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International #1319
This is Sanna Marin. Finland's Prime Minister
Your cunt?
How's getting a driving license in your country?
Leave her alone you assholes
Are hungarian girls trad or thots?
Spain is way poorer now than in 2000s
Despite being only 4% of the world's population, Americans make up 67% of the planet's serial killers
Why are Americans so evil?
They took this from us
At what point should an incel kill themselves?
Would you be able to eat all this in one sitting?
The worst shaped country
Why is losing weight so hard
You can name more Australian cities than you can Mexican cities
Does this happen in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/dixie/ - The SOVTH & Friends
/ISR/ /ישר/
The people responsible for reforming Japan into a great power and saving it from Western domination came from the most...
If romans were so great, then why couldn't they conquer us?
1. Your cunt
How do the gooks do it bros?
Drunk mexican killed my cat we shouted at him to stop and he sped up and splattered his brains infront of my family
Thank you Japan for leading the bases vtuber revolution
Dear Japan
Có ông nào nói được Tiếng Việt trên này không nhỉ?
Kurva anyátok
Thank you germany for this good food
Why do they do this?
Why I'm proud to be an American
The British and French still hate each other
Are you able to tell if this man is korean, Japanese or Chinese only by looks?
My swedish boomer dad trying to convince me that transexuals are devil worshippers while just having claimed that...
Do you want to find love in the British Isles?
What makes Eastern Europe "not Western," exactly...
1. Your boycunt
/ita/ - il filo
Tfw you're a white person who supports China
Alexei Ivanov, 92, was just 17 when his division of the Red Army rolled into Berlin
Who of you did this?
I want to be like him
Vgh... the hapa ethnostate of CVNADA
/tx/ - Texas General
I´m bored. You can make me a question about my dearlyTacoland. (Uncomfortable...
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + frens
/lang/ - Language Learning General
How did america fuck up coronavirus so badly despite having the most medical expertise and medical research in the...
What a mess
Why are they good at football
Well, Zig Forums?
How much money is enough for a lifetime in your cunt?
I suffer in scandinavia
You... don't like Australia?
Behind every Japanese flag on Zig Forums
Favorite country
The most cowardly and useless army in ww2 and ww1
/desi/ -
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
No other language has a word for "saudade"
When was the last time you held hands with a girl?
Post your living room
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Post hot Scandinavians
ITT: Dishes from your cunt
Why do gaijin do this? Is so bad. Please stop trying to do Japanese food
Why do so many mixed race look full chinese? i dont understand
Anything like this happen in your country?
Why don't white people use this?
Is your country taking in any chinese refugees?
Vocaroo thread
In your country what are the legal definition and punishment for anti-semitism
How dangerous is China REALLY?
Irish pipo be like
Sverigetråden - Vänner för alltid
Would he pass off as local in your cunt?
Why do they still think they're relevant?
If you do drugs you don't deserve rights
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Do Brazilians & Portugueses ever get along?
How do you say 1234 in your language?
Mfw realized Holocaust was real
Why are women so fucking stupid bros?
How free are woman there?
Offener Kanal /deutsch/
Redpill me on Brazil
Never had a young love
/ourguy/ jorobe at it again
The king of Bhutan
You wake up and this is now one country what do?
Americans, explain this shit
Do people in your country possess SVPERIOR taste in anime waifus?
東亜/ - /eag/ - East Asia General
I suffer in Atlixco,State of Puebla, Mexico
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Northern Europe is a utopian bubble
Argentinians Moving to Brazil due to crisis
Do we really?
I want to fuck my sister, does this happen in your cunt?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/fr/ le francofil
Americans are boiling their water using the microwave. Truly subhuman
Dear Kiwis
Is Latin America considered Western in your country?
/jabonien/ ehemals /deutsch/
1) Your race
The average finnish female has DD cups
According to the 2011 census. It is also the only county in Northern Ireland who's ethnically black population is zero
If you're from inside the circle, it means you're from a soulless, uncultured, boring country/region
Sverigetråden - din mammas upplaga
Are japanese the least intelligent asians?
Tfw no marshmallow weeb gamer gf
SOVL of the SouthWest
Do you eat blood in your cunt?
Greece & Italy
/ita/ - il filo
Why is Russia so fucking flat
What are some exclusive celebrations in your country? here día de los muertos
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
/deutsch/ delenda est
Imagine working
A picture of my mother when she was 20
International anime
What's your biggest fear? to me it's getting the eyes poked out
Why aren't you in support of a federal Europe?
Uh, Zig Forums?
This is literally white genocide
Thoughts on Azerbaijan?
/fr/ - le fil français
Does your language have a different "we" for whether the listener is included or excluded?
Are the poster on Zig Forums from Brazil, India, Guatemala etc richfags in their countries?
Do Americans?
Why are germanic names so commom?
/brit /
Suicide by hypothermia
Does israel deserve to exist??
