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International #1318
Sveariketråden Karl XII-Upplagan
Do american zoomers really?
Have you thanked Brazil for making the portuguese language relevant in the world today?
Tfw no ice princess gf
Do hispanics get alot of racism in america? All I ever hear about is racism against blacks...
Why do white people like wearing shorts so much?
For any non-burgers thinking of visiting the US, these are the undebatable rankings of US states
Why westerners (and Japan) says it's expensive to have kids while poor peoples have a lot?
Tfw not born in russia
/deutsch/ der FBR
/ישר/- /ಇಸ್ರೇ/- /ܐܝܣܪ/- /isr/
White people thinks themself as the superior but they stink badly as if sweaty dog
Do Finnish girls really look like this?
Which spectrum are you on, Zig Forums?
/med/ - olive oil general
P,please hide your tattoo when you come to Japan
Rice is far superior to bread
How can we stop war and violence?
Be britfag
I want to be goodlooking and tall
Whoa, is this true?!
Why is the rest of europe so piss poor compared to the 'big 4'?
/ita/ - il filo
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le fil Franc
Talk to Korean girl online
/desi/- Naga Edition
1 Country
Sverigetråden - Brunpajupplagan
Both are huge economies
Anyone else have a shit national anthem?
It's black history month in UK
If the American dream is dead, why do so many still prefer America over any other?
Solve it, Zig Forums
Tfw you live in the best country in the world
Hey Zig Forums can someone explain to me why black people are called black people when basically 80% of them are brown...
American men and Korean women, a match made in heaven
Do you remember?
If you fetishize blonde, white women, then you are no different from a third worlder
Imagine a world with 1 billion Indians
How often do you get discriminated against?
America is racis-
Is it true that nordic women are more sexually degenerate then orther western women or is it a meme?
Are you attracted to Asian women?
Your daughter sends you pic related and the message "looking forward to seeing you the next weekend daddy!"
A British toothpaste manufacturer had a problem. Every day, 10% of the boxes it shipped to customers had no tube inside...
Mimicking American blacks
Why are white people so obsessed by the sopranos?
I found poptarts in the store, so I tried it. It is American staple after all...
Imagine a world with 1 billion italians
Your cunt
How many times you think they fucked him?
I'm getting married to a 9/10 Russian girl
Sverigetråden - Se snabbt
The absolute hypocrisy and the double standards of this progressive casual Anglo cesspit make me absolutely ill...
Just imagine. It would dwarf Roman Empire in comparison
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tell me about your dating culture
Random fly casually land on USA's VP during debate
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
God I hate wh*ties so much
/ita/ - il filo
I don't get it
Why the average american is one of the dumbest people on earth? they are a bit smarter in canada...
This is literally from Finnish Conscription
SOVL vs souless
Why can't non euros into cheese?
B-but Americans Aren't White
Has anyone here actually met an ashkenazi jew?
Tfw not born in Ukraine surrounded by 10/10 trad women
Addicted to nicotine
Big sis is getting pounded by the local narco and I can hear it
Just found out about white genocide
Why do European love muslim and chinese hate them?
Yeah, i feel just fine, this is the perfect temperature
Why is Halloween so important to americans?
/lat/ - hilo latino
You are forced to move to one of Florida's main cities. You don't have a choice
Kurva anyátok
Mfw remembering all that fucked up shit we did to nativebros 100 years ago
I have OCD and PTSD. I have not bathed since march 8th of 2019 and I have not brushed my teeth since early june of 2018...
Is this true?
Why are we so ugly bros
Imagine willingly drinking coffee when tea is superior in almost every way
Why do women look like penises
Why does Estonia exist? Do something about it Putin
Why is this a thing? Do they really?
Post height and weight itt and judge
Sverigetråden - Var fan är tråden?
What will you do when the pandemic ends?
/balt/ und /ausnz/
Do you like McDonald's?
Is it true that Colombians fuck donkeys?
World conquerors
You know what, Canada? You’re alright. I’m glad we have you as a neighbor. You have a nice looking country
Why are Western female video game characters and cartoon characters so ugly?
What happens here?
You guys are my only friends
東亜/ - /eag/ - East Asia General
I am not Alpha enough for the white aussie anglo woman. I need to get an Asian girlfriend...
Ancient Version of language
Any latin speakers can confirm this? Do I really speak a low IQ language?
/sur/ - CONE SUL
How do 10/10 girls look like in ur country?
