low INT Couriers are cancer edition
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
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i don't remember drawing a face on my nutsack and i don't know why you'd want to be friends with it if i had
Zhawzhaa rises edition
how do the circleland kots become abomination kots? a sort of disease? mental illness? are they a separate species?
found out that Mr. House is listed on the villains wikia and i have no idea why
their justification is that he ordered the destruction of the mojave brotherhood but fuck the brotherhood. they're basically glorified raiders
forgive me lord for i have shidded and farded
The type of "person" who contributes to Villains Wikia is the type of poobrain who takes Fallout 3 at face value and thinks the Brotherhood are good guys.
Why apologize for your true nature? Give into your beast, and rage.
Every faction in first person fallout is cringe but also based