
Big Boy Breakfast edition

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global warming doesn't exist. Climate "scientists" are just activists paid by NGOs associated with the UN and CFR. At one point the climate was shown to not be warming and didn't show global temperatures rising, so "climate scientists" removed all the weather station polls in Russia and northern countries and re-took the data to get the result they're paid to prove.

fuck cum fuck cum

the vtuber craze is making me realise that im starting to lose touch with the youth now

think i wouldnt mind it as much if the lipsync was at least good, but they all look so bad when they move around

Sean Paul - Temperature

might hop on creatine

time to turn in my natty card

looks like the mushroom is doing a middle finger haha cheeky

stop watching them then spastic

>literally arguing semantics
I'll say what I like thanks

what is that thing oh nvm it's a tomato

if you all look under your seats you'll see i've left a little surprise for everyone