Let me as a professional Amerimutt tell you about your county...
Pisses off Zig Forums and BLM at the same time
Why are black “””people”” so arrogant and cocky all the time? They always have to show off...
The elites of my country literally just sold us to jewish billionaires, the entire land sold to them, without asking us...
Why are Americans like this?
In what ways is Canada actually a different country from America?
/fr/ - le francofil
Daily reminder that this man was the last hope for humanity
Do you guys want me to take you around Seattle?
Uhm... Kamala bros, Pence is raping us in the debate
This should all be two, maybe three countries
SEA vs Korean masculinity
Why don't arabs have a propaganda division like israel? Are they too dumb to realize they have really bad optics?
Do you like anime girls with flag anime tits?
Extreme poverty BTFO
Can you tell which one is Arab, Iranian, Caucasian, Levantine, Turkish, North African
Is it true that polish women like Mexican Men?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Serige tråden -harakiti- uplaggan=
When british people complain about "americanization" I always fucking cringe. I live in a country with british laws...
What does Zig Forums think about Colombia?
Face it
Uhh Argentinabros.... Mind explaining why your president's son looks like THAT??
Is there anything more souless and degenerate than american pop culture?
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & Friends
This is like getting a knife thrown at your chest, how do i cope when i only prefer asian...
10 japoids versus a korean man, who would win in a death match?
You hate yourself, don't you
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Edição Bolsominion
North Africa used to be black until the Arab genocide
Which one is unironically better?
Which of these countries is the US more culturally similar to?
Young healthy people in their 20s and younger are now openly saying that they are sacred for their lives due to the...
I've been diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 25
/nachtschicht/ auch /deutsch/
Do Argentinian girls really look like this?
Why do you not support China
1. Your country
Tell me a joke, user
Born in a country where English is an official language
I think Zig Forums is probably the least shit social media site there is
Food thread
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Which region/regions are your parents/grandparents from?
Americans, what was your high school clique?
What boards are you currently banned from?
Why are Mediterraneans so attractive?
I'm subscribed to Netlflix, Spotify, Le Monde(french newspaper), Tinder Gold, Amazon Prime, PS Plus
I'm so isolated bros. I have no friends, literally zero friends. No lectures at university due to corona...
This is a map of different cultures. There are many maps with the same division
/lat/ hilo latino
Sverigetråden - Krigupplagan
/desi/ - og edition
Why brazilian sad?
Do they really?
/deutsch/ bald /nachtschicht/
ITT: post your countrys proper borders
How big should Prussia be?
Is salmiakki too spicy for you?
Are Belgians genetically similar to Germans or French?
/Mex/+Zig Forums
Ireland, are you guys ok?
Soon to be 20 year-old kissless virgin
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Jesus christ reddit
How do yo cont prepare for Chinese century?
Quebec should be independent from Cuckanada
Good countries to live in:
How many black people do people in your country think there are in this photo of Paris?
Why are they so fake inside out? They are bots, the perfect example of an AI's first failed attempt to imitate humanity
/ita/ il filo
What was the the cringiest shit you did for a girl?
What is turkish culture?
ITT: Signs that a country is soulful
If you are from here
Is this what a seeing actual development feels like?
Is lesbianism common in your country...
Okay Zig Forums lets say you finally get your perfect gf/bf
What can you tell about the country of Chile?
Do women in your cunt do goat yoga?
Thus country is above Italy. Why do people act like Italy is the superior and cultured country?
/ישר/- /ಇಸ್ರೇ/- /ܐܝܣܪ/- /isr/
Serbian Burger
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Post the most based pics of your head of state
Mutual intelligibility among Spanish/Italian/Portuguese
Tfw never visited by the Christmas Goat
Kurva anyátok
He takes naked selfies of himself and feels horny looking at them
Do indian women like mena men?
Le big sad is kicking in bros, what do? :(
Reminder every "white people can't cook" remark is specifically about Anglos. Fuck anglos
VGH... I wish I had a based tradwife from [Eastern European shithole]
Italians of Zig Forums
Individualism everyone
Sverigetråden - Kungliga upplagan
Why do people like Japan so much ?
So user, where are you taking me out for dinner?
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
SOVL or soulless?
Dean of the faculty on the university I'm in insulted me in e-mail because I merely dared to send him an e-mail with a...
Kazakhstan's fertility rate has been increasing since 1999 and it's now approaching 3 children per woman
We need a new flag
At first i was like
What countries do you watch porn from?
