When will us asexual have more respect by society? Even fags are more respected than us
When will us asexual have more respect by society? Even fags are more respected than us
asexuals don't exist
have sex
have sex
have sex
Everyone is more respected than you, asexual people just sound like assholes. Who doesn’t like fucking? Gross
have sex
I don't want to
Yes they do, but I'd say the majority who say they are asexual actually aren't
respected based on what? whom you want to fuck? why would anyone care or give you more respect based on that alone
what a retard
>I gave up bro, respect me
This, same with trannies
Check this thread, if I made one crying about past rejections or whatever they would would be making texts of support
At least Aces don't have AIDS.
And? There's a reason people help each other get over past rejections. What the fuck is there to "support" in your case?
Not ridicularizing me and making jokes
Of course people are going to ridicule you. There is no reason for you to come out and say you don't want to have sex. Sexually active people complain and ask for relationship advice because it makes sense, but there is no point in discussing asexuality.
you are not asexual, you're a porn addict
asexuals aren't lacking in anything, absolutely no one gives a fuck if you're one and no one will ever ask, it looks to me you're trying to have something to be outraged about
If I say it to someone IRL I'll suffer backlash
the only backlash you'll get is them being annoyed at you for being a retard
Strange way to say incel, incel. Have sex.
have sex
asexual is the original incel cope
You guys don't know how suffocating it is to live in a hypersexualized society while being an asexual, fortunately I'm moving to Europe soon
You just feel so outcast
with other "oppressed" "groups" you need to find increasingly creative insults to repel them, but you only need two words for an asexualite: HAVE SEX
just kidding, really I don't give a shit what you do, good luck with your thing.
are asexuals really oppressed though: "haha look at this guy not having sex"
I have questions about asexuality. have you ever jerked off, why don't you want sex, how old are you, for how long have you been asexual, do you intend to die a virgin?
the whole concept is, quite frankly, weird as fuck and I'd like to know more
imagine all that but not being an asexual and wanting to have sex but you can't because reasons
not that i know haha
Yeah, I was a male with low libido until some weeks ago, fapped once or less a day, I'm 26, I've been asexual for like 3 weeks now, not a virgin
>the whole concept is, quite frankly, weird as fuck and I'd like to know more
It's weird for me too, for example, I feel nothing a looking at this pic, it's the same as staring at a blank wall, before I would feel attracted and stare a bit, but now I just pass my eyes like nothing, I have no impetus to fap even after days
This happened suddenly
Is Peru even sexualized?
>Yeah, I was a male with low libido until some weeks ago, fapped once or less a day, I'm 26, I've been asexual for like 3 weeks now
maybe you're gay. no offense intended, but if my dick didn't respond any more, I wouldn't just go "oh well I guess I'm asexual now," I would fix my dick
I don't think there's a country more sexualized than Brazil desu
I don't want to sound like a douchebag here it may be a hormonal problem man, have you considered visiting a physician?
>doesn't feel like fapping for 3 weeks
>immediately assumes that this means he is asexual
when you jump do you think that you are flying?
asexuals are incels that have trascended in their cope
I thought I was going gay too, honestly even now I'm kinda conflicted about this, eventually if I see like a bulge my dick moves a bit lmao but it's not attraction like before I had with women
Yep, got my test tested, 445 ng/dl
doc claimed this is a normal level and it was psychological and prescribed some pseudoscience turibulus
welp, i'm literally asexual right now, i don't feel any attraction to neither sex
I’m starting to question whether asexuality is truly a sexual orientation or mental disorder. Same with homosexuality.
try some soft core gay stuff, or bailey jay, see what happens
well it seems you guys can use this argument for anything, trans are incels in cope etc