Would you kiss her???

Would you kiss her???

Attached: 245.jpg (1000x1000, 280.19K)

she must be a minor

what's the catch here?

Only if she has a penis.

Yes i would kiss him.

i would give her a black kiss

Is her your gf or not?

I am sure this is either a trannoid or a minor, so no. And I don't like blondes anyway

only if she is a actually a girl(boy).


fuck it, i dont even care
I will kiss her

kiss with my cock if you know what i mean

This is a man

Just makes it better

I would slap her so hard that she would start crying instantly by the pain her brain generated.

I see a jew cap.

who this qt?



This is one of thsoe pics where you tell us she is an actual he, right?

Meh, yes, at night all cats are black.

No cap bruh these hoes be attending the synagogue and shit

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she has wrinkles deeper than me and im nearly a 40 y.o. man

Would you kiss her int?

Attached: 1602176076144m.jpg (922x1024, 115.97K)


Whats the catch?

Thats how you know she's a woman

She's Jewish and will Jew you

Uploading coompic

Attached: Screenshot_20201009-030136~2.jpg (1080x1093, 117.92K)

No. I avoid women at all cost.

what is wrong with your eyes