Are the poster on Zig Forums from Brazil, India, Guatemala etc richfags in their countries?
Or are there favelados and slum indians posting here?
Are the poster on Zig Forums from Brazil, India, Guatemala etc richfags in their countries?
How does she not have massive traps and lats from lugging those milk tanks around 24/7?
Off course there are poor people using internt boards. 55chan was full of poorguys. I still am just low middle-class, though.
I hold them for her.
Is there a lot of animosity between social classes in Brazil? Do poorfags hate the middle class?
I only come to Zig Forums to save images like this and then never look at them again.
Most of them seem to be upper to middle class from what i seen in the last thread
Go back to pol
All kinds
I do the same. Why does it feel so good? Is it that you feel some sort of power or something? Hmm
My parents are, I'm not
I love big boobies
>Zig Forums is supposed to be serious
OP's topic is interesting anyhow
>there are only the rich and the poor
there is such a thing as the middle class, you know
I'm high middle class towards rich
Moving to Europe (again, now to a different country) after I receive my visa
I live in a favela and right now I'm listening to gunshots
I can't speak for everyone but I will dare say that I belive not, or not all at least. I think most of us are from the most priviledge parts of our societies but certainly not the richest.
First of all, we can communicate in English, this is uncommon for the rest of our compatriots, second, we have time to waste in browsing an image board, and third, almost all of us have college education or had the financial means to do so (Even with free college, one year studing is one year you are not working, in households with constrained income those years of studing are crucial).
So, I say that at least in Mexico's part, posters mainly belong to the 10% or 20% richer part of the general population, that doesn't make us exactly rich (my year income is less than 10k USD) but certainly put us above our peers.
Same here.
I guess it's sort of a hobby like collecting post stamps.
I use to be rich, I'm on the verge of poverty now
To be honest, it works.
>I will never be a illegal worker and watch gringas and their big juicy tits while I work in the garden
Incels will never be welcome in Zig Forums, so fuck off
Here on 4chink most of us are at least middle class, english might be an easy language but it's a lot more than what the average favelado can hope to achieve and that alone filters most of the trash.
55monkeys use that hellhole because they're too retarded to learn english.
>and that alone filters most of the trash
you say it as if BR posters weren't absolutely abhorrent, or at least a good chunk of them are. You guys have a terrible reputation on this board
You have no idea how bad the brazilian IBs are. At least here they're not posting trannies and hookers all the time.
to be fair, hispachan is maybe 10x worse than posters here. you're not alone br bro
I'm poor.