Are the poster on Zig Forums from Brazil, India, Guatemala etc richfags in their countries?
Or are there favelados and slum indians posting here?
Are the poster on Zig Forums from Brazil, India, Guatemala etc richfags in their countries?
Oliver Green
Benjamin Jackson
How does she not have massive traps and lats from lugging those milk tanks around 24/7?
Alexander Roberts
Henry Watson
Off course there are poor people using internt boards. 55chan was full of poorguys. I still am just low middle-class, though.
Colton Hill
Joseph Reyes
I hold them for her.
Isaiah Edwards
Is there a lot of animosity between social classes in Brazil? Do poorfags hate the middle class?
Dominic Stewart
I only come to Zig Forums to save images like this and then never look at them again.
Parker Morris
Most of them seem to be upper to middle class from what i seen in the last thread
Go back to pol
Asher Clark