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International #1322
Why are incels so obsessed with this former country?
What if all immigrants leave Europe?
Is it true Europeans dont have toasters, dryers, air conditioners, and freezers?
Why is white DNA so highly desired, prized and coveted?
Kurva anyátok
Winter is here
I know you're reading this and I just wanna say hello
/med/ - Mediterranean general
/lat/ hilo latino
Science is a process of incremental improvement
Why were American Indians so evil and uncivilised?
I want to go to Asia work and possibly permanently live. I don’t know if I can take it here anymore...
/ita/ - Il filo
Why are white people like this ?
How would these countries be today if we did not colonize them?
Sverigetråden /svt/ Afghanska Mongoler-upplagan
I had to block this letter because someguy or a group is harassing me by replacing e with é
Why do turks in video games think that saying "fuck putin" somehow offends me?
Why do Americans build huge houses out of would then dress them up to look like brick dwellings?
This is a 9/10 in turkey
Your opinion about Germans dying out?
27 million population
Why are wh*te "people" like this?
Europeans say that some old favela shed is beautiful to cope with being an irrelevant continent
Is he jomon or yayoi????
Hearing foreigners try to speak English
Are we being raided?
Do you want an American midwestern gf who listens to pop punk?
Minimum wage jobs in your cunt
I am 25 years old
What's the longest word in your language?
Do Americans ever get tired of being... you know, like they are?
This is the future Queen of Spain, say something nice about her
How is usa still a thing?
All those D-Day movies where americans are the underdogs and are struggling for their life
1, Cunt
1. Your nation
Things that happen in your country
Are you offended?
Why do you oppose the EU?
What the fuck?
Why don't you take bath everyday?
The definitive tier list of Arab countries
Do you want to find Zig Forumsernatioal love?
The most glorious romantic painting
Is dating someone with your opposite political ideology normal in ur cunt to three
How do i go about dating an arab girl without getting honor killed by her entire extended family and friends and their...
Where would you live?
Go to turkey
Your pussy?
Why they are the only latin americans posters that insist Zig Forums cares about them?
What makes Poles so backwards and hateful?
Tfw my Fallout NV is so fucked by the mods I installed it doesn't even start up anymore
Sverigetråden /svt/ Det slutar inte där upplagan
If people are freaking out and being scared for their lives due to a 0,2% mortality rate flu...
/fr/ - le francofil
Ahem. Attention everybody
Why are South East Asians always so violently butthurt on the internet...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I feel racially inferior to whites
Why do leafs and cuckstralians pretend they don’t have mutilated penises like eurangutans?
37 days sober!
Castles thread!
/ita/ - il filo
At what age normies lose their virginity in your country?
/deutsch/ clara-ausgabe
Why do Japanese posters insist that we consider their women beautiful?
How do we solve the k*rd problem?
Your height
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
China demanded a French museum to remove the words 'Genghis Khan' from a Genghis Khan exhibition
Average italian zoomer
It do be like that
Sverigetråden - Jaktupplagan
Asians were unsuccessful because they're too left-brained and uncreative
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Are facts and logic popular in your cunt?
Suggest any movies to watch cause I'm bored
I'm 25 and I still sleep with my mom. Does this happen in your cunt?
What has your personal experience been with jews?
Tfw from the dark part of the map
The man who defeated Sweden
/viet/-Việt General
Christians BTFO epic style
This is the world's cultural spheres according to Wikipedia. Agree?
How badly do people hate life in your cunt?
The races are DESTINED to intertwine and mix together. You cannot fight nature
Europeans are so stupid they don’t even know what central AC is
1. your cunt
/ישר/ - /isr/
/fr/ - le francofil
France is 20% black
Eagrán Arbh fhearr leat Éire Caitliceach donn nó aindiachaí Éireannach?
I suffer in the third world where the cost of living is cheap
Come on, Japan!
Be me,a portuguese guy in Stavanger
A or B, Zig Forums?
Why does my country love America so much?
Is Among us popular in your country?
Is rent rape common in your cunt?
International windows
1. Your country
It wouldn’t be so bad if her lower body were thick too
Let's make international friends
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Oops, I accidentally sent you $10000 instead of $1000
I actively crossdress. Most of my wardrobe is made of gothic lolita dresses...
Non-Latinos, have you ever been with a Latin American descent GF?
Language memes
Is weed legal where you live?
/ita/ - il filo
What does Zig Forums smoke?
