I haven't eaten any processed food in 7 months and all my mental health/fatigue issues went away...

I haven't eaten any processed food in 7 months and all my mental health/fatigue issues went away, why is this garbage legal?

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Wrong. You actually _can_ feel man cummin in your ass. Not only the pulses but the feeling of warmth and filling.

Good to hear you ditched the fast jew.

I bet you couldn't even tell me the definition of "processed food" without googling it. Go ahead and try finnish man

Define "processed", all food is technically processed, you think bananas are like yellow and seedless in nature? We selectively bred them for generations to be like that, same goes for all meats and anything else you call "natural"

Good for you, Im proud of you

Nice try, kike

Selectively breeding isn't the same as processing food, retarded kike.

I've minimized coffee consumption and my anxiety issues went away almost completely.

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you mean you lived 7 months without sausages?

The chickens you eat are gross mutants grown in a lab to have six extra breasts and massive wings and all your fruit and vegetables are man made and sprayed with pesticides, if you want actual "unprocessed" food grow your own, see how that works out for you retard.

>still posts here

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Ive been eating right and exercizing for years but my depression is still heremstronger than ever. I just want to sleep forever

how does your country not have a declining birth rate?

i officially donr trust the jews. think about it israel, that shill was worse than me learning about court jews

What do you eat daily?

you might need medical treatment, it's possible something is not going right in your chemical exchange

THat's not because of no procesed food its because you learned some self-discipline and restraint

I'm gonna smack you with a menorah and then shove some dreidels up your ass while you're still unconscious

Fish/chicken/veggies/whole rice or pasta/legume mostly


No, before when I started eating like this it took multiple hours to get out of bed and everytime I stood up fast I got light headed and my heart rate increased.

i worked in an idustrial chicken farm and youre wrong. now youre a lying kike

Your local wet market doesn't sell non-lab engineered chickens and water hens?

you sound worse off than an american somehow

Pasta is killing you


I have a similar experience, but prepping your own food becomes a pain in the ass after a while, though i still eat a healthy diet.

LOL fuck off retards. Its whole grains pasta and the portions arent so big

>processed carbs
>why i feel bad

Jfl gl in mcdonalds

>Its whole grains pasta
Its whole grain pasta

What did you eat for breakfast ?

there you go again, using a word you don't understand

Not really, depending in where you live up to 13% of people can have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and one of the symptoms include depression.