Be arab
Going to buy the new iPhone when it comes out, paying for it all in cash
Hello hu mans can you explain you country to me
/ita/ - il filo
/ita/ - il filo
Diversity Visa 2022 - Visa Lottery
Do japanese ppl bitch about how the sushi sold abroad is not real sushi like italians do w/ pizza
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2428
Why must Westerners be so much better at literally everything?
/lat/ hilo latino
If you saw this girl on the street what country would you guess she was from?
Sverigetråden - Håll käften när jag pratar med er
Southeast vs East Asian masculinity
Oh God no, there is no sun anymore! I'm going to be despressed, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'M SUICIDAL!
Is TikTok popular in ykur country?
Thank you USA, very cool
Which nationalities have you been mistaken for?
Bulgarians that got brainwashed into thinking they are Greek
What happens if someone from MENA drinks alcohol? Can they handle it? Or do they get sick or red faced like Asians...
/fr/ - le francofil
/ita/ il filo
Start learning new language
Med climate
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Life in China 800 years ago
Ask a gypsy anything
Why are Americans so weird looking? Is it the fluoride in the water?
Why do they want to be split when it just made them more weak and irrelevant?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
東亞/ - /EAG/ - East Asia General
Nordics! Where are your fucking MASKS?!
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
I'm not sure if this is a right place to ask but... If you're gay, you just know it, right?
Most of the world thinks :
Why do Westoids hate China so much?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Are herbs popular in your country?
Place of residence
What the fuck is a phenotype?
Mixed Indians look like this. WHHHAAATTT!!!
Your country
How did a tiny island at the end of the seas manage to conquer the world?
Does your country have fast trains ?
A new religious statue in the town of Davidson, N.C. depicts Jesus as a vagrant sleeping on a park bench
/flag/ + /extraflags/
De Cecco is than Barilla. Now I have to eat all the Barilla to replace it with De Cecco
Why is sushi not popular in Europe?
Most dangerous animal in your country?
Favorite Twinkjak International Edition
When did the Europeans win the world?
The foodbank ration vehicle queues of the united states..... home
Junko Furuta was a Japanese high-school student who was abducted, tortured, raped, and murdered in the late 1980s
Mfw I see a cute femboi
Why do Russians like to go on holiday in Turkey?
Why India sucks so much?
Has any country or city blown your expectations out of the water?
/Brit/ - peng girls edition II
/desi/ SSR edition
World is more globalised than ever
Ashkenazi, sephardic, mizrahi
I find the state of british cuisine so sad. Especially "beans on toast" hogwash
Post yfw you will live to see the US's downfall and live through most of the chinese century
/fr/ - le francofil
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ - il filo
Your country
Blue: Western Europe
Why so many young French people can't speak English?
I hate Yanks
Something like this wouldn't be possible in Greece. Poverty is #1 degeneracy destroyer
Another day as a conscriptcuck
Chinese cock cages gets hacked. locking cucks in place for eternity world wide
This abomination is located almost in the centre of my city
/Brit/ - peng girls edition
Your height
The first mint was likely established in Lydia in the 7th century BC, for coining gold, silver and electrum
Visit Japan
I am just starting to realize that 90% of "Dutch" posters are not actually Dutch, but brown immigrants
Why didn't America choose this as the national animal?
Big Boris edition
This is literally god-tier cheese
Fun fact
Sverigetråden - Beorns upplaga
45km from Moscow
Your country
When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open markets
/ita/ - il filo
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why do they never post outside their general? Why are they so shy? Are they cute?
Dutch media takes the piss out of Trump's experimental medicine in a condescending way
Post your national team
Post the scenery of your town
So.... how many people here are getting the new iPhone in your country?
Their language looks like the aftermath of a drunkard trying to write an essay after drinking 3 liters of vodka
/lang/ - Learning Language General
Thirdies will never know how comfy October and Halloween is
I just received my neetbux for this month
When the anglo says "how are you?"
I worked 40 hours this week and also go to university full time, as well as cooking at least two meals a day
Why do so many japanese have light brown/red hair and light brown eyes? you never see this in korea or china...
The greatest chess player alive today is Nordic
It's over
Kurva anyátok
Is it possible for a white man to identify with Arabs and be a Muslim?
South Australia just banned toy gel blasters. Does this happen in your cunt?
