Learn Chechen

Learn Chechen

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Honorary Aryans


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Ugly language

But not ugly women

learn American

where is the chechen wedding poster

Will I get a gf if I do? One that isn't a whore?

I already speak it hello is "pew pew kaboom"

You will never get a gf from Chechnya

You'll have to convert to Islam and pay the 10,000 Krona bride price.

Why honorary
You won't ever get them, even if you are muslim you would get beaten up, dumbasses

I know a dude who, for some reason, went to study in moscow and married a chechen girl. Her dadnis basically a mobster and the dude had to jump hoops to prove that he's "Man enough" for the manlet dad.

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why? I know nothing about chechnya

But pooles are short, average height in Poland is 177 cm. Your people are as short as them.

Well, i'm telling you then.

White Muslims are a thing?

Only Bosniaks are white. Albanians and churkas rarely look white

her brothers will beat or kill you if they find out you're dating a chechen gir

chechen girls should learn english instead

that's not very nice

Afghans do the same

Cope, he didn't even convert

Bosnians are also shitskins just like their serbian brothers, chechens are probably more fair looking most of the time.
Which is funny that muslims are either asian or arab or whatever, barely any european blonde ones which is pretty convinient for neo nazis/neo christians.

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Sure why not poolak.

This is sorta random but I recently started watching UFC, do Russians view pic related as some sort of national hero? I've always heard Russians hate Chechens/Dagestan.

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>these are black people in Russia

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>Afghans do the same
is it because they all get raped when they're dancing boys or whatever


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He's a minor celebrity in Russia.

Some russians do vote for him, some do not. I know dagestanis who cant stand him cause he is a hypocrite and annoying

Wait until you see Circassians

What makes him a hypocrite?

Why Nafris and Chechens can't get along in France?