Why did central asian turkics look down on turks so much...

why did central asian turkics look down on turks so much? pic related is an example: Timur a Chagatai bull after he defeated the Turks. he put their sultan in a cage did really mean things to him

Attached: timur bayezid.png (602x369, 462.71K)

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He defeated us 6 years after this battle. wh*Te bois were weak af back then

Attached: 1546106468555.png (312x699, 36.4K)

he was just genociding georgians and then decided to kill some t*Rk dogs while he was at it

read the mails between them, its funny in a way.
timur and yavuz both go "stop being childish, i am my dick is bigger" through whole conversation

yeah i know lmao
real turkics from central asia are way more superior to you "turks". so happy timur put turks in their place

>real turkics from central asia are way more superior to you "turks".
"real" turkics are busy to cuck themselves for Ivan nowadays

its 3d chess. they are playing the long con. Kazakhs are infiltrating moscow as we speak with mass immigration. they even built a massive mosque for the kazakhs in moscow
it would have been a massacre. it's sad that he died on his way to china, there would be no bat eating chinese today if he had lived for just 1 more year

Attached: 7.si.jpg (690x388, 51.13K)

t.arabized anatolian roach who worship to ar*ps


he's right though you didn't worship western europe or atagreek or erdogan enough in your post
you must be an arap worshiper