If you are from here

I'm sorry to tell you that it doesn't matter how ""white"" you think you are, you don't pass as a local in Europe and we can all tell you have native american/black blood. No exceptions.

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Whiter than you are

even if they can pass as locals and have blond hair and blue eyes just because of the accent they will be considered sudacas

agreed, people like pic related will never pass

Attached: Luigi_Di_Maio_May_2018.jpg (666x951, 167.5K)

I mean, your country is literally the proof that you don't need to be white to pass as a local in Europe

He'd be considered a nigger here too

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why do you hate your spawns that much ?

Rent free

Nice cherrypicking, man. Most Italians are white like pic related.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x336, 36.86K)

You will never be European
No one will ever consider you European
You are new world mutts

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lol, and an italian comes to say this.
South of Rome we all look Tunisian

You do realize italians are not white, coglione, right?

Cope Italian shitskin , we are white, I AM WHITE AND EVROPEAN descendent

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>no "french" flag yet

average taxi driver here

You are my ancestor :) yes, but I'm also mixed with slav and scandi so I'm literally whiter than you, sorry giuseppe

Whiter than u giovanni

Attached: ealy.jpg (419x473, 22.54K)

even me?

stupid porteño WE ARENT WHITE just step outside buenos aires and the country is brown as fuck , inb4 old data showed we are white , since the 90s the negroes myself included reproduced like cockroaches thanks to welfare policies and other things argentina is not white even here cordoba in the 90s there was like 8 out 10 people were white right now i cant see this being more than 6/4 at best , argentina is not white at all maybe just buenos aires and even them with the insane increase of villas and people migrating from the north the brown and mestizo population is even or more than the pseudo white

Wrong some italians look lie mutts
Look at sfera ebassta

Yes, it truly is a boon. Imagine being cursed with whiteness.

This is considered white in Italy

this is not even white in Latin America
in fact, it is not even considered western. They'd think they were pajeets or something.

not him but you are retarded if you think argentina is brown

sure idiot , after the 90s the argentina as a whole is brown as fuck , stupid porteños think stadistic from the 80s are relevant today thinking we are white like is said step outside buenos aires and maybe santa fe tehr est of the country is brown as fuck inb4 this idiot thinks the patagonia is an example yeah sure were 2 people every 1000 meters live tehre sure buddy we are brown as fuck like bolivia brown i being the entire country countless times im camionero and i seeing the real colors of this country we are now close to bolivia color wise

I'm not porteño retarded shitskin

kek you using american slurs , sure but better insulta como hombre tragaleche i v see the country and white boy and can asure we are not white and looking at the increase of villas and migrations towars buenos aires in just 1 decade we browns gonna outnumber you , thanks cristina tehres nothing better than not only fucking the country but fucking the whites too saludos salty porteño o no porteño KEK

When I went to Italy literally everyone I met talked to me in Italian, I don't speak it so I hanged out with this French Moroccan guy who spoke it (South of Rome no one speaks English). They kept mistaking me for a local or some sort of translator for my friend and always started talking directly to me in Italian when it was the other way around.


what a dumb troll you are jesus
I wonder how people like you ended up here

troll about stating facts sure retarded porteño and how end up here like every one, is people like you the retarded one sperging to the world we are white when we are LITERALLY close to bolivia in color i think you are a kid travel to country little boy my job is literally that like i said im camionero i seen the country from the northern border to santa cruz on montly basis , the country is brown as fuck since tthe 90s maybe it was pure white before i was born but right now and for long time IT ISNT

Yes I am BLACK
Yes I will immigrate to your country
Yes I will impregnate your women
Yes I will receive money from your taxes
Yes I will occupy your houses
Yes I will turn your country into a shithole
No you will not stop me
No you can not stop me

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>When I went to Italy literally everyone I met talked to me in Italian,
Do you expect them to talk in chinese u dumb fuck?

damn, spic hours are starting early

>damn, spic hours are starting early

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