Does your country have any "clean energy" programs? What do you think about them?
Canada is trying to phase out of oil and production of plastics. This is pissing off Alberta a lot. We're going to be carbon neutral by 2030, and we're going to be switching to using hydrogen gas as our fuel, even for cars.
Burger Yes, my cooperative is big into it and our largest energy sector company is based off renewables.
Jeremiah Baker
>We're going to be carbon neutral by 2030 Good luck with your energy poverty. >inb4 what's energy poverty Ask the europoors how much they suffer during winter >also we don't believe in the green energy meme here
meh, they put some solar pannels and wind turbines here and there, but in the end it's just mostly nuclear (even if nobody wants the nuclear wastes being stocked near them so we don't know what to do with them and they keep piling on)
Oliver Walker
I don't know op. Green energy is making me a fat return in my stock portfolio to the point I'm considering naming my kid florida power and light. For what it is it managed to do pretty good in terms of operating expenses for utilities.
Camden Kelly
>Does your country have any "clean energy" programs? Germany is the only country in the world phasing out of both coal and nuclear energy as far as I know. As of now, we aren't even close to be ready for that, but Green hipsters are unhappy and want to exit it faster than 2022 (nuclear) and 2038 (coal). They also oppose Nord Stream 2 which is important for our gas supply.
I think the plan is to be carbon-neutral by 2050 at latest. Germany doesn't have that much sunshine and wind parks are a fucking disgrace to the landscape, you can't put them everywhere. So our government chooses a broad project where we make use of pretty much every kind of renewable energy.
I'm a bit worried since energy is already expensive here and if it was for the Greens, we'd be doomed to economic misery for the sake of the planet. But well, if they manage to do it...
Ethan Baker
That's something I don't understand about Germany. How do you have so many sources of energy yet you pay so much for electricity. I pay 7c/kwh and most production here is gas/solar.
Zachary Ward
I don't get it how you can go Zig Forums with green energy. I don't think it's economically viable because eurofaggits pay way lot more during wintter than what they save during summer... can you elaborate?
Joshua Fisher
The cost now for solar generation is cheaper per kwh than maintaining peaking gas plants in terms of operation costs. There must be a reason that the largest energy company in the us is literally building hundreds of solar fields and investing huge into renewables while their regulated utilities have cheaper rates than 80% of the united states.
Daniel Martin
Believe me, every time I drive past Garzweiler and Hambach, two of the most massive surface mines in the world, I wonder as well.