Americans are boiling their water using the microwave. Truly subhuman

>Americans are boiling their water using the microwave. Truly subhuman.

Does this happen in ur cunt?

Attached: 1602278755807.jpg (258x245, 22.88K)

I've never seen anyone do that. We put our iPhones in the microwave to charge them though.

>be me, just a few minutes ago
>need warm water for baking bread
>water out of the tap is too cold
>pour it into a bowl and microwave it until it is warm

literally what is wrong with this

No we use a kettle

Attached: 1602010748758.png (679x900, 612.18K)

somebody post that "microwave time" jpeg

Nice b8

>baking bread
dont forget to put 500g of sugar lmao fucking fatass

We don't retard, people just use the microwave to warm up stuff.

I have a kettle in my apartment if you ever want to visit for a cup of tea

At least we have bread and sugar, unlike Russians.