Built for ____
Sverigetråden - Kattupplagan
/svt/ hjälparens upplaga
Do men in your country prefer big butts?
Our prime minister poses without a bra
Wait, was Varg right all along?
Do most people in your country wear masks in public?
/dixie/ - Souther... 404
Post your heritage Zig Forums, whether MVTT or PVRE
/brit /
/ita/ - il filo
Kurva anyátok
You wake up at your current location in the year 500. What do?
/deutsch/ - Abendausgabe
This country is literally the successor to Rome
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Why do you hate us?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
The human zoos of Belgium... They took this from us
Amerikkkans are so dumb that they made mask wearing a political issue
Post mega engineering projects from your country
Why are you guys obsessed with wanting a Japanese gf?
The definitive map of general Zig Forums posters
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2429.2429
Do Americans really eat crab legs and such...
Are jews white?
Post music you're listening right now. Don't be shy
Who do you support in the Armenian-Azerbeijan conflict?
Trad warrior thread
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Do you love France?
Your country
What's the poorest or most violent part your country?
'ate rioters
Does Italy/Spain/Portugal still have any Muslims from over a thousand years ago (non-refugee/immigrant)?
Sverigetråden Brunoupplagan
Does your country have a positive or negative view of the US?
Daily reminder she could mog the average girl in your country easily
Good languages
/ita/ il filo
This belongs to Germany
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Would you date a French boyfriend?
Be right next to two historical and influential juggernauts Italy & France
Prime Minister Sanna Marin
Post some new buildings from your towns, I want to see if this current architecture really looks the same everywhere
Moving the goalpost
Italians be like
Kurva anyátok
Seriously question, why does this trigger so much women and soy men outside Asia?
1. You're cunt
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do Americans really?
東亜/ - /eag/ - East Asia General
Funny and interesting Japanese words that I encountered
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2429
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Why are they like this?
Your country
What are politicians like in your country, Zig Forums?
Ask a sri lankan anything part 2
Zig Forums's weapon of mass destruction
Sverigetråden - Sverige åt svenskarna
Oh you gotta be shitting me
Is gay marriage legal in your country?
Would you this Peruvian girl?
Mfw Americans complain about their country being a "laughing stock"
Have you choosen a side yet?
Redpilled Russians
Why do americans carry guns everywhere? Is it paranoia? No one is going to try to kill you, you are not that important
As a straight white man, I don't feel welcome in Germany anymore...
/desi/ - fuck the neighbours edition
1. u'are cuntry
How are Asians viewed in your country?
What era of history is your country most famous for?
SOVL or soulless?
Do people in your cunt eat pussy?
I was born on this day
Femboy thread
I'm so ashamed of Sweden
/ita/ - il filo
French girls were engineered for _______
There are more muslims in SEA than anywhere else in the world...
Random people decided that doing x is illegal. Therefore doing x is wrong
They literally made the entire world speak their west germanic dialect. How did they do it bros?
Polish people are the _______ of Europe
Hilo latino
Why would she pick him over a handsome MENA guy?
Will your national animal get btfo by mine?
Indian manlet sits next to me in class
/white/ general
Get a (You) from a brit
Have health issues with heart, hearing, knee, back and teeth
Sverigetråden - sockerjudeupplagan
Scotland: A bunch or Irish people that mass murdered the original scots and raped the remainers creating the modern...
Why they pretend to be different country
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Do people in your cunt like catboys?
Do Americans?
Do Americans really do this?
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & Friends
How many frenchman does it take to defend Paris?
1. Ur cunt
What is or what was the indigenous population of your country?
Tu vs. Vos
Do British people really?
What are the compulsory subjects in high school education in your cunt
How can they ever recover?
1. your cunt
Are they slavs?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
/ישר/ /isr/
Im drunk bros
Would you kiss her???
I can't stand this smug cunt country
Why are teens getting sexually mature so early?
Kurva anyátok
I kissed another Mexican today in front of a crowd of people
Is there a more chad nation?
Miss the days when they are really rich
I want to learn Code but it's just too boring. Is there a less mind-numbing way than just regurgitating syntax?
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
This is the face of the man who is ruining Mexico
Do people in your country possess SVPERIOR taste in anime waifus?
Why do they ban alcohol in public?
Imagine being a meme European country with a national identity based on language and religion rather than principles...
Are you happy with the direction your country is going?
/ita/ - filo
How important are looks in your country?
/desi/ YES edition
Brother dropped out of engineering school to volunteer at Syrian refugee camps
Do you remember when everything was fine?
Do you like your country's leader in Civ 6?
1: cunt
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Weed makes me gayer. Alcohol makes me straighter. Anyone else?
Post itt a pic of someone that is LITERALLY you
Did you know foreign cuisine restaurant run by another foreigners in your country?
/lat/ hilo latino
Why the fuck is Europe so geographically boring?
You now live in your respective country in 1914. How fucked are you?
This is last katana my families possess
Do you like Canadian snacks?
Are there any names that are common across East Asia...
The FBI's 10 most wanted. Thoughts?
Do you have hunter eyes or prey eyes
Be me
Why yes...
What countries do you watch porn from?
Clean Energy
>you are cunt
So when war eventually breaks out between the west and china whose side will you be on?
What’s most nigger tire people in your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
This is a painting of a european done by an indian artist in the 17th-century
/fr/ - le francofil
One thousand years from now every country is going to larp as americans the same way they larp as romans now
Have you ever been to another country and been surprised at the house size difference?
I'm moving to Canada via gradschool bros
Sverigetråden - Islamupplagan
American men preference in women by their race from the less attractive to the most
Imagine being able to earn 500 euro a month
I suffer in uganda
Evropa... This is what we’re fighting for
Generals have completely consumed Zig Forums
OMG I'm so tired of blacks and mexicans. I can't take it anymore, I'm moving to BASED Russia Or Poland...
1: country
How often do you get a haircut?
There is no difference between girl taking one dick or taking 100...
Look at most of america and the eu
You are now Supreme Leader of Guatemala
What was the happiest day of your life?
Have you ever been part of a cult? USA, yes I joined when I was 17 and left when I was 21...
How are gamers treated in your country?
Redpill me on Syrians and Assyrians...
What's it like to have a Bundeswehr gf?
What do communists in your country look like?
American mythology
China bros
Ho do I move to the south of USA? I really love the south. I wanna live there! I'll do whatever...
Wtf America
Why do some people in some countries have problems with recognizing the Nordic race and people as a legitimate ethnic...
Have you ever been inside the mosque is so comfy
Vgh... vvhat once vvas
/lang/ - Learning Language General
/fr/ - Le fil des chattes
/ita/ - il filo
Chose wisely
Post a completely average woman from your cunt
City slicker!
Can your country claim heritage in the Roman Empire?
What even do they do?
Post your girls lads
Why do swedish men marry old ex pornstars?
America will be majority Hispanic by 2100
Be canadian
Why is our alphabet so ugly?
Sverigetråden - Rapupplagan
There are """""""people""""""" who have this stomach browsing Zig Forums right now
Sunni and Shia
Ywn have a cute North Korean tour guide gf
ITT: Tell us of your experience with tourists
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What do you call this in your native language?
You’re country
/v4/ + friends
There is another African country besides USA and it's called Colombia
Mexicans we must not let them divide us, we must not let them do evil unto us, we must not let their evil tactics win...
Do men in your country like anime girls?
Letucaja mys
Post men from your country
/fr/ - le francofil
/deutsch/ Alkoholiker-Edition
Faces of Zig Forums
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
I hope Biden wins because I want cheap college. Are there single issue voters in your country?
This is basically a graph of vikings and romans
Thank you Japan for being America's best friend!
There are hairlets browsing this board right now
/ita/ il filo
Instead of buying a house in the UK i'm going to use my savings to go to the third world and be a neet on beach
/desi/-INFIDEL edition
This image is illegal in Germany
Can we all agree on something?
I use though at the end of my sentences
For me, it's 1300s
Archduke Franz Ferdinand's proposal for the United States of Greater Austria, based or cringe?
For me, it's swedish girls
Hold on a minute madam, what makes you think you can choose to not have your son circumcised?
Do 33 year old virgins exist in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What went wrong with south america?
Why do Latin Americans have such big egos? Is it the machismo?
I want to watch your country's kino
/ita/ il filo
/norgetråden/ +/sverigetråden/
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Would you let your country be conquered by spain?
Why are Norwegians so smart and rich and strong ???
Post churches from your country
My mom wants to go on a trip to south america to see machu picchu among other things and i've told her not to go...
Has your country ever been occupied by another country?Yes
Watch American kids' cartoon movie
Does your country have its own butthurt sphere?
Is your cunt smart?
I wonder, which one's happier?
One day your mom will die
Can we put together an official list of ethnicities that are honorary negro?
Stop calling us central european, we are nordic, thank you
Why is it sadder when an American dies than any other nationality?
How did Ethiopia/Israel sculpt a sexual machine like this
One of the lowest worldwide rates of pedophilia
/2hu/ ehemals /1FÜR2/ ehemals /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Sillupplagan
Sverigetråden - Skojiga torsdagsupplagan
Kurva anyátok
Do they really? How hard is it to pour a liquid on your oats and leave in the fridge overnight?
A french meme
Europeans calling me a mutt when I live in Maine
My nose is stuffed and i must SNIFF
1. ur cunt
Based countries ITT
Why is there no asians with this phenotype in the west
Why do white people have non sense of family...
/fr/ - Le francofil des frankop1s
What do you think this would have looked like if it remained French?
What do Egyptians think of Sudanese and vice versa?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Americans, how is soccer seen in your cunt?
I like to remind you that Germans are responsible for all bad things in 20th century
You wake up in Niger
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine