>paler than whites
>are called yellow
What did they mean by this
Paler than whites
Asians do have yellow undertones, whereas whites have pink undertones. I think this is due to the fact that they have a higher dermal fat ratio due to cold weather.
The lighting is bad for the one on the left.
They only look like that because of skin care and other treatments. In reality they have a yellowish tint to them. You can see this on Asian Americans because they aren't as ashamed as their East Asian counter parts.
What will you do if you get an asian girl and she is not a conservative submissive wife?
They mean you're a deluded yellow fever incel.
We call orientals white-skinned.
Imagine dating a brainwashed banana instead of a pure FOB waifu
Where does the picture on the right come from anyway? Some book cover?
>tfw no asian gf
where the fuck are their eyes and how is anyone attracted to lines
I'm paler than several whites I've seen and I'm not called white, they're yellow because that's their hue
Why would Asian girls not think that you're a disgusting sad sack?
>where the fuck are their eyes
they’re on their faces dumbo
asian americans overtan to copy their white american masters
Asians aren't white, you're a loser, have sex incel.
Nuclear level cope.
meanwhile in reality
Asian pussy has yellowish/brown borders, if it ain't pink, it ain't white.
The only people who supported women's suffrage in 1919 were religious nuts who were the same people behind prohibition and the outlawing of prostitution/raising of the AoC, movements that were spearheaded by women since most religious zealots tend to be women. Most of them were themselves women, but had influential male allies (William Jennings Bryan, Harvey Kellog, etc...). Many were also Marxists (the first communists after primitive communism were the very first Christian church of the Roman era)
lmao noce try
Angloids changed the definition of white to pink people
The anglosphere is "soy" now? As expected of thirdies.
Erm that's not what trinity means
that's not a trinity that's a quantity
They don't look that different
Asians are browner than meds or the same color retard how are they are lighter than whites?
If you get browner than meds you get pakis desu
Nah you can like Asian girls, it's just really weird to be obsessed with them considering most of them are meh looking.
Imagine being the incel who made this pic
>Imagine being the incel who made this pic
Best thing I have seen in a while.
The anglosphere is "soy" now? As expected of thirdies
Asian women (some) seems to be the only ones that still keep some femininity and class in them. The rest are only some fuckable good looking girls you wouldn't even show to your parents.
>seems to be the only ones that still keep some femininity and class in them
Ok now this is an incel comment.