So the American dream proved fake and I see more and more Americans envy the European social-democratic lifestyle, where you have both very wide freedom of speech and commerce, and democracy, and a measure of government protection such as universal healthcare, with all its flaws such as higher taxes and virtues such as comfort.
The only countries I would consider moving to are Liechtenstein, Austria, and Germany. That said, I do think the European nations have many ideas we should implement here. The problem is we are the ones who need to pay for the EU/NATO defense, so we have less to spend on domestic issues.
Jaxson Hernandez
umm... im thinking... based
Isaiah Butler
The American dream is still alive and well, it's just that it can be found in Europe these days.
Michael Harris
Cameron Turner
We let "free market capitalism" get to the point where our major industries bribed the government to pass laws giving them monopolies and shielding them from taxes and then we wonder why everything is unaffordable and why wealth is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.
Joshua Gray
The Evropean dream is making your money in the north and retiring in Espana
Evropa is heaven on earth, at least compared to this shithole
James Mitchell
or being born rich in spain directly
Colton Robinson
Oliver White
Truth be told, economically, socially, politically, it exists nowhere anymore. It existed in America in the 50s and went to Europe in the 90s as you had a Wild West style expansion following the Soviets fall. It died in 2008. Europe is good for a particular kind of person, and does have ideas I agree America needs to implement, but the Dream is dead everywhere and our financial institutions killed it.
Noah Barnes
>The problem is we are the ones who need to pay for the EU/NATO defense
The cope of the century. Europes military combined is large enough on its own to deter all enemies and since the eu is not in the buisiness of making mortal enemies its not that important anyway.
Jeremiah Anderson
And you are right about the envy...but it’s self hating fags with grass is greener syndrome. I’ve kinda seen the same out of Europeans more than I expected with us. Many euros still come here. In certain aspects it’s true, others it’s ploys made by the democrats to get more power. I myself do like Europe and do envy fucking have all the fucking interesting historical sites, course I envy you fuckers for that.
Kevin Barnes
european dream doesn't exist and never will
David Perry
No offense but you’re all really dependent on us Military. It’s like our factories going to China. Can you change and make it lore independent, yea easily. But right now you are still massively dependent on the US and your union has been the way it has because of nato.
Mason Thomas
Liam Taylor
you guys have like an infinite amount of money, its just a matter of political will
Christopher Powell
HOL UP *gets arrested for posting anti-semetic posts* YOU MEAN TO TELL ME *pays 40% of his income to tax* THAT THEM MERICAN NIGGAS BE FUCKING UP??? *default fortnite dance*
Nicholas Rodriguez
No he is right. EU is a toothless tiger. We can't stop a dictator shooting his people next to our border, and we can't stop Turkey from drilling in EU waters
Kevin Fisher
Wasn't the dream alive in China until recently?
Jonathan Davis
shut the fuck up honestly
Julian Price
Freedom of speech, my ass.
Andrew Nelson
>No offense but you’re all really dependent on us Military.
You keep parroting that but where is the proof? The number of soldiers in european armies alone is massive combined. Plenty of tanks too. Weak on the navy side but that isnr very relevant for defense. If us troops leave tommorow things would be a bit more disorganized for a while but europe would not lay open to invasion. France even has nukes. We cooperate with you, ww arent dependant on us protection.
Bullshit. Simply nobody cares about belarus. Is the usa powerless because they havent invaded Venezuela yet? And the drilling thing is ongoing.
Alexander Gutierrez
Then you would gladly kick us out with your military. Last I checked though, Germany is underfunded and the only real good military in Europe is France and soon Poland. You’re kind of a joke in military terms. Which is fine, because lot more of you put money into the US military than you should’ve. You’re dependent, we keep your naval routes safe, we make sure resources flow to you (part of why the US invaded the Middle East, we have our own oil mostly). I do agree that you have gotten a lot more autonomy from being a vassal, but you are not our equals yet and we still hold a lot more of the cards. Not saying Europe cant get stronger tho but you probably will need us soon as you’ll need to divert money to take care of your aging populations.
Adrian Morales
Not to mention your union would Yugoslavia or Austria Hungary if the US wasn’t there simply due to cultural differences and I highly doubt you all want to speak English.
Blake Ramirez
You dont keep shit save. What threats are there to naval routes? Fucking somali pirates? We dont need you to destabilize our neighborhood for oil either. None of the civil war shitholes are the main providers of oil. The usa has reduced zhe global oil supply with their foreign policy in favour of countries like saudi arabia you didnt increase it. You are the ones getting fucked over by your military industrial complex not us. Stop coping by pretending you are doing something worthwhile with your military. If you want to protect europe from imaginary threats fine but dont expect thanks.
Logan Morris
What is the African dream ?
Gavin Richardson
Reaching europe
Nolan Gomez
to land on some shithole island in italy
Josiah Reed
Retarded cope, only losers want to live in Europe. In the US your success directly correlates with the amount of effort you put in. In Europe the success is capped so you never reach your full potential like you would in America. That's why the most successful Euros end up moving to the US all the time