The average american woman is only 5 foot 4 inches or 162cm tall
Post Height
Mfw reading about the opioid crisis in the U.S
Insult China
Top 5 Countries you fucking despise
I'm learning Chinese instead of Japanese
1. Your cunt
Why do white people think western cartoons like this pic are superior to anime?
How do you say "subhuman" in your language?
Ya know, this guy actually brings up a good point
Americans don't distinguish it's and its in spoken language
Say something nice about Anglos
/ישר/- /ಇಸ್ರೇ/- /ܐܝܣܪ/- /isr/ - מהדורת לך
What did you did today?
Fields medal winners by country
When did you realize if you were born in a 3rd world country you would have a loyal wife and 10 kids by now and a much...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why couldn't France and Spain make decent colonies?
Is your country relevant enough to be depicted in Chinese games?
/ita/ - il filo
Do you have this grocery store in your cunt
Gun shots and sirens outside friend's apartment
Who /mutt/ here
God I wish that were me
What do you read Zig Forums?
Hispanic American Incomes Are Rising Faster Than Anybody Else’s
Why jap posters in Zig Forums are so easily seethed by korea?
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
Taiwan has a fertility rate of 1.05
Why are there so many legitimately insane posters from this country...
Name a more successful group and people than the Jews, fought through the holocaust, antisemitism...
I suffer in Americ-
Why do North Americans take meds like they're candy?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
When you first have sex do you tell her you're a virgin so she doesn't just think you're bad at sex/retarded or do you...
What is the real difference between Brazil and Mexico?
Your cunt
Look up list of Iranian dynasties
Why did my ancestors have to come here? Why couldn't they just stay in europe
Why are americans proud and brag about not knowing anything about other countries?
REFINED TASTEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/fr/ le francofil
Sverigetråden - Sneedvilleupplagan
What happens after you die, lads?
My culture is actually like this blah blah blah
What went wrong?
Who are you supporting?
Is it possible for Asian women to have masculine sons...
Did you like the Simpsons episode where they visit your country?
Most of you are not THIRDIES
Youtube SuperChat earnings
I am an Indian living in the West
Look at em go :D
% of population wearing face masks in public, by country/territory
Cross European border
I can tolerate Germanic autism. I can tolerate latin ADHD. But mix the two? God no. How do we fix them?
1. Your cunt
Talking to euro girl
I don't get it, what's wrong with this?
Germans pronounce BMW as "Bay Emm Vee"
Is it true german women like chicanos and mexicans now?
Latin American Colonial History
1. Your country
International cats
Why do scandinavians like this shit game so much? theyre rich they can play better games
Burgers should have:
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/イスラ/- /ישר/- /እስራ/- /isr/ - מהדורת /ישר/ על הבוקר
Are americans the worst parents?
I'm american and my opinion is blah blah blah blah blah
Why does this quote make Americans on the internet so mad?
Phenotwinks of Europe
Have you ever had any plastic surgery? Are you interested in doing any in the future?
Frigid Cold in Russia
How come Greek gods are x1000000 times more popular than Norse gods even within norf cultures?
ITT: wojaks that perfectly sum up our respective countries and their inhabitants
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/ - Die sehr coole Ausgabe
/fr/ - le francofil
/tr/ tırkosoi edisyonu
Was Ibn Fadlan, a 10th century Arab explorer who visited the vikings, right about nordic/germanic women?
Ok Zig Forums you can choose one, and ONLY one, to be your Zig Forumstwink. Which one you pick?
Sverigetråden - Allstarsupplagan
Attention women:
Is there ANYONE from this place who doesn't have an absolutely cringe sense of "humor"?
What is the most prevalent landscape outside your country's cities?
Noooooo, you can't just trip on datura and ketamin everyday, the real world is so beautiful and magical
The Nords
Justify your country’s existence to an American
/lat/ hilo latino
/dixie/ - southern us and friends
Nafris on suicidewatch
rich cuisine, with diverse ingredients and flavors
Why doesn't hollywood ever cast attractive indians or at least average?
Is there anything that keeps you from committing suicide at this point?
The state of German names
/v4/ + friends
/ita/ il filo
Is socializing hard in your country? Is kind of hard here in America, especially when you're not that interesting
Think of what evropa could have been
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/ - Bosd-Abogalypdische Ausgabbe :DDD
Why don't you suppory anarcho-communism?
Watch an american react to a video game announcement
Press F to pay respect
This is the white bvll that fucks your wife every day, brownoid!
Sverigetråden - Tängande upplagan
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine