You... don't like Australia?

You... don't like Australia?

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If I wasn’t American I’d be Australian, next best thing

Shut up, bruce. Promise me if I go to Australia you'll give me an abo gf and a roo as a pet and I will give my life for that bong criminal island.

>abo gf

Yes, you have to integrate into the society... Isn't that what Aussies do?! Fuck abos, beat the fuck out of roos, run away from emus and die from giant spiders?

it really do be like that

Attached: apu coffee aus.png (568x548, 94.57K)

No, I love Australia. Pls give house and gf in Brisbane

Nope, never have never will

Your coffee is upside down, you DUMB FROG!

Recommend me good Australian books.