Kurva anyátok
Japanese Learning Thread
/nederdraad/ /nedderdroad/
100% pure Chilean
Why do rich (often white) people love going to the absolute poorest slums of 3rd world countries and taking selfies...
Italian nigga be like "Yeah that's literally me."
/desi/-The Dark Knight edition
Do you photo wild life in your cunt?
India looks like THIS???
>i suffer in russia
Magic championship in Brazil, 2006
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why can't I ever convince him to apologise for the evils his country has committed?
Has she been seen in your country???
I just got it why Americans don't get the metrics system. They just don't have the same amount of fingers as Europeans...
Why are there so many of these awful video essay things on youtube...
/eag/ - East Asian Thread
Why did the Japanese never colonize the Americas?
I suffer in russia
What is this called in your native language?
Why does she not die????
Does your country have any companies in the Global 500?
Just dumping some images I've saved of Mexico, the most beautiful country in North America
Sverigetråden - Caddeupplagan
Women will turn 24 and wonder why life isn't given to them anymore
Your country
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends & Soren Kierkegaard
Mexico, 1891
So what is the consensus on latino boys?
Left triggers Zig Forums
Which side will anons support in the upcoming american civil war?
American power hours
The REAL reason why Japan hates China and Korea
Post international trump vs biden wikipedia election memes
/fr/ - pas de francofil, pas de tiret
What do you think of kpop?
Is it common for 22yos to live with their parents?
This country hasn't made a single positive contribution to humanity at any point in history...
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch
1) Your country's population
Do americans really eat this?
Peak slavic culture
Why do you come to Zig Forums out of all the 4channel boards
How did the Chinese come up with their writing system?
Let's talk about Africa
What country is this phenotype?
I'm reading about this guy. Wow...
30 yo programmer with no university degree
Post in this thread and I will say something nice about your country
Wtf I ____ asians now?!?!?
Guns in the USA
This is how the average argentinian looks in 2020
Do you hate your own country? If yes, why so?
Question for the american hours, how is the abortion situation in america right now? And what do you think about it?
Nooooooo, your cuntree shouldn't have walled neighborhoods for white people, it should all be favela!
Has Zig Forums ever met a british slag?
I'm a 27 year old Iranian, of Persian ethnicity, make good money, have thick hair, reasonable weight, but I'm a virgo...
How China Views Their Own Territories
America is the greatest country in the world
/norgetråden/ + /sverigetråden/ + /danmarktråden/ + /skandi/ + /mämmi/ + /Murmansk/
ITT: Zig Forums posters you recognize
Your country
Sverigetråden - Ostbågsoppa-upplagan
Why and Spanish girls so leftwing, feminist and crazy?
Nord vs med threads
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/fr/ le francofil
Uzbek user
Do you support this?
Why are Westerners so skillful with successful prosperous nation-building?
/ita/ - il filo
Be Finn
Does anyone else get a creep vibe from the Veritasium guy? He's always showing off how cultured he is...
Which one do you pick?
BBC News
One of the most popular dances in Brazil is called forró...
I'm thinking of opening a bar. Suggest any names?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico, and sweden
30° is hot
Do people in your cuntry love vtubers?
Have you ever had wet dream?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/NEDERDRAAD/ (zonder simps)
Are there any other cuisines like this?
Tfw 5'7"/174cm
Whilst I was browsing for hot girls from Hitler's female organisation to make a low quality shitpost after 20 min of...
/deutsch/ bald /nachtschicht/
Damn spanish girls look like this!?
I made Poland bigger
Are you a manlet in your country?
/brit/ - Scotland is not Celtic edition
Why do people with such a long history fall for this shit?
Which country has a low cost but a high standard of living?
I wish I could meet people on Zig Forums in person, have a few beers, and talk about life
Are you happy with your height?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
ITT: Zig Forums in 1938
You cannot debate this
Soyjak, I have rejected civilization and returned to monky
Thank you based Suomi
Sverigetråden - OG-upplagan
Why are they so obsessed?
My favorite coffee
What happens here?
Swedes are God's chosen people, we must protect them from Satan
Was your childhood nice? :)
Live in the 21st century
ITT: We summon rare flags
/fr/ - Le francofil des frankop1s
Ugh, the mettigel of gross germania
/desi/ - corona positive edition
Zig Forums comics
/lat/ hilo latino
France is NORDIC
Zig Forums - Video Games
Most dangerous places in your cunt?
Do you love Norway?
Tfw no qt Colombian gf, why even live?
/ita/ - il filo
You're cum
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
/fr/ francofil
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Here’s your trad asian gf bro
Why are they like this, Zig Forums?
Who does your country belong to Zig Forums?
Greater Tokyo has a population of 38,140,000 people, how does this make you feel?
1. Ur cunt
Based or cringe?
Brits why is Margret Thatcher hated so much?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Every ancient Greek married a teen girl while being in his 30s
Itt we pretend its 2015
Burns down the White House
Holy macaroni!
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Glassupplagan
I suffer in Russia
I had gay sex
/fr/ - le francofil des frankop1s
What's your favorite Région of France?
/desi/ - underboob edition
ITT: We appreciate the beauty of english people, one pic at a time
Why are germans like this? Pic is a memorial of a fallen soldier in WW2
I'm afraid this country might go to war soon
Has a population twice the size of that of Mexico
Are CHUDS a thing in your cunt?
I am for open borders
/deutsch/ Überraschung Mutterficker
Croatia is so fucking irrelevant, i hate being a south 'slav'...
What does your monthly expenditure look like in your country?
1. Ur cunt
I can confirm that every orthodox priest looks unironically like this
Post things about regional culture in you country
Your favourite Greek?
Nordicbros, what happened?
Hololive China
I'm 5'11 and weigh 100lbs. does this happen in your cunt?
Does every fucking Euro speak 3 languages fluently or something...
This is what happens if you don't love Japan
The only two countries in Latin America that produce hot men
Why are Japanese women fatter than Korean?
How do Americans tolerate this?
Which one would you take ?
/fr/ - Le fil pas si francophone
Sverigetråden - 88upplagan
1. Your country
You cannot debate this
Post a picture that sums up your current mood
Zig Forums - Il filo
Why does it feel like the UK media and political class hate the native white people?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Why are Muslims in particular so offended when you expose them on the basis of their racial reality (being...
Do Americans really?
In Europe, the government pays you €2000 a month for not having a job
Best tur- i meant gree- no no no tur- food
Imagine having conscription
Does your cunt have arthoes?
Migrants and Finland: match made in heaven
Hey, scandibros, lets go to the american indian reservations
/desi/ - Greater India edition
Spain is just a poorer and browner France
The Dragon King of Bhutan and Zig Forums
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
Explain this, Euros
Every ancient Greek married a teen girl while being in his 30s
This tastes terrible. Do Japs actually eat this shit? Why?
/cum/ - canada, us, and mexico
/fr/ - Le fil français
Vietnam is set to overtake our country in GDP per capita this year (growing 2%, flipland with -8% growth)
Sverigetråden donkenupplagan
Woke up
When do people eat dinner in your country?
Do you love Korea?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo
Do you wish to start a family?
It doesn’t matter where you are from, you are all great!
Did he save or destroy Europe?
Do you have any international lust Zig Forums?
Ahhh.... the housing units of RVSSIA
Why are americans like this?
I'm 30 and i failed my driving exam again. i'm too big of an aspie to drive and get nervous quickly...
This Stupid American whore made the entire city of Paris & Île de France SEETHING
Turco-Persian or Turco-Slavic hapa?
Post a battleship from your nation that still exists
Imagine a world with 1 billion Greeks
Quick! Name 1 French dish that is not pastry, bread, cheese or wine! Go!
What a dumb language
Rank Nordic countries in order (1 being the best country to live, 5 the worst) and explain why
Tfw most disgusting face on int
Borrow sister's phone for internet
Guess my ethnicity guys and ancestry
Do people in your cunt game on console or PC? Or do they not give a shit like normal people?
Are you white if you're 1/4 non white? Asking for a friend
How come there are so many successful black weebs but like no whites ones
And I made Greece bigger!
/brit/ - the most important 1500s piece of scottish literature edition
/fr/ le fil pour la gloire de la france
Blacks are ugl-
Sverigetråden - Lågupplösta upplagan
A non european flag replies to you
What's the most italian thing you can think of?
How many chinese men suffer like him?
Serious question...
Are ass-worms common in you country? (I dont know actuaol english name for them) Finland yes...
Post food from your country
Why dont we have standardized wall outlets?
/ita/ il filo
Why do desert suburbs seem so comfy?
Does your country love Japan or Korea more?
/ro/- editia ciudata
How do they survive their disgusting hot and humid summers?
There's a serial killer in Finland who they keep releasing from prison, and every time he kills more people...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2432
Why do thirdoids think they would get this if they came to Northern Europe...
