I love you, Finland, I love your weirdness, your ridiculously complicated language, your extremely high standard of living and your educational achievements. I want us to be together, hug and hold hands 24/7/365 daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. I love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you so so much words don't even come close to express it properly, nigga
fuck finnoids
Fuck swedoids. Other than you no one (estonia is a meme country) hates us. You on the other hand are universally laughed at and regarded as effeminates.
Imagine being a world wide joke.
why are you faggots chimping out?
I usually love Sweden, but this post made me rage. If some asshat costed me my job just because he doesn't speak the local language I'd level his/her pussy ass with one single punch in the face. Why would you even post this, dude?
don't mind him, boo, he's just jelly
I have many Mexican friends and the last person I had sex with is Mexican.
Great people.
>just because he doesn't speak the local language
But he was speaking the local language
I have native Finnish friends who only speak Swedish
still a bitch move, you should be ashamed
i love finland too
They probably also speak Finnish but refuse to do so.
Love you too, Russia.
btw what do suomibros think about ruskis?
I'm interested
Well personally I love Russia and its culture, people and language. I think many people in Finland think that Russia is "fascinating" but also I'm sorry to disappoint you but there are many people in Finland who dislike Russia and Russians due to history (Winter War/Karealia) and or their behavior in Finland is sometimes quite terrible and they're rude. It depends.
I don't mind, I like their attitude and I have many many Russian friends. Actually pretty much all my Finnish friends think Russia is cool.
This is how Finland was made
>I have native Finnish friends who only speak Swedish
I call bullshit. Only old hillbillies are like that in 2020. Every young fennoswede I've met has spoken perfect Finnish.
Yeah it's just fucking embarrassing if some Fennoswede claims that (s)he doesn't speak Finnish. They do. If you're a Finnish (Fennoswede) you need Finnish if you want to communicate with people lol.
>beautiful women
>crazy women
>crazy culture
>better people than sw*doids
>always ruled by some bad guy hence we hate the country eternally
>nothing against russian people per se
Like I'm genuinely happy to see when Finns appreciate Russians. I'm fucking sick of racism towards Russians.
High five Mexibro. Please don't get beheaded by some cartel assholes.
I hate Finns they are overrated. I want to hatefuck a Finn.
You're the same /mämmi/ guy. Stop kiwibro.
I too love Finland!
Why do some of you always take the bait Finnbros? It's pretty obvious that the Sailing boat copypasta is fake and yet everytime someone posts it (has been around for years) there is instant seethe.
I will NEVER stop
Based Sashy.
We don't. I instantly realized that it was a pasta even though I hadn't seen it earlier. Things like that don't happen.
Also as a pure Finn I have no animosity towards most fennoswedes. Of course they have been historically oppressive towards us but no reason to be buttblasted over history.
Ålanders on the other hand I hate with passion. They are like racist fake Swedes who are somehow still part of Finland but I see no benefit in """owning""" Åland.
With actual Swedes... I've heard you still have some casual racism against Finns (like telling someone you are from Finland might not be good in Sweden) but probably younger generations do that less.
So basically Ålanders and some racist Swedes can go die, others are okay in my books. Fennoswedes have been historically some of the most patriotic Finns but also the most cowardly. I consider them a Finnish tribe like Savonians or Ostrobothnians. Slightly different from my group (western Finn mutt) but still Finnish.
Probably but you never know. I've met some very arrogant and nasty fennoswedes who refused to speak finnish despite obviously understanding and knowing how to speak it.
Half of my family is fennoswedes so I of course don't hate them but some of them just are like that. I don't understand why.
>Of course they have been historically oppressive towards us
>I've heard you still have some casual racism against Finns
No. Maybe once in a while you'll find some boomer making a joke about Finns being Alcoholics and wielding knifes. But Finns being Alcoholic is a stereotype in Finland as well. Finns are respected.
>Ålanders on the other hand I hate with passion. They are like racist fake Swedes
Dunno what you're talking about, the Ålanders I've met have been nice. There's some talk about them not wanting to use Finnish but that only makes sense since they don't speak Finnish and never ever have.
Over all Finns on the internet tend to talk shit about people from other parts of Finland which is just strange. IRL I don't think anybody will treat someone bad because he's Karelian, Fenno-Swede, from West Finland, Lappland or whatever. Dunno where this sentiment comes from.
>Dunno what you're talking about, the Ålanders I've met have been nice. There's some talk about them not wanting to use Finnish but that only makes sense since they don't speak Finnish and never ever have.
Ålanders hate Finns man. Finns are not even allowed to buy land there. They are low key racist but no one even knows about it since they are so irrelevant and we are too white.
Haha sure. Gatekeeping the academic life with Swedish only as the teaching language back in the day. One literal Swede born in Finland even was worried about Fennoswedes and Finns mixing in the Uusimaa (Helsinki) region... He literally called us pure Finns subhuman. He was like the opposite of J.V Snellman (who in turn was a "Fennoman" and respected in Finland).
>No. Maybe once in a while you'll find some boomer making a joke about Finns being Alcoholics and wielding knifes. But Finns being Alcoholic is a stereotype in Finland as well. Finns are respected.
Even some mainstream media made an column about how some people in Sweden still think we are some kind of underdeveloped backwater country. Some racists even go as far to call us mongols etc. but I reckon not to our face.
I can understand Ålanders not knowing Finnish because that is pretty much the only area where you can get by with just Swedish.
I love Finland. Good music, good people, good times! ... but seriously, what's up with Terva Snapsi? Scotch wasn't far enough?
but I don't understand why all you kids with the same flag hate each other so much
Terva tastes delicious. We even have terva scented shampoo. I don't particularly like my hair smelling like a tar-pit so I don't use it but it did make my hair very glossy and nice when I tried it.
Ok then, riddle me this: Beer, Vodka, Terva... is there a step missing?
>but I don't understand why all you kids with the same flag hate each other so much
Because Swedish pseudoscientists originally classified us as subhumans and mongols which Nazis then adopted. So racism, oppression (Swedes were the nobility in Finland) and some normal neighbour banter.
How would you feel if French speakers in your country called themselves literally "better people" in their own language?