What type of hair is most common here? Straight or curly? I used to think most MENAs had straight hair but I've noticed lately that if they let their hair grow (for guys) or don't wear hijab (and don't straighten it) it's usually curly, or at least much curlier than people of Euro descent
Question for MENAs
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its wavy
Curly in north africa, turkey and the levant. Straight for gulfies and iranians
depends on how you define curly?
for sure it's not the most common hair type,neither the straight one
.here is my hair before i shaved is it curly?
Personally i have wavy hair and if i let it grow long enough it becomes like a loose afro
Nice hair.
Are you a secret homosexual?
I actually made this thread based in large part on Gulf Arabs
I'm guessing it you let it grow it would be something like 2c
Where are you from?
North africa is mostly curly, middle east is mostly straight