If you're from inside the circle, it means you're from a soulless, uncultured, boring country/region

if you're from inside the circle, it means you're from a soulless, uncultured, boring country/region.

Attached: export (1).png (864x737, 540K)

If im on the grey line?

>slavoid leaving his cultureless brainless automaton brethren out of the circle

balkan home

Attached: Traditional Bulgarian House.jpg (960x646, 242.71K)

german home

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-10-09 at 5.07.15 PM.png (390x255, 204.94K)

Bulgaria unironically has soul because of hunnic ancestry

balkan clothing

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-10-09 at 5.08.06 PM.png (355x538, 487.14K)

german traditional clothing ... you hate to see it.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-10-09 at 5.09.04 PM.png (354x533, 335.66K)

>balkannigger talking about soul

Attached: cz7h5942ikez.jpg (1125x860, 177.09K)

all I see is a sovl.