with goats and counterfeit US dollars
Death to Australia
Death to Canada
shut up tutorial mode
no you do not suffer
no your life is not hard
yes you are an entitled firstoid
Fuck off
Kill yourself
>I suffer the most in my comfy upper-class Scandinavian neighborhood, even though I’m able to permanently live off government assistance and will never have to worry about the possibility of becoming homeless. My life would significantly improve if I lived in Mexico or Brazil because there’s no heckin Gypsies or Mudslimes and everyone there is given a 10/10 Latina tradwife.
das rite
>I suffer in the third world where our boomers are dying off en masse
oh god i fucking hope so
How's that a good thing? please refrain from making stupid threads.
if your country has a 200 usd + min wage all of your problems are unimportant
Rent here is 900 a month minimum and at my current job I make 1900 a month 2500 if I worked full time, explain to me how the fuck that's tutorial mode
you earn twice as much as me and I'm a lawyer
Last night walking back from the shops, a boomer in an SUV ran through a red light and almost hit me. I had to jump out of the way and she beeped her horn at me in the process. A car with the right of way trying to cross the intersection came to a screeching halt just to avoid her.
The ugly monstrosity of a car looked almost exactly like the overpriced shitbox my slumlord of a landlord owns, pic related. 120 grand worth of metal and he can't be bothered to ensure the power doesn't cut out frequently during the summer thanks to the place not being set up to handle everyone trying to keep themselves cool/sane with costly to run portable air conditioners.
It wouldn't be an issue if the cheap cunt wasn't opposed to at least allowing window box air con units to be installed. Instead, none of the windows even fucking open. I legit don't understand why he decided to remove as much airflow as possible, it's as if he wanted people to suffer and for mould to spread. Most of the walls need to be completely torn down thanks to the mould and mildew that have built up over christ knows how many years. I bet that cunt who near ran me over is another one of these baby boomer "property investors". Hope that cunt wrapped herself around a telegraph pole.
Fucking boomers. They're absolute parasites all over the world.
bro im sorry but you just embarassed yourself, that's still pretty priviledged on a global scale..
now is that small amount of wealth worth having to put up with the drawbacks of a first world country? (no soul, boring people, high marriage failure..) that could be an arguement
lower end for rent here is about 220 usd
the ground straps to avoid falling into the sun are costly m8
And how much is your rent or loan payment you nigger (not in a racist way just in an insult way). Because in mexico I see apartments for under 200 usd
It's still more comparable to the lower class in the turd world than middle class there, in the sense of living paycheck to paycheck
Where do you live and does anyone actually make sub 200 a month? I see cheap apartments in mexican cities (similar to brasil in income idk) under 200 and the average household income is like 900 (for 2 people)
You're a lawyer that doesn't understand the concept of purchasing power and relative living costs. That's kind of sad. You'd starve to death on the streets for 200USD a month in Australia. That it is enough to comfortably survive on where you live is largely irrelevant because living costs aren't universal.
It makes more sense to look at expenditure as a ratio of income to expenses, not decontextual lump sums.
the minimum wage here is 1045 BRL
I earn about 4500 BRL a month, rent varies a lot from place to place but where I live the average is 25 BRL/m2 so a small 60m2 apartment woul cost me 1500 BRL or about 33% of my salary
1/3 of the work force makes 180 usd minimum wage, 13% are unemployed, granted i live in SP and rent should be higher but you wont find rent anywhere lower than 150 usd
>or about 33% of my salary
Yet here you are complaining about living costs when you get to keep more of your income than most. Fuck off and die, sheltered brat.
>when you get to keep more of your income
How so? Rent isn't my only expense
33% is normal here but you have to make minimum 2700 to get an apartment like that
Yeah, in the US almost no one makes minimum wage, but there's still a lot of people who spend >50% of their income on rent
see Lots of people in western countries oay above 50% of their income in rent
that's not a valid excuse, you can't suffer
considering you're paying lower for most things, not even relative wise, living with 1900usd minus rent sounds like a breeze
nigger how can I not suffer, do you think we have comfy welfare like sweden?
if you are poor you either live in fucking pic related, share a home with 2 families, or are homeless
>paying lower for most things,
>sounds like a breeze
yeah if you enjoy being permanently in debt or having 0 life security
most people here live in something not so much different from that
gas is 074 liter here, over there is 066, also if want to compare what being poor here looks like compared to there
That just proves my point lmao.
Just because some people suffer more doesn't mean being poor in america is easy, its not easy anywhere except MAYBE europe or Japan.
>That just proves my point lmao.
It doesn't because most people in the US do not live in a place like that
Tutorial cunts suffer because they lost their steam account or some stupid shit like that.
it proves my point thay it isn't tutorial mode because if you aren't middle class you live in something similar to brazil a country which is NOT tutorial mode
>Just because some people suffer more doesn't mean being poor in america is easy, its not easy anywhere except MAYBE europe or Japan.
imagine thinking that living in one of the best places in the world is hard, just because you're not a rich retired entrepreneur in switzerland doesn't mean that it's hard bro
There's a reason he didn't respond to your other post
He's just a whiny bitch blaming his frustrations on things he has no control over instead of taking personal responsibility for the things he could improve
How is it easy to life paycheck to paycheck and either have 0 healthcare or pay a lot of your remaining income for it?
Are you retarded?
Not him, but you firsties have it easy in life bro stop complaining brooo