Med climate

>med climate
>high paying jobs
>good food
>pretty girls
Is California paradise on earth?

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>Is California paradise on earth?
No. Its just Italy and Spain but with niggers and crime

>Italy and Spain but with niggers and crime
A bit redundant

Its wealthier than Spain and italy.

>med climate
with wildfires and earthquakes
>high paying jobs
a middle class house in CA can be 1 mil easy, which is why there are so many homeless there
>good food
implying starbucks is good
>pretty girls

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>soulless and cheap Spain ripoff in USA
No thanks

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it also has insane costs of living


Only because it's our shipping port for all of china's shit

Is Uruguay paradise on earth?
I really wanna go live in a warm country, but I've been to every med country and I would rather stay in Latvia, there's just too many sketchy and weird people, like immigrants, beggars, gangs of blacks near metro exits etc.
Tell me about Uruguay.

Did you like gta 5?

lmao any med country is better than uruguay

>beggars, gangs of blacks near metro exits
you dont go to the big cities. The mediterranean sovl is on the smaller towns along the coast

Califonria has one of the smallest black populations out of any state in America. It's mostly mexicans and Asians

Attached: californias-population-figure-2.png (676x259, 14.89K)

You do, I have seen more attractive women in California then all of Canada combined and anywhere I've ever been to in Europe

Yes, like all wealthy cities

that doesnt make it any better

>incredible wealth disparity
>generic brand-name food chains.
>ugly mestizo women

It's literally the most biodiverse state in the country retard.

that's because LA attracts thots from all across the country but the natives themselves are goblinos

*mericans ruined beautiful land

> climate
Fair, Cali has really nice weather
> high paying jobs
> good food
No better or worse than pretty much any large populated American state
> pretty girls

Ask me how I know you haven’t been to Cali.

You haven't. Cali uni girls are unmatched.

It is full of pakis and changs, awful place

Major cope

Pakis ??? What the fuck no they aren't

Looks like he also forgot to remove his proxy lol

I never realized this...
California is truly the best state in the union, bros...

cope, you country is literally worse than an ex-soviet one

Sorry boys, but even with mexicans, our white girls still mog the rest of your flyovers. We got the best whites from all the best regions of Europe, none of the poorcels escaping famine and poverty like the rest of you got. We got the rich entrepreneurs and nobles who wanted to expand their excellence.

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Wtf where did all the White ppl go?

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>you country is literally worse than an ex-soviet one
LMAO you wish thirdie, even if that were true (lololol) my point still stands

I think it's over (in 30 years), user

Don't worry about that