Italian """""""""""""""male"""""""""""""""""
This is average face of Koreaboo in US
Your country in 2050
/deutsch/ - /frühschicht/
Kurva anyátok
/desi/-Amit SOYh edition ft Brijeet user
Do you have bromances in your country?
Do you respect women in your country?
European Dream
Do you even get mad at some slurs against your race/country? I dislike when someone says i'm not human
It is getting comfy eurobros
Stop buying Chinese technology
What is he listening to?
Why does Bongland have the lowest beauty standards in the white world?
1. Fleg
I find it hilarious that people are actually offended by nazis and thinking Adolf Hitler Is the devil...
Zig Forums gets a nice huggy <3
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/ܐܝܣܪ/ -/isr/
The flag that saved Zig Forums
This is a 10/10 in america
Latin Americans really haven't seen SNOW in real?
This is a new library in Edmonton
Morning Zig Forumscels, what do you plan to do today in your country?
Every day from age 5-18
Thread dedicated to the greatest BRAZILIAN city
History is fun and interesting. Post the most interesting parts of your country's history
Does your have trams?
Why isnot caffeine forbitten around the world?
When will us asexual have more respect by society? Even fags are more respected than us
In what exact year did America peak?
How does it feel to be an American?
Why is india's reputation so bad these days? only a few decades ago it was seen as a mystical place with gurus...
/dixie/ - SOVTHERN US & friends
1. Your country
Take his hand, int
Australian women
What makes Asian women so attractive?
What would the world be like now if native Americans still existed?
What causes Finns to have eyes like these?
Why do south americans have such shit english pronunciation?
Why is it so hard to move to the US?
Do you love Japan?
/lat/ hilo latino
I want to kill myself
Post the oldest building in your country
Why do Asian women try to lick your nipples to pleasure you? It's fucking weird
Post propaganda posters from your country
Post the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag
Unironically I believe Xi is one of the best leaders in the world
100 years ago, Argentina was the 5th wealthiest country per capita in the world
So a Nordic Pagan Viking, a Phoenician, an Egyptian Pharaoh and a Filipino Warrior walk into a bar
Why are Americans so obsessed with guns?
Korean textbook from Japanese colonization period. We taught Koreans to use Hangul/Joseongul script and read and write
Mexico in its golden days
The greatest embarrassment I feel is knowing that most people who visit America...
If you were in my position (US colony), would you want statehood or independence?
Hilo /mex/ + /guat/ + /bel/ + /cub/
Is China really gonna take over? I don't wanna learn mandarin, and Chinese history is boring and gay, Rome is cooler
Apparently Canadians were mass murdering war criminals during ww1 and ww2
Why are latinos so obsessed with The Simpsons?
How do we save Argentina?
Real communism has never been tri
/fr/ le fil éternel
What do you think of venezuela?
Why are Koreans crying about WW2 Japan...
This man is now the leader of your country. What happens?
All countries should have cute princesses
Do mixed people really?
American newspapers now publish their daily shooting slide shows
Do you think US born Mexican girls (aka CHIs) are cute?
Did we successfully cuck the EU?
What is his phenotype?
This is what happens when you call a transwoman "tranny" here
Does your country have REAL JOURNALISM???????
The top 3 most pathetic posters on this board:
Why do countries in the EU have to take refugees and immigrants from other part of the wolrd and everyone that opposes...
Could they become a part of the Norwegian kingdom?
Is your country knife-cucked?
Sverigetråden - JAS-upplagan
/ita/ - il filo
Oh look, a black brazilian kot. I going to pet him (or her)
Does your country have better public transit than Australia?
Holy shit...do we actually do this??
Brazilians in Florida are the most ironically nationalist retards you’ll ever meet
They say that dreams can come true
/lang/ Language Learning General
Zig Forums bros, do you go to the gym?
/ישר/ /isr/
/fr/ - le fil shinobi
Why are Poles becoming nationalistic brainlets?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/東亞/ - /eag/ - East Asia General
Why do Indian BVLLS keep taking our women?
Country Review: Estonia
Meanwhile in america
Racism btfo!!
Natives from this area are the chaddest people in existence...
Would someone like to talk with me?
Have you been forced to study any languages?
Tfw no Arab gf
Us banknotes
Why don't you have a gun, Zig Forums? How can you defend your lolis if you don't even have a gun...
Swedes and norwegians unironically learn spanish in school
This is what Czech children